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Justice League The Justice League Fan-Fic Thread

I wouldn't attempt to reboot Batman, but if it were done in a few years; I would steer clear of Ghul.
You have an unnecessary amount of setup films and sequels. Warner isn't going to pump out a lot of films like Marvel where you have films for Thor, Antman, Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Spider Man, Blade, Daredevil, Punisher, X-men, FF, etc. Justice League needs to be more self contained as a film that works on its own.
my idea for batman isn't a full on Begins reboot. more like when Pierce Brosnan took over as bond they just started over there wasn't a word about what happened in last movie. bond was bond, as would batman be batman.
i have a few (3) set up movies but for the most part everything is stand alone. i feel a lead in for the JL movies is a good way to get people into them.
The problem with swapping out Batman actors (or Iron Man for the matter) in the same way Bond actors have historically is the shared universe thing. Bond is an isolated series of movies with a common theme. These superhero movies are part of an interconnecting web of stories that occasionally collide with parallel running stories with other characters. To continuously swap out these superhero characters would hit a curb when it comes to team-up movies because all of the other actors from the other franchises would remain constant while one of them is constantly getting a new face. It just throws everything out of whack.

To get around this, I guess they could swap out ALL of the characters's actors at the same time, but that would also be problematic because the stories would lose some weight as far as audience attachment. One person is relatively easy to let go of, but a group of people that are constantly being replaced may be a tougher pill to swallow.
it wouldn't the same batman from the Nolan movies it would be a new batman with a new cast. also by 2015 enough time will have gone by that you could make a new Batman movie with a new cast.
That's not what I'm saying. I'm positive that WB will make a new Batman. In fact, I want it. But I'm saying that you can't keep replacing the actors that portray him every few years when they get too expensive. Repeated recycling of stories will bore the general audience fairly quickly. Even some of us fans too, I'm afraid.
ok i get that but there will be a new batman and a new cast to go with him.
Came up with something. Im sure WB have at least entertained the possibility.

Using TDK trilogy as a beginning, middle and end of the entire DCU. Let me explain..

By setting everything, all solo films, 2 Justice League movies, within the 8 year gap.

You have a MOS trilogy that happens over the course of 8 years. The final Superman is the "Death Of Superman" where he dies at the hands of Doomsday. This happens before the events of TDKR, as will everything else. That story takes place during the final 3 years of the 8 year gap, which is when Bruce is a recluse, hiding out in Wayne Manor. Bruce has no Rachel, Batman isn't relevant anymore, neither is that project he was working on, the League is disbanded, Superman has died. Rewind.

The first Green Lantern movie (unless it's rebooted) could be the first film that takes place after the events of TDK. Just like "the last confirmed sighting of the Batman" took place on the night of Dent's murder, what Amanda Waller says was simply the first alien contact but it's completely under the radar. Man Of Steel is the first confirmed & recorded event of an alien invasion. And obviously on a much grander scale. This of course doesn't have to happen if there is a reboot for GL...in that case Hal simply finds the ring in the desert shortly after the Superman movie.

Flash (Barry Allen) gets into an accident after working on a Kryptonian spaceship left behind. He develops certain powers such as super-speed.

Wonder Woman's origin is a matter of taking the story over the course of many decades, much like Batman Begins and Man Of Steel. The island of Themyscira is hidden and perhaps never discovered. Steve Trevor brings her to North America after the events of MOS.

The Wonder Woman movie (or the last part of it, when she's brought to the States) takes place a couple of years after the events of TDK. So does the Flash movie. And so do the JL movies.

The final Justice League would have to end before the remaining 3 years of the gap since Bruce goes into hiding. In the first 5 years while in Gotham, he develops a clean energy project, as Gotham doesn't need him courtesy of the Two-Face lie & the Dent Act. But he leaves Gotham for 2 huge assignments with the League. 1 film could be on the other side of the planet, and the 2nd could be on a completely different planet. The one on Earth has Batman as more of a mysterious "in the shadows" kind-of character. There's the invisible jet, etc. There's no Bat-Wing (especially at this period), no batmobile (blown up anyway in TDK), no need for a bat-pod. Just Batman and his detective/ninja skills. Completely under lock-down. No absolute "confirmed sightings" out in broad daylight for citizens to report. And if there was, it would be in a completely different continent hopefully, so the concept of Batman is a lot more foreign and less believable if one sees BATMAN in Italy or wherever.

The final Justice League (2 not 3 movies), ends with Wondy going back to her homeland after several years of living as Diana Prince in a mixed environment. Hal goes off on a mission on Oa. Flash and Superman could both be dead. Im only going by what I think MAY happen with Flash, in a JL movie, since they already killed him off in the last film script.

Batman's leg is not that bad after the fall with Dent, but that's when it was triggered. He's fine during the missions but he gets attacked severely on his lower half in one of the movies and that really ****s it up. When he gets back to Gotham, the energy project fails and he becomes more depressed than ever. A part of it is mental, refusing help, wanting to live with internal and external pain. He only entertains the idea of getting the knee-brace from Fox when he gets excited about life again to go out of his mansion to fight Bane + mess with Selina. Which is what I think was the case anyway. A mental + physical block.

There are zero sightings of the Batman in Gotham during the 8 years. That's left intact.

And if there is a "Green Lantern 2" with John Stewart. Set it in space for its entirety.

If 9 years was enough to tell the story of Batman's journey. Then 8-ish should be enough to tell a MOS trilogy.
Hi everyone!

