A fan made hulk video on youtube.com

seems a little blurry...is the Hulk blue or red?
Thanks Horatio-

These frames show what the actual image quality is, but also the upload killed it.




did you do that yourself? from scratch?
if so GREAT JOB.
again I LOVE the choreagraphy and your story telling.
are you a pros?
HoratioRome said:
did you do that yourself? from scratch?
if so GREAT JOB.
again I LOVE the choreagraphy and your story telling.
are you a pros?

Thanks. I did it myself. And yes, I do work professioanlly, but not on stuff like the scene I posted. I mostly do things like animated logos and sequences for commercials and music videos.
dragon, you should have made it lighter, some of the scenes are hard to follow.

also what did you do with spidey's front logo, i can't get my finger on it but it actually looks pretty good.
Odin's Lapdog said:
dragon, you should have made it lighter, some of the scenes are hard to follow.

also what did you do with spidey's front logo, i can't get my finger on it but it actually looks pretty good.

Thanks. Like I said, the resolution of the upload is what makes it hard to see. Anyway, for dramatic purposes I wanted some parts of the cave they're fighting in to be dark. The fight is based on their first encounter in Spidey #14.

And- my apologies to Marcus M. I didn't mean to take over your thread. I'll start another one.
i didn't get the reference, i don't collect the old stuff much :(

i was wondering why you put them in a cave to fight, now i know why :D

what did you do with the spider at the front
Odin's Lapdog said:
i didn't get the reference, i don't collect the old stuff much :(

i was wondering why you put them in a cave to fight, now i know why :D

what did you do with the spider at the front

Well again, I started a thread on this, but to answer your question as far as the spider emblem; there wasn't any grand plan. I just made it along with the web pattern in Adobe Illustrator, and layered it over the Spidey CG model. I'm doing a full length animated Spidey movie, and in that I made the emblem closer to the Spidey movie design.

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