(2012) Thread of the Year!


Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score

This award is pretty self-explanatory and is one of the most beloved. What is your favorite thread on the Hype that was created this year?​
JustABill vs Cory Deathmatch thread...too bad nobody can ever find it again. :rolleyes:
I would nominate JustABill vs. Cory, it's dead and gone.

I nominate The Is Patty Mayonaise a lesbian thread.

I'm gonna vote for the relationship thread, especially before Dreadstar was banned :p
Hands down the JustABill vs. Cory thread. So many hilarious moments in that thread due to so many jimmies being rustled.
Any thread braincrusher ever started. :up:
This epecially the I caught a fish and want to eat. Put it right on grill? thread :funny:
Originally Posted by braincrusher
I'm stupid so bear with me. The fish is in a bucket. It appears to be a perch or sunfish trout. I have a hankering for fish and want it cooked as soon as possible. So, do I just throw the seasoning on it and put it on the hot coals and roast it alive? Is this how it's done?

So I wound up leaving the head on the fish like you guys told me and slathering it with my signature beer sauce like Schlosser suggested. I killed the fish first, that was my main question. My buddy wacked it with a billy club. I don't cook much and wondered if putting the fish right on the coals while it was still flipping around was the way to go. Finger licking good! I saved the tail and plan to eat it like a potato chip later on today after my yoga

I am just a bachelor who eats a lot of hot pockets. I am not well versed in the way of the chef and became quite excited when i caught this fish. I often forget that fish sticks come from a real life animals.

JustABill vs Cory


JustALegend VS Godry

JustABill vs Cory


JustALegend VS Godry


Batboards: We vote Cory!

Billy: The Batboards are making me tied with Cory! HOW COULD THEY DO THIS TO MEEEEEE?!? :cmad:

Cory: **** the Batboards. I don't even like this guys. :o

Batboards: **** YOU, CORY! :argh:
Batboards: We vote Cory!

Billy: The Batboards are making me tied with Cory! HOW COULD THEY DO THIS TO MEEEEEE?!? :cmad:

Cory: **** the Batboards. I don't even like this guys. :o

Batboards: **** YOU, CORY! :argh:

Never forget.


This epecially the I caught a fish and want to eat. Put it right on grill? thread :funny:


That thread should be framed and hung on some wall somewhere. Forget Thread of the Year, it's the Thread of the Millennium.

(For the record, I once caught a fish in a bucket and later ate it. After it was dead, though. It was a catfish. I'm from the country, that's how we roll down there.)
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JustABill vs Cory


JustALegend VS Godry


Batboards: We vote Cory!

Billy: The Batboards are making me tied with Cory! HOW COULD THEY DO THIS TO MEEEEEE?!? :cmad:

Cory: **** the Batboards. I don't even like this guys. :o

Batboards: **** YOU, CORY! :argh:

you know a thread is amazing when it's wiped from existence

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