Sorry if my English is bad, but I just want to share an idea on how DC can expand his cinematic universe.
To make something else than Marvel, I think the solution would be to just have one franchise. Each movies would introduce some heroes by thematics, to progressively lead to the Justice League. Here's a first draft to explain my idea:

+ At first, "Man of Steel" is establishing the superhero concept to the world with Superman (as a nod to what happened in the history of comics in some way, the granddaddy of all superheroes, etc). This is the first time people are confronted to a very powerful being and they are now in the knowledge of an alien life.

+ So, in the following movie, the plot should be based on the aftermaths. How humans are reacting to a god like ? I would like a "World Finest" movie, where we could see both Luthor and Batman blaming Superman, suspecting him to be a threat to mankind. But while Lex gets rich by a campaign of demonization and develops a plan to destroy the Big Blue, Wayne slowly gives his trust to finally form the legendary duo. This is all about trust (Luthor misleading the public about its intentions, trust between humans and Sup', between him and Batman, etc).

+ The next step should be the superhero of terrestrial origin. It will be interesting to see the earthlings discovering their own powerful beings, making a parallel to Superman's aliens powers and how this ones turns into heros.
In my point of view, this can be either a "Flash" movie or a "Wonder Woman" movie.
The first really deserves an adaptation and can bring some fun to the franchise. After his accident, he could be inspired by Superman to become a heros. A way to strongly connect the movie to the first chapter.
The second would be nice to establish the mythological part of the DC Universe, to show that our planet have very powerful people, hiding until now. In this case, we could maybe see Aquaman making an appearance, the two characters sharing this mythological aspect.

This way, we will have a trilogy covering basic aspects of the DC Universe. Superpowers, capes and masks have become quite familiar. It's a new world with new guardians doing their best to help people with their great capabilities.
At this point, I think it will be intersting to have things come full circle with a threat coming from space like a callback from the first film. Once again something from elsewhere is going to strongly modify everything. Green Lantern can finally show up (enough years should be gone at this time to reboot the character) with a warning, letting know there a bigger universe, leading to the creation of the Justice League. All the thematic of the trilogy (trust, inspiral, being a hero) are what help to get victory.

This is what I would like to see for Warner/DC. Tell me what you guys think about it. Maybe I'm totally wrong ahah. Anyway, thanks for reading.
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bringing this thread back-

would you set up a tv version of the justice league with Arrow and Flash?
After seeing all the casting threads for DC characters and ideas across SHH, I decided to make a thread where all that is put together. Here's an idea of what to post:

-Casting (I know there's already a casting thread. You don't have to post your choices.

-Costume designs

-Fan scripts, ideas, etc.

I'll start with what I want the movie order to be for the DCU.

-Man Of Steel (2013)
-World's Finest (2015)
-Justice League (2016-2017)
-The Flash (2016/Origin before Justice League)
-Wonder Woman (2017/Origin before Justice League)
-Green Lantern Corps (2018/Reboot)
-The Batman (2018-2019/Reboot)
-Aquaman (2020/Origin)

With World's Finest, this movie serves as introducing the rebooted Batman into the DCCU, as well Lex Luthor and a Batman villain. At this point, Batman is six years into his career. He'll be into eight years when the Justice League forms.

With Justice League, I'd like Brainiac to be the villain, instead of Darkseid. Darkseid can be in the sequels. The other heroes would have already been three to four years into their careers.

In Wonder Woman, it would show the history of the Amazons and of course, Diana. Steve Trevor would crash land into the Amazons fortress (or whatever it will be.) Steve is shown the true strength of the Amazons. He ask for Diana to come to America with him to help protect his city from evil (rough draft thought).

The Flash would show the origin of Barry Allen. His mother's murder, his lab accident, meeting Iris, etc. The villain would be Mirror Master with a big costume design haha.

Green Lantern would try to do Hal Jordan's origin again and done well. The villain would be Atrocitus, leading up to the Red Lanterns.

The Batman would show Bruce Wayne four-five years into his career. This will be the origin of Dick Grayson/Robin. Just want to see a bad ass Robin on screen!! The villain would be Black Mask with Killer Croc and Deadshot as henchmen.

Don't know what I would do with Aquaman, but it would lead up to JL 2, which would include Aquaman, MM, and Green Arrow joining.


Day-um spidergeek, you fine.

Please spare me the alien and alien invasion stories tho. I´m really getting sick of them.

This is a movie that needs to focus on the league members and their dynamic as well as the worlds reaction to the team.
I hope they choose to go with an Amazo-Savage thing or perhaps Ares/Hades/Apollo/First born thing.
If you have been following Diana in her new 52 run you gonna see some connections between Orion and Diana.
The whole New Gods and Old Gods you know. Anyways, I think it would be cool to tie that somehow if they went with
Darkseid later on. Imo the likes of Brainy and Doomy should be saved for MoS since they belong in the world of supes and we have already seen
an alien invasion from kryptonian charachters recently (Zod) so I wouldn´t want that for the first movie with the exception for Darkseid.

You are dead on about Wondy and Barry. The Green Lantern movie however does NOT look like it´s going to be about Hal.
It´s more likely that John Stewart gets introduced. There are rumors that WB has been looking for GL actors
looking like J.S. Personally I hope they introduce J.S to the League and later on give his origin which is connected
to a Hal Jordan (not the Ryan.R one).

The Dick Grayson/Robin thing is awesome. I also want to see Super girl and others like that. Teen Titans could be something to consider.

Regarding Flash, I´m fond of using Amell and Gustin from the Tv-series and for some reason I think it would be strange
to see a completely new Flash so if Gustin does well, I´d rather have him. There is no doubt however that mirrormaster should
be the villain. I guess I´ll have to wait on the whole Flash-GL thing. Best case scenario for me would be a Hal-Barry dynamic.
But there are a lot of things suggesting that might not happen.
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