Several months ago I wrote a piece entitled "10 Types of Superhero Successors" (linked at the bottom of this piece.) The mission statement was to list all the rationales I've seen different writers use for having a "new guy" step forward to replace an "old guy" in the superhero racket while recycling the same heroic alias. Only later did it occur to me that I might also want to attack the subject from a different angle by examining all the different excuses that can be employed to give the "old guy" the boot. Sometimes it is blatantly obvious that this is done just to create a "sudden vacancy" for a "new guy" to fill, but sometimes there are other factors at work! Whatever the exact motive may be in each case, I chose to write down examples of all the different reasons I've seen writers use to justify the sudden disappearance from the scene of a veteran hero.
Naturally I'm going to mention several "Elseworlds" stories (or the functional equivalents, such as "this is one possible future timeline, but it's not set in stone") to illustrate my points. Over the years, various writers have wanted to tell us about the "end of Superman" or the "end of Batman" or whatever, and of course they know perfectly well they can't do that and make it stick in "regular continuity" when those cash cows are expected to keep having adventures and earning money for their owners. They could try, but then they (or their successors) would just be ordered to find a way to bring back the temporarily-absent hero so he could star in his own title (or titles) again.
Accordingly, a clever writer who wants to do such a story often gets permission to do it in stories that are set in their own crazy little timelines instead, so they'll have no binding effect on anybody's "regular ongoing continuity"! This reasoning certainly applies to Batman's lengthy retirement and return to active duty in Frank Miller's "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns." In the mid-90s, when a "Tenth Anniversary Edition" of it was being released, I believe I saw a DC editor quoted as saying (loosely paraphrased from my imperfect memory): "The only reason 'Dark Knight Returns' didn't have the Elseworlds logo on the cover when it was first published is because we hadn't even invented the Elseworlds logo yet! But if it were being released today for the first time, you'd better believe it would be labelled that way! It was never intended to 'guarantee' anything about a predestined future for Batman!" (Or words to that general effect.)
13 Reasons to Quit the Superhero Racket
01. Death
02. Maiming
03. Marriage and Family Responsibilities
04. Power Loss
05. Burnout
06. Disgraced
07. Imprisoned
08. Outlawed
09. Cashing In
10. Quitting Your Job (or Being Fired)
11. Missing in Action
12. New Paint Job
13. Turning to the Dark Side of the Force
01. Death
"I'd love to help save the world again, except that I just got killed. You'll have to go this one without me!"
This has been done many, many times. Sometimes the corpse is barely in the coffin before a Successor steps up to bat, using the same superhero name. I've seen many complaints about this in connection with the recent death of one Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) just before a teenager named Jaime Reyes got magically endowed with certain powers which let him become the newest Blue Beetle during "Infinite Crisis." Similarly, Ronnie Raymond (Firestorm) died suddenly in "Identity Crisis" and then Jason Rusch abruptly became the new Firestorm.
But if we look at it a little differently: "Death" for a superhero often just seems to mean "I'm taking a vacation to get a well-deserved rest before I miraculously return and get back to work!" This is particularly true in the X-Men titles, but it also happened with Superman in 1992-1993. He died fighting Doomsday; he got a nice funeral; four other guys all popped up wearing S-shields on their chests (and three out of four explicitly laid claim to the name Superman); then the real Superman bounded back to center stage in his own titles after a nice rest! I never seriously expected Superman's death to last very long, but he was unquestionably "absent from the scene" for a while there!
02. Maiming
"I'd love to keep fighting, but I'm physically incapable of maintaining the superhero lifestyle."
Bruce Wayne found it necessary to abandon the role of Batman for about a year (our time -- a lot less from his perspective) after Bane broke his back in "Knightfall."
His friend Barbara Gordon, of course, had suffered similar injuries several years earlier, which ended her career as the first Batgirl -- and unlike Bruce, she never got a Psychic Miracle Cure to put her back on her feet, good as new!
And of course John Stewart has been put in a wheelchair, put back on his feet, put back in the wheelchair, put back on his feet. . . .
