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Writer(s) and director.

The Batman Part II is going to do very well because The Batman built up its audience the same way Batman Begins did for Nolan (lets remember that Begins wasn't a massive box office smash in the theater the way his other two Batman movies were), and it also scratches an itch that the DCU Batman is not going to scratch (that more detective thriller and crime drama Batman story, ala Long Halloween, compared to what will likely be the James Bond ish Batman that Brave And The Bold will be).
I am not denying that Kosinski would be a fun choice even though I see absolutely nothing about him that screams Batman director. His movies outside of Maverick aren’t any more impressive than Muschietti’s two good movies and even Maverick I think gets a ton of undue praise for just being a competent non-superhero blockbuster but he’s a good, competent director - his movie would be fine.

All people are saying is that Muschietti feels like the most obvious choice based on what we know. It probably won’t be him statistically, but I’m sure he’s on the shortlist.
To me, I kinda disagree. /Everything/ about Kosinski screams Batman director to me, especially for a project like this. He's a strong innovative genre director much like Nolan and Matt Reeves are. And the thing that makes him especially suited for something like the DCU is the fact that he's clearly extremely cooperative and works his best when he's working alongside producers that are keenly aware of what audiences want and manage to stir his skills in the right way; the fact that most of his movies deal with father-son stories or stories about the passing of the generations makes him especially perfect for Brave and the Bold.

The movies themselves that he's made outside of Maverick may not be masterpieces, but his directing style certainly is pretty remarkable for his ambition. Tron looked extremely unique for a blockbuster (nothing that Hollywood has made since that film has even remotely looked like that did) and he was the one that pioneered the Volume technology that everybody is using now. He's a risk-taker just like Burton, Nolan and Reeves are, and his strengths are pretty especially well-suited for Batman; whatever weaknesses he may have as a director will be balanced out by the fact that he's gonna be collaborating with Gunn (which I actually think is a combination that'd work on each other's favor)

Whether it's for creating a Gotham City that looks unique and interesting, or doing a globe-throtting ambitious Bond-ian Batman movie that allows him to pull off some insane action sequences, I think this project in particular is suited to him in pretty much every way that matters.
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To me, I kinda disagree. /Everything/ about Kosinski screams Batman director to me, especially for a project like this. He's a strong innovative genre director much like Nolan and Matt Reeves are. And the thing that makes him especially suited for something like the DCU is the fact that he's clearly extremely cooperative and works his best when he's working alongside producers that are keenly aware of what audiences want and manage to stir his skills in the right way; the fact that most of his movies deal with father-son stories or stories about the passing of the generations makes him especially perfect for Brave and the Bold.

The movies themselves that he's made outside of Maverick may not be masterpieces, but his directing style certainly is pretty remarkable for his ambition. Tron looked extremely unique for a blockbuster (nothing that Hollywood has made since that film has even remotely looked like that did) and he was the one that pioneered the Volume technology that everybody is using now. He's a risk-taker just like Burton, Nolan and Reeves are, and his strengths are pretty especially well-suited for Batman; whatever weaknesses he may have as a director will be balanced out by the fact that he's gonna be collaborating with Gunn (which I actually think is a combination that'd work on each other's favor)

Whether it's for creating a Gotham City that looks unique and interesting, or doing a globe-throtting ambitious Bond-ian Batman movie that allows him to pull off some insane action sequences, I think this project in particular is suited to him in pretty much every way that matters.

Top Gun Maverick is one of the best Hollywood blockbusters of the last decade but we can’t ignore how big a factor the cruise/mcquarrie duo were in the film’s quality. If he really was the biggest contributing voice to that movie then I agree he’s a fantastic choice - it’s just that I don’t quite fully believe it
Top Gun Maverick is one of the best Hollywood blockbusters of the last decade but we can’t ignore how big a factor the cruise/mcquarrie duo were in the film’s quality. If he really was the biggest contributing voice to that movie then I agree he’s a fantastic choice - it’s just that I don’t quite fully believe it
It's the fact that Cruise/McQuarrie were such big factors on that film's success that ironically I think makes him even better suited for this, because it goes to showcase how he's willing to play ball with creative producers and how his strengths as a director could be harnessed by someone like Gunn. It'd be an ideal marriage for both of them imo

Maybe the Daniels-Universal deal isn't as exclusive as it seemed. If they're free, these two would /definitely/ run towards this movie, as much as I wouldn't want them to. And WBD would no way in hell pass up on them.

