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The Official "Wolverine at Comic-Con" Thread


Sep 24, 2005
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SDCC: First Wolverine Footage Screened!!
Source: Edward Douglas
July 24, 2008

At the end of the 20th Century Fox presentation where they showed new footage from The Day the Earth Stood Still and Max Payne (more on that exciting footage coming soon), the studio who has produced the most Marvel comic book movies so far pulled a surprise on the packed audience by bringing out Hugh Jackman, who had just gotten off a plane from Australia where they had just finished filming X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Written by David Benioff and directed by Oscar-winning director Gavin Hood (Tsotsi), the movie had been cloaked in secrecy except for a few scattered pictures that have leaked out, and Jackman was really excited about debuting some of the first footage at Comic-Con, since they weren't able to bring any of the "X-Men" movies there. He thanked everyone in the audience for helping make comic book movies so big in the past few years as well as going to see the three "X-Men" movies because it's the fans who helped make Jackman's career.

Jackman introduced Len Wein, the creator of Wolverine, who was in the audience, but that wasn't enough for Jackman, as he jumped off the stage and ran over shake Wein's hand and thank him for creating such a great character. Once he was back on stage, Jackman gave a really heart-felt speech to Wein saying, "I waited a long time to thank you personally and I wanted to shake your hand, mate. It's one of the best comic book characters ever created and as an actor, it's a challenge to play and I've just done it for the fourth time, and I still feel there's more to find out and that's down to you, from your great mind and heart creating a great character."

Jackman promised that the movie is "big, action-packed and bad-ass" and that we'll see a lot of "berzerker rage" in it, before showing the footage that was cut together especially for Comic-Con, even though he promised that it would look even better when the movie comes out next May.

The footage went by so fast that it was impossible to catch everything the first time--and they only showed it once unfortunately--but it begins with Jackman's Logan and Liev Schreiber's Victor Creed dressed in military gear in a detention cell where they're being interrogated by the younger Major William Stryker, played by Danny Huston. He says, "You were sentenced to death for decapitating a senior officer. Your sentence was to be carried out by a firing squad at 1000 hours. How'd that go?" Then Wolverine said, "It tickled." We see the two of them put in front of a firing squad who shoots at them, but they escape and we see Logan walking away as the building explodes behind them.

Stryker continues asking them if they're tired of running and denying their true nature and tells them he's putting together a "special team with special privileges" referring to the early stages of Weapon X or Alpha Flight. As he says this, we see brief glimpses of all the other characters in the movie, including Taylor Kitsch's Gambit, who looked amazing in action, Lynn Collins as Silverfox, Kevin Durand as The Blob, and even a short glimpse of Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool.

Most of the non-action scenes in the footage were dialogue sequences between Jackman and Schreiber with them talking over whether to take up Stryker's offer, and this is obviously what's going to lead to the long-time friends having a difference of opinions that leads to their age-old conflict. Logan says to Creed something about wanting to make a difference and asks how he'd like to get started, at which Creed tells Logan, "We didn't sign up for this. Who do you think you are? This is what we do! Become the animal."

From there, we get a few scenes of the experiments done to Logan to turn him into Wolverine, which looks like it was designed after the classic origin tale told in Barry Windsor-Smith's "Weapon X" story with him bursting out of the vat with the adamantium spikes coming out of skin. There was also a brief glimpse of Logan as a boy in a kimono with his claws extended which harks back to images from "Origins" and Frank Miller's take on the character's roots in Japan.

We see a few quick bits of Wolverine fighting some of the characters, including the Blob and Gambit, but the best moments are when he's taking on Sabretooth (of course)--sorry, Tyler Mane, but I think Liev Schreiber is going to make a lot better Victor Creed--and the clip reel ended with Wolverine hanging from the top of the helicopter while it's flying through the air.