03. Marriage and Family Responsibilities
"Fighting ruthless supervillains several times a week was all very well and good when I was a carefree bachelor, but now it's time for me to grow up and concentrate on my new family responsibilities instead."
Some heroes seem to feel that "regular superheroics" and "being a good spouse (and/or a good parent)" are mutually exclusive concepts. I believe this has been stated or implied in the cases of various Golden Age heroes, at one company or another, who faded into limbo (as far as real-world publishing history is concerned) after World War II ended and the first "boom" in the superhero industry came to a crashing halt. Later stories would establish that many of those characters had married their sweethearts and settled down to live the American dream, while raising kids and trying to get promoted in their regular occupations and all that fun stuff.
On a similar note: In the MC2 timeline, a key part of the backstory is that many years before Peter Parker's daughter started calling herself Spider-Girl, Peter had finally quit being Spider-Man for reasons that amounted to a combination of #2 and #3. Losing one leg in his final battle with Norman Osborn (the original Green Goblin) constituted a wake-up call to him; he decided it was a strong sign that he should quit while he was ahead and make sure to spend plenty of time with his baby daughter as she grew up. This despite Mister Fantastic's ideas for a state-of-the-art artificial leg that would let him continue to easily climb walls, make those superhumanly strong leaps across streets, and so forth.
(Of course, I should note that in real life, many people serve in combat arms of a military service, or as cops, or in other risky occupations, and yet go right ahead and get married and raise children at the same time.)
04. Power Loss
"I wanted to stay in the game, but I just lost my principal qualifications."
The difference from "Maiming" is that here the hero may still be in superb health by any "normal" standard, but no longer has that extra edge he was always accustomed to rely upon in life-and-death situations.
This can cover such things as "loss of biological-based powers" or "loss of special equipment that bestowed great power when worn."
As a recent (and temporary) example: In the "Up, Up, and Away" eight-part story arc that ran in two titles last year, set "One Year Later" after "Infinite Crisis" had been over and done with for twelve months from the DCU's point of view, we learned quickly that Superman's powers had faded away for some reason around the time the "Infinite Crisis" ended, and he had spent the past year adjusting very well to a non-superheroic lifestyle as plain old Clark Kent; working full-time to be a Daily Planet reporter and Lois Lane's loving husband, and apparently giving tips to his cousin Supergirl as she filled his boots as the foremost superpowered guardian of Metropolis whenever another villain went on a rampage. (Which seems to be an hourly occurrence in that town.)
Another good example would be what happened (or apparently happened) to Richard Rider after his series "The Man Called Nova" was cancelled in 1979. But that also fits under another category, so I'll discuss it further under Reason #10.
05. Burnout
"Friends -- I just can't take it any more. Not right now, anyway. I want to find some nice quiet little corner of the world and get reacquainted with how normal people live. I might come back later -- but don't hold your breath."
The psychological wear and tear of long periods of facing depraved villainy can be considerable. Some heroes get overwhelmed after a while.
To offer some perspective: I once read that psychologists and physicians studying the U.S. Army during both World Wars reached the conclusion that expecting a group of infantrymen to spend more than a few months at a stretch in the front lines is counterproductive. Shell-shock, or battle fatigue, or whatever you want to call it, is much likelier to set in when a man has been in constant fear of his life for a really lengthy period, always wondering if the next bomb or artillery shell to come down out of the sky will have his name on it. However: if an infantry division gets pulled back from the front and has some months of relative peace and quiet, while assimilating new members who are replacing the troops who got killed or gravely wounded), then the time will come when you can send that same division back up front for a few more months with a reasonable expectation that the nerves of the seasoned veterans will generally stand up to that stress all over again . . . for awhile.
Presumably this need to take regular breaks away from the "front lines" should apply to superheroes as well. It often turns out they aren't permanently "burned out," but they definitely need the same opportunities that combat veterans often need to let their nerves settle down while they do something else for awhile.
