1989 Taco Bell promotion


Mar 31, 2004
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I thought this would be interesting to share, and nostalgic for those of us who can remember.

Translites and counter cup display:


My original Cinnamon Twist wrapper. These were introduced in 1989 with this movie.

The 4 plastic travel cups.


The hanging mobile for displaying the 4 cups.


Employee crew shirt.


Window sign.

To my knowledge, there is only one thing that I am missing. It was a yellow plastic banner that read "Try New Cinnamon Twists" and featured the Bat logo.
yea and mcdonalds promoted batman returns
Very cool ShadowBat!
Tis stuff like that that really gets you into the hype and the mood of the time. For me its much more nostalgic to look at stuff like this, knowing that people walked into the restaurants with this stuff hanging up, than oh say toys or things that just stood on shelves.
Wow, Taco Bell has been around for that long? I noticed in the 3rd pic, the first cup is a direct copy of Neal Adams. I wonder who did the art for the cups.
Holy crap! I remember that! No wonder I always think of batman when I have a "cinnamon twist", how odd!
I had completely forgot about Taco Bell's Batman promotion.

Thanks for reminding me of that fact, ShadowBat. :up:
the year 1989 will always be one of the best years of my life!!
Holy nostalgia, Batman! :eek:

That's a pretty sweet haul, ShadowBat. Batmania was crazy. It's always good to see a reminder of how much that campaign permeated the general landscape.

However, I can't help but to look at all that stuff and think to myself, "There's no ****ing way Batman would ever eat at Taco Bell." :confused:
Wow. I didn't know Taco Bell has a partnership with Batman89. I always thought it was McDonald's when they did it with BR & BF. Funny Taco Bell did partnership for Batman again with B&R. I bet they wish they didn't promoted Batman again after we all know how B&R turn out. :woot:
I actually think the Taco Bell cups look great themselves. I also love the Batman Returns McDonald's Cups.

Great stuff and memories. :up:
in the picture with the four cups, i have the 3rd one...which i still use
That is cool...

Neal Adams art turned into Michael Keaton:) (correct me if I am wrong)

It's times like this that I wish I wasn't born a week before opening day (June 14). I hope to collect a lot of stuff with the Dark Knight, but looking back at your collection, I don't think the Hype will be as big; but I've been wrong before:woot:
I used to have one of those cups I think I might still have it actually. I hope I do!
I want to go back to 1989 with a delorean, with 10 grand, and then ill be satisfied!!!
they promoted batman again in the batman and robin movie i remeber those scratch off cups and you could win the batmobile, pfft as if
I have these cups!

I was only 4 when B89 came out... but I remember the promotion stuff in Taco Bell. :woot:
they promoted batman again in the batman and robin movie i remeber those scratch off cups and you could win the batmobile, pfft as if
Ya cause McDonalds knew B&R was gonna flop so they pulled out.
Ya cause McDonalds knew B&R was gonna flop so they pulled out.

Actually, it was because, at that time, McDonalds signed an exclusive deal with Disney.

When I get the chance, Ill start a thread featuring the 92 McD's promotion.
Wow. A handful of you are to be commended in regards to your cleanliness. I'm pretty sure if I had a cup that was near 20 years old, the CDC would be coming to confiscate it.
ahh I see, I was being sarchastic anyways! lol

Thats cool, but you did raise an interesting question as to why McD's didnt stay with the property. Now everyone knows.:yay:

Wow. A handful of you are to be commended in regards to your cleanliness. I'm pretty sure if I had a cup that was near 20 years old, the CDC would be coming to confiscate it.

Ha. Wait 'till you see a couple of the things I have from the Returns promotion. Anyone remember when McD's offered Pizza? ;)

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