Maybe the Daniels-Universal deal isn't as exclusive as it seemed. If they're free, these two would /definitely/ run towards this movie, as much as I wouldn't want them to. And WBD would no way in hell pass up on them.

What about The Daniels filmography makes you think this project, of all projects, would be appealing to them? Batman of all characters seems a hundred million miles away from their sensibilities.
What about The Daniels filmography makes you think this project, of all projects, would be appealing to them? Batman of all characters seems a hundred million miles away from their sensibilities.
Everything about it. The fact the source material is extremely bizarre, the fact that one of the protagonists could be an 8-10 year old child assasin with a ****ed up background, and the fact that they'd be invited to presumably embrace the most zany aspects of Batman. Frankly I'd be surprised if they didn't come running towards it, as much as I wouldn't want them to because there is one way this movie could be really annoying and it'd be with them directing.
Everything about it. The fact the source material is extremely bizarre, the fact that one of the protagonists could be an 8-10 year old child assasin with a ****ed up background, and the fact that they'd be invited to presumably embrace the most zany aspects of Batman. Frankly I'd be surprised if they didn't come running towards it, as much as I wouldn't want them to because there is one way this movie could be really annoying and it'd be with them directing.
I completely agree as someone who profoundly dislikes them. But, like, they just directed a serious candidate for the most universally beloved movie in years and have absolute carte-blanche to make any movie they want. The Daniels have an ultra specific voice and style and one imagines they’d want to follow that then sign up for a big shared universe comic book movie.

An episode of an SW show is a much, much smaller commitment.
I completely agree as someone who profoundly dislikes them. But, like, they just directed a serious candidate for the most universally beloved movie in years and have absolute carte-blanche to make any movie they want. The Daniels have an ultra specific voice and style and one imagines they’d want to follow that then sign up for a big shared universe comic book movie.

An episode of an SW show is a much, much smaller commitment.
I really don't think that them being the type of people they are, wanting to make a Batman movie like this is out of the realm of possibility. Especially because they come from the exact same generation that'd naturally become infatuated with Batman.
I really don't think that them being the type of people they are, wanting to make a Batman movie like this is out of the realm of possibility. Especially because they come from the exact same generation that'd naturally become infatuated with Batman.
I dunno, man, not every millennial loves Batman. Even if they did they can make probably make literally any movie they want now. They're filmmakers with a super unique, specific voice who absolutely do not need the hassle of huge franchise movie where there will very likely be a decent amount of oversight when they could make a movie that is completely their own without having to fit into a studios intricately mapped out framework.

That's the thing with a lot of these big name suggestions for it: even if they were announced, does anyone seriously think that "The Daniels directing The Brave & The Bold!" would not be followed six months later with "The Daniels have exited directing The Brave & The Bold due to creative differences - to be replaced by *insert competent studio journeyman here*"
I dunno, man, not every millennial loves Batman. Even if they did they can make probably make literally any movie they want now. They're filmmakers with a super unique, specific voice who absolutely do not need the hassle of huge franchise movie where there will very likely be a decent amount of oversight when they could make a movie that is completely their own without having to fit into a studios intricately mapped out framework.