When it comes to deliberately stepping away from the daily slugfests to recover his equilibrium, Black Lightning has been there and done that; I think multiple times. I can't find my copy right now, but I believe the following happened in "Batman and the Outsiders #5," published in 1983 as part of a team-up with the New Teen Titans of that era. At one point when the two groups were socializing, Jefferson Pierce (Black Lightning) was seen confirming to Wally West (still Kid Flash at the time) that he'd dropped out of the hero game for awhile before joining the Outsiders. Wally asked why; Jefferson said briefly that he'd made a mistake and a civilian got killed. Wally gasped out (approximately): "How can you live with that?" and Jefferson said (I think): "I couldn't -- for awhile. Batman convinced me I could still do some good, though."
(All that was paraphrased from memory after I couldn't quickly find my copy, but I believe it captures the gist of their conversation.)
On a similar note, Scott Summers (Cyclops) took a long leave of absence from the X-Men after the Dark Phoenix Saga and the funeral of his beloved, Jean Grey. Certainly a plausible excuse to feel the burning need to get away from all that stressful life-and-death-decisions-in-the-heat-of-battle stuff for awhile. Scott only started working with the X-Men again about a year later (our time) in "Uncanny X-Men #150" when -- by sheer bad luck! -- he got shipwrecked on a newly-created little island and found himself a prisoner of Magneto, although he certainly hadn't been looking for Magneto and Magneto (as far as I could tell) had not deliberately come looking for Cyclops either! But when Magneto started giving ultimatums to the rest of the world, and the X-Men came flying down to fight him, Scott naturally had to help as best he could! (It must have been a nice vacation while it lasted, though. Except for the previous nerve-wracking encounter with the demon D'Spayre in the Florida Everglades, I mean, but by superhero standards, that doesn't make his vacation anything "abnormal," right?)
And in the early issues of the "Green Lantern" title that began in 1990 (with scripts by Gerard Jones), Hal Jordan was dealing with a similar feeling of "burnout." He ended up spending a few issues proving to himself that he could actually make an honest living by manual labor, deal with regular people on an equal basis, etc., without wearing the spiffy costume most of the time and without expecting his power ring to solve problems a hundred times a day for him. (But he only started doing all that after throwing himself off a cliff and only bothering to fire up his ring with his willpower -- and fly away -- in the last split-second before he otherwise would have gone SPLAT! Clearly that guy had issues and a nice long vacation was seriously overdue!)
Naturally I'm going to mention several "Elseworlds" stories (or the functional equivalents, such as "this is one possible future timeline, but it's not set in stone") to illustrate my points. Over the years, various writers have wanted to tell us about the "end of Superman" or the "end of Batman" or whatever, and of course they know perfectly well they can't do that and make it stick in "regular continuity" when those cash cows are expected to keep having adventures and earning money for their owners. They could try, but then they (or their successors) would just be ordered to find a way to bring back the temporarily-absent hero so he could star in his own title (or titles) again.
Accordingly, a clever writer who wants to do such a story often gets permission to do it in stories that are set in their own crazy little timelines instead, so they'll have no binding effect on anybody's "regular ongoing continuity"! This reasoning certainly applies to Batman's lengthy retirement and return to active duty in Frank Miller's "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns." In the mid-90s, when a "Tenth Anniversary Edition" of it was being released, I believe I saw a DC editor quoted as saying (loosely paraphrased from my imperfect memory): "The only reason 'Dark Knight Returns' didn't have the Elseworlds logo on the cover when it was first published is because we hadn't even invented the Elseworlds logo yet! But if it were being released today for the first time, you'd better believe it would be labelled that way! It was never intended to 'guarantee' anything about a predestined future for Batman!" (Or words to that general effect.)
13 Reasons to Quit the Superhero Racket
01. Death
02. Maiming
03. Marriage and Family Responsibilities
04. Power Loss
05. Burnout
06. Disgraced
07. Imprisoned
08. Outlawed
09. Cashing In
10. Quitting Your Job (or Being Fired)
11. Missing in Action
12. New Paint Job
13. Turning to the Dark Side of the Force
01. Death
"I'd love to help save the world again, except that I just got killed. You'll have to go this one without me!"