Even though the usual claims were that this was unfinished footage, it looked good enough to make a pretty kick-ass trailer and fans of the character should be happy if the movie delivers on what we were shown.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine opens on May 1, 2009, and Jackman mentioned that they'll be presenting more footage and have a full panel for the movie at Wonder-Con in February.
Anyone know where you can watch the actual footage of the trailer?
Youtube this now people! Wow, that was soo much to process!!! Gambit, Deadpool, Weapon X...this movie will be great. I do hope we get to see this footage and perhaps even a trailer really soon.
I hope we get to see Deadpool's costume. Please. Please.

the fact that no one has said a single word about what deadpool looked like in the trailer is starting to worry me. i hope the trailer didn't just show a quick shot of ryan reynolds and everyone just knew that he was supposed to be deadpool...
haha I assume that's what they did. I wanna know about Gambit's look! It said there were shots of him in action against Wolverine. Personally, I hope they become allies in the end and I hope he's young and that this movie only takes place a year or two before X-Men because of the age of Gambit and Rogue.
ive been watching on g4
i assume something on an official site will be up today??
From IGN

SDCC 08: Wolverine Unleashes Gambit

Jackman presents a first look at the X-Men spin-off.

by Jim Vejvoda

July 24, 2008 - 20th Century Fox offered a special treat today for fans attending the studio's movies presentation at the San Diego Comic-Con with a first look at next year's X-Men Origins: Wolverine, complete with an appearance by Logan himself, star Hugh Jackman.

The Gavin Hood-directed spin-off recounts Wolverine's exploits before he joined the X-Men. The prequel stars Liev Schreiber as Victor Creed (a.k.a. Sabretooth), Danny Huston as William Stryker, Dominic Monaghan as Beak, Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool, Taylor Kitsch as Gambit, and Will.i.am as Wraith.

Jackman surprised the crowd with his "unscheduled" appearance, telling the fans that the movie had literally just wrapped filming and thanking them for all the success he's had thanks to Wolverine. He then came down off the stage to meet Wolverine creator Len Wein and shake his hand.

Jackman then presented "bad ass" exclusive full of "beserker rage" footage from the movie, which he also produced. And we can confirm that it was indeed bad ass.

The trailer-like sequence opens with Logan and Creed in a military prison cell where they survived execution by firing squad for decapitating a senior officer. They are met by Colonel William Stryker, who offers them a chance to serve their country by taking part in the Weapon X program. We then saw glimpses of the team's different members: Blob, Deadpool. Wraith and, in perhaps the biggest mass geekgasm Hall H has ever heard, Gambit.

We then see Logan in the tank where he undergoes the adamantium process, awakening in a beserker rage and slashing down a number of guards. Stryker then calls on Creed, clad in a black trenchcoat and black outfit, to hunt down his old Army buddy Logan. You can imagine how that turns out.

The footage showed Gambit tossing his trademark cards and riding a motorcycle. There was plenty of shots from a chase sequence between Wolverine on a motorcycle, Army trucks and a helicopter. The wartime sequences appear to be set in the Vietnam era, with the New Zealand countryside doubling for Southeast Asia.

Jackman, who had just gotten off a plane from Australia, did not take any questions but thanked the fans profusely for all they've done for his career.

- Fox

Click for more images from X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine opens May 1, 2009.
Source: http://movies.ign.com/articles/893/893322p1.html
From G4:

First 'Wolverine' Footage Showing Today

Posted by Stephen Johnson - Thursday, July 24, 2008 11:16 AM

If you want to be among the first to check out footage from the Wolverine movie, you'd better hurry: The rumor is the first shots of Hugh Jackman and his finger blades that go "Snick" will be shown at 11:30 Am today at the FOX panel tomorrow at in Hall H.
Hurry, hurry, hurry!

Source: http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/page2.html#687413

From IESB.net

Exclusive Video Interview: HUGH JACKMAN at Comic Con 2008!
Written by Stephanie Sanchez
Thursday, 24 July 2008
IESB had an exclusive chance to talk with WOLVERINE himself, Hugh Jackman, who showed up to a cheering crowd at the 20th Century Fox panel at Comic Con today!