That's the thing with a lot of these big name suggestions for it: even if they were announced, does anyone seriously think that "The Daniels directing The Brave & The Bold!" would not be followed six months later with "The Daniels have exited directing The Brave & The Bold due to creative differences - to be replaced by *insert competent studio journeyman here*"
I honestly think you're vastly understimating the amount of creative freedom that Gunn will actually give these people. I do believe, based on his general film tastes and how he himself is as a creative and worked within Marvel and what he said he liked about DC's previous approach, that he'll give everyone a ridiculous amount of freedom. He may have the equivalent of the Feige role at DC, but from his slate alone it's already obvious he is not Feige 2.0, it's an entirely different beast.
Lindelof just left Star Wars, he'd be a fantastic choice to write this. His love for comic books is very apparent, and the last live-action DC project he did was one of the best comic book adaptations of the last few years. He can handle the balance between very serious subject matter and dry humor so effortlessly that it would capture Morrison's voice, and between Kevin Garvey, Looking Glass and Hooded Justice he's shown he can write dark, tortured characters with a high level of complexity.
Only issue is that I don't know if he loves Batman the same way he did Watchmen, and also that his cinematic work is nowhere near his tv canon.
Damon Lindelof is one of my favourite screenwriters and he would be an absolute dynamite choice for this. What a goddamn shame he's another name on the endless list of amazing talent driven away from Star Wars.

Wonder if he'll ever make the jump to directing? I feel like his writing is best suited to television and something just doesn't quite translate to the movies he works on. I say that as a passionate Prometheus defender.
Lindelof just left Star Wars, he'd be a fantastic choice to write this. His love for comic books is very apparent, and the last live-action DC project he did was one of the best comic book adaptations of the last few years. He can handle the balance between very serious subject matter and dry humor so effortlessly that it would capture Morrison's voice, and between Kevin Garvey, Looking Glass and Hooded Justice he's shown he can write dark, tortured characters with a high level of complexity.
Only issue is that I don't know if he loves Batman the same way he did Watchmen, and also that his cinematic work is nowhere near his tv canon.
I’d love to get him somewhere, even if he prefers to do a show in the DCU.
Before he joined “Aquaman”, I really liked James Wan for Batman. “Saw” is so Fincher, (hot take but i like “Saw” better than “Se7en”) and I wanted a horror inspired Batman movie so before “Aquaman”, Wan was my guy. His work on the Insidious/Conjuring franchise was fantastic IMO- and showed such a wonderful visual flair that would’ve worked great with Batman.

I know he’s lost credibility with horror elitists because his work is so mainstream, but Wan is the best modern horror director. He’s responsible for so many iconic modern horror moments. Jordan Peele is completely overrated and has consistently gotten worse since “Get Out”. His Candyman reboot he produced is a 0/10, and “Nope” bored me to tears. Eggers’ style is too niche but I dig it, and the jury is still out on Aster. Aster is the best of the “elevated horror” directors (even though I hate that term).

The only director that I could see overtaking Wan as best modern horror director would be Flanagan. And I don’t want him on Batman, I want him to continue work on the greatest book series of all time “The Dark Tower”.

Sorry for the tangent but I don’t think I want a horror director for BATB. I want someone more experienced in action films. I knew the movies have their fans but i think David Sandberg did an absolutely awful job with both Shazam movies. I think they’re two of the cringiest and unfunny DC movies. He came from horror and probably needs to stay there.

I’m liking the idea of Guy Richie directing (think “Sherlock Holmes”) and Taylor Kitsch as Batman (think “True Detective”). I thought Kitsch was so bland as an actor before I saw “True Detective”, he’s actually a kickass actor with so much depth and darkness. He really was dealt a bad hand with the movies he headlined.
Before he joined “Aquaman”, I really liked James Wan for Batman. “Saw” is so Fincher, (hot take but i like “Saw” better than “Se7en”) and I wanted a horror inspired Batman movie so before “Aquaman”, Wan was my guy. His work on the Insidious/Conjuring franchise was fantastic IMO- and showed such a wonderful visual flair that would’ve worked great with Batman.