This has been done many, many times. Sometimes the corpse is barely in the coffin before a Successor steps up to bat, using the same superhero name. I've seen many complaints about this in connection with the recent death of one Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) just before a teenager named Jaime Reyes got magically endowed with certain powers which let him become the newest Blue Beetle during "Infinite Crisis." Similarly, Ronnie Raymond (Firestorm) died suddenly in "Identity Crisis" and then Jason Rusch abruptly became the new Firestorm.
But if we look at it a little differently: "Death" for a superhero often just seems to mean "I'm taking a vacation to get a well-deserved rest before I miraculously return and get back to work!" This is particularly true in the X-Men titles, but it also happened with Superman in 1992-1993. He died fighting Doomsday; he got a nice funeral; four other guys all popped up wearing S-shields on their chests (and three out of four explicitly laid claim to the name Superman); then the real Superman bounded back to center stage in his own titles after a nice rest! I never seriously expected Superman's death to last very long, but he was unquestionably "absent from the scene" for a while there!
02. Maiming
"I'd love to keep fighting, but I'm physically incapable of maintaining the superhero lifestyle."
Bruce Wayne found it necessary to abandon the role of Batman for about a year (our time -- a lot less from his perspective) after Bane broke his back in "Knightfall."
His friend Barbara Gordon, of course, had suffered similar injuries several years earlier, which ended her career as the first Batgirl -- and unlike Bruce, she never got a Psychic Miracle Cure to put her back on her feet, good as new!
And of course John Stewart has been put in a wheelchair, put back on his feet, put back in the wheelchair, put back on his feet. . . .
03. Marriage and Family Responsibilities
"Fighting ruthless supervillains several times a week was all very well and good when I was a carefree bachelor, but now it's time for me to grow up and concentrate on my new family responsibilities instead."
Some heroes seem to feel that "regular superheroics" and "being a good spouse (and/or a good parent)" are mutually exclusive concepts. I believe this has been stated or implied in the cases of various Golden Age heroes, at one company or another, who faded into limbo (as far as real-world publishing history is concerned) after World War II ended and the first "boom" in the superhero industry came to a crashing halt. Later stories would establish that many of those characters had married their sweethearts and settled down to live the American dream, while raising kids and trying to get promoted in their regular occupations and all that fun stuff.
On a similar note: In the MC2 timeline, a key part of the backstory is that many years before Peter Parker's daughter started calling herself Spider-Girl, Peter had finally quit being Spider-Man for reasons that amounted to a combination of #2 and #3. Losing one leg in his final battle with Norman Osborn (the original Green Goblin) constituted a wake-up call to him; he decided it was a strong sign that he should quit while he was ahead and make sure to spend plenty of time with his baby daughter as she grew up. This despite Mister Fantastic's ideas for a state-of-the-art artificial leg that would let him continue to easily climb walls, make those superhumanly strong leaps across streets, and so forth.
(Of course, I should note that in real life, many people serve in combat arms of a military service, or as cops, or in other risky occupations, and yet go right ahead and get married and raise children at the same time.)
04. Power Loss
"I wanted to stay in the game, but I just lost my principal qualifications."
The difference from "Maiming" is that here the hero may still be in superb health by any "normal" standard, but no longer has that extra edge he was always accustomed to rely upon in life-and-death situations.
This can cover such things as "loss of biological-based powers" or "loss of special equipment that bestowed great power when worn."
As a recent (and temporary) example: In the "Up, Up, and Away" eight-part story arc that ran in two titles last year, set "One Year Later" after "Infinite Crisis" had been over and done with for twelve months from the DCU's point of view, we learned quickly that Superman's powers had faded away for some reason around the time the "Infinite Crisis" ended, and he had spent the past year adjusting very well to a non-superheroic lifestyle as plain old Clark Kent; working full-time to be a Daily Planet reporter and Lois Lane's loving husband, and apparently giving tips to his cousin Supergirl as she filled his boots as the foremost superpowered guardian of Metropolis whenever another villain went on a rampage. (Which seems to be an hourly occurrence in that town.)