Jackman showed off the first footage from the new film and says it's going to be "BADASS!" After the panel, the IESB spoke with Jackman about the film, how much more intense it's going to be, future Wolverine films and much more!
Click on the IESB Video thumbnail below to watch IESB's exclusive interview with Hugh Jackman!
Source: http://www.iesb.net/index.php?option=com_ezine&task=read&page=2&category=16&article=5252
More from IESB.net
WOLVERINE Takes Over COMIC CON!! Written by Stephanie Sanchez Wednesday, 23 July 2008 The IESB is here at Comic Con 2008 and left a great party to post and make sure you had the latest info from San Diego!

Word is (and I mean this 100%) that WOLVERINE footage will be shown at the FOX panel tomorrow at 11:30 in Hall H! Lucky attendees will get to see the very first footage from the new X-Men film starring Hugh Jackman.
IESB contest winner Kevin Beauchamp gets a front row seat at the panel thanks to FOX!
The FOX panel is NOT one to miss tomorrow!
If you are attending Comic Con, get your ass to the FOX panel and keep your eyes open boys and girls...there may just be someone special there to present the clips!
Source: http://www.iesb.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5249&Itemid=99

Wolverine Footage Details
Written by Michael Dayspring
Thursday, 24 July 2008
Mikey Slices Up Some X-Men Origins: Wolverine Goodness To Share With You Kids

During Fox's big panel this morning, I was giddy. You see we here at IESB got confirmation last night that they had a three clawed surprise in store for everyone.

As the panels for Day The Earth Stood Still and Max Payne ended (which rocked, info coming soon) they popped the surprise and out walks Hugh Jackman. The crowd went absolutely ape nuts.

Hugh praised the crowd for his career and about how he appreciates everyone’s support of his portrayal of Wolverine. Afterwhich he ran off into the crowd and shook the hand of the man who created Wolverine. The guy is a class act I gotta tell ya. He knows how to work a crowd and seems completely sincere while he does it.

And then he announced he had footage….and the went nuts to the ape again. And here’s why;

The footage begins with Jackman and Schreiber in a prison cell where they are sentenced to death for the beheading of a commanding officer. Tied to posts a firing squad opens fire and serves up a lead salad for two. A few cut scenes later you see the after effect “Kinda Tickles”.

After that it’s in full gear, looks like we are getting the full on Origin story, covering some of the storyline covered in the comic book, we see his induction into a Weapon X type organization, we see him as a child with bone claws, and with one of the loves of his younger life.

The footage treated us to a sideshow glimpse into the other faces that’ll be popping on screen. Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool? You Bet Your Ass! Gambit? Aye! Emma Frost? Yummy! The Blob? Yes sir! All of which I was able to get confirmed from directly from Wolverine himself afterwards. Ok maybe that’s not news that needed confirming, but I like to cover my bets.

The rest of the footage shows Wolverine getting his new skeleton then going berserk and escaping directly after. Looks as if the focus is Weapon X chasing down and trying to get Wolverine back Jason Bourne style. Stuff blows up, things whiz by and we get a few glimpses of Wolverine VS Sabertooth.

The ending shot has Wolverine propelling himself on an explosion to get onto a Helicopter and whom ever is inside.

This is a great piece of teaser footage to get the hype ball rollin on this film…keep check IESB for more Wolverine action throughout the day.
yeah i went there because i thought you meant a video! now i'm angry!!!!! lol
another frost ID. strange...
They actually showed Ryan as Deadpool? Wow. That must have been amazing. Did he have his suit?
GAMBIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and Deadpool:woot: What are the chances of this footage popping up on youtube?

i know that but who is playing her? or is she in it? i saw someone post something about her
WHAAAAAT?!?! You might as well ask who Gambit is as well.

read my f***ing post above, i know who she is, none of you understood my question though, i meant who is she as in who is playing her? because someone mention something bout her

plus the gambit comment wasn't the best it would be more of a burn if you said wolverine or someone more common

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