I know he’s lost credibility with horror elitists because his work is so mainstream, but Wan is the best modern horror director. He’s responsible for so many iconic modern horror moments. Jordan Peele is completely overrated and has consistently gotten worse since “Get Out”. His Candyman reboot he produced is a 0/10, and “Nope” bored me to tears. Eggers’ style is too niche but I dig it, and the jury is still out on Aster. Aster is the best of the “elevated horror” directors (even though I hate that term).

The only director that I could see overtaking Wan as best modern horror director would be Flanagan. And I don’t want him on Batman, I want him to continue work on the greatest book series of all time “The Dark Tower”.

Sorry for the tangent but I don’t think I want a horror director for BATB. I want someone more experienced in action films. I knew the movies have their fans but i think David Sandberg did an absolutely awful job with both Shazam movies. I think they’re two of the cringiest and unfunny DC movies. He came from horror and probably needs to stay there.

I’m liking the idea of Guy Richie directing (think “Sherlock Holmes”) and Taylor Kitsch as Batman (think “True Detective”). I thought Kitsch was so bland as an actor before I saw “True Detective”, he’s actually a kickass actor with so much depth and darkness. He really was dealt a bad hand with the movies he headlined.
I can't quite follow you down that road, but in terms of Se7en knock-offs that are better than Se7en I always greatly preferred 8mm.
I’m liking the idea of Guy Richie directing (think “Sherlock Holmes”) and Taylor Kitsch as Batman (think “True Detective”). I thought Kitsch was so bland as an actor before I saw “True Detective”, he’s actually a kickass actor with so much depth and darkness. He really was dealt a bad hand with the movies he headlined.
It's been my understanding that, based on pretty much all of Guy Ritchie's recent work, whatever charm he had before is looong gone. All his most recent films seems like the definition of bland. A fresh voice like Dan Trachtenberg, who still seems extremely competent, would be more interesting.
It's been my understanding that, based on pretty much all of Guy Ritchie's recent work, whatever charm he had before is looong gone. All his most recent films seems like the definition of bland. A fresh voice like Dan Trachtenberg, who still seems extremely competent, would be more interesting.
Give him the right script and he will execute it well. This picture will be more like a Marvel film (more assembly line than The Batman) and he would work well within those confines IMO.
Give him the right script and he will execute it well. This picture will be more like a Marvel film (more assembly line than The Batman) and he would work well within those confines IMO.
I really don't think it's Gunn's intention for this film (or any of those in his slate) to feel assembly line, which Ritchie, no matter how experienced he is, would make it feel.
I feel like it’s inevitable considering plot elements and story influences are predetermined by Gunn
It's not really anything new for plot elements and story influences to be determined by producers before a director gets attached. In fact, plenty of the best films that have ever been made got their start that way. Godfather is an example, it was a film that was shepherded by the producer before it landed on Coppola's hands, who ended up making it his own and very much made it a passion project in the process even tho basically the entire story was laid out before he even got attached.

Filmmaking and the extent towards which a director can make even pre-determined material their own is a process that has a lot more variables than one may think. Not everything has to be like Matt Reeves where they build everything from the ground-up, and in fact most of the time it isn't.
That's not to say that I think that Gunn will necessarily go for a complete auteur for this (tho he's probably significantly more open to the idea than Feige and I could see him entertaining some very unique pitches for this) but I do believe he'll at the very bare minimum go for someone that'll try to make their film their own as much as he made Guardians, TSS and Superman next his.

He'll want a collaborator, not a puppet. Someone with genuine passion and a vision. That's partly why I perhaps naively think that Muschietti is not gonna land this-because The Flash was so obviously and shamelessly just a pipe dream completely controlled by the previous regime, I doubt he has any actual vision of his own, and The Flash trailer kinda reflects that imo.
Chad Stahelski?

A focus on the fight sequences and action would separate it from Reeves and previous Batman movies. Also, fits the possible inclusion of the League of Assassins.
Chad Stahelski?

A focus on the fight sequences and action would separate it from Reeves and previous Batman movies. Also, fits the possible inclusion of the League of Assassins.
This one I could actually see happening and I would be intensely into.

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