Another good example would be what happened (or apparently happened) to Richard Rider after his series "The Man Called Nova" was cancelled in 1979. But that also fits under another category, so I'll discuss it further under Reason #10.
05. Burnout
"Friends -- I just can't take it any more. Not right now, anyway. I want to find some nice quiet little corner of the world and get reacquainted with how normal people live. I might come back later -- but don't hold your breath."
The psychological wear and tear of long periods of facing depraved villainy can be considerable. Some heroes get overwhelmed after a while.
To offer some perspective: I once read that psychologists and physicians studying the U.S. Army during both World Wars reached the conclusion that expecting a group of infantrymen to spend more than a few months at a stretch in the front lines is counterproductive. Shell-shock, or battle fatigue, or whatever you want to call it, is much likelier to set in when a man has been in constant fear of his life for a really lengthy period, always wondering if the next bomb or artillery shell to come down out of the sky will have his name on it. However: if an infantry division gets pulled back from the front and has some months of relative peace and quiet, while assimilating new members who are replacing the troops who got killed or gravely wounded), then the time will come when you can send that same division back up front for a few more months with a reasonable expectation that the nerves of the seasoned veterans will generally stand up to that stress all over again . . . for awhile.
Presumably this need to take regular breaks away from the "front lines" should apply to superheroes as well. It often turns out they aren't permanently "burned out," but they definitely need the same opportunities that combat veterans often need to let their nerves settle down while they do something else for awhile.
When it comes to deliberately stepping away from the daily slugfests to recover his equilibrium, Black Lightning has been there and done that; I think multiple times. I can't find my copy right now, but I believe the following happened in "Batman and the Outsiders #5," published in 1983 as part of a team-up with the New Teen Titans of that era. At one point when the two groups were socializing, Jefferson Pierce (Black Lightning) was seen confirming to Wally West (still Kid Flash at the time) that he'd dropped out of the hero game for awhile before joining the Outsiders. Wally asked why; Jefferson said briefly that he'd made a mistake and a civilian got killed. Wally gasped out (approximately): "How can you live with that?" and Jefferson said (I think): "I couldn't -- for awhile. Batman convinced me I could still do some good, though."
(All that was paraphrased from memory after I couldn't quickly find my copy, but I believe it captures the gist of their conversation.)
On a similar note, Scott Summers (Cyclops) took a long leave of absence from the X-Men after the Dark Phoenix Saga and the funeral of his beloved, Jean Grey. Certainly a plausible excuse to feel the burning need to get away from all that stressful life-and-death-decisions-in-the-heat-of-battle stuff for awhile. Scott only started working with the X-Men again about a year later (our time) in "Uncanny X-Men #150" when -- by sheer bad luck! -- he got shipwrecked on a newly-created little island and found himself a prisoner of Magneto, although he certainly hadn't been looking for Magneto and Magneto (as far as I could tell) had not deliberately come looking for Cyclops either! But when Magneto started giving ultimatums to the rest of the world, and the X-Men came flying down to fight him, Scott naturally had to help as best he could! (It must have been a nice vacation while it lasted, though. Except for the previous nerve-wracking encounter with the demon D'Spayre in the Florida Everglades, I mean, but by superhero standards, that doesn't make his vacation anything "abnormal," right?)
And in the early issues of the "Green Lantern" title that began in 1990 (with scripts by Gerard Jones), Hal Jordan was dealing with a similar feeling of "burnout." He ended up spending a few issues proving to himself that he could actually make an honest living by manual labor, deal with regular people on an equal basis, etc., without wearing the spiffy costume most of the time and without expecting his power ring to solve problems a hundred times a day for him. (But he only started doing all that after throwing himself off a cliff and only bothering to fire up his ring with his willpower -- and fly away -- in the last split-second before he otherwise would have gone SPLAT! Clearly that guy had issues and a nice long vacation was seriously overdue!)