Republican Voter Registration Fraud in San Bernardino Further Exposed
by: Robert in Monterey
Wed Sep 17, 2008 at 07:52:03 AM PDT
Note: Title edited as per a suggestion in the comments
To expand on the voter fraud in San Bernardino County that the CDP alerted us to yesterday, funded by would-be governor Steve Poizner, Carol Robb of the San Bernardino County Democratic Central Committee has provided more details, including Republican DA Mike Ramos' unwillingness to even return Democrats' calls:
Here's what has happened:
·Immediately after the Labor Day weekend, we saw a large increase in San Bernardino County in Republican Registration, as compared to Democratic, for the first time in 14 months
·The office of the Registrar of Voters was alerted to this situation by Carol Robb.
·The Secretary of State's office was also alerted by a phone call from Carol Robb.
·Knowing that voter registration fraud was taking place in Riverside County, Carol Robb got a list from the Registrar of Voters, containing new registrations and re-registrations between Aug. 18 and Sept. 3. That file was used to identify over 400 voters whose registration changed from Democrat, or "declined to state," to Republican.
·Calls were made to about 100 randomly selected voters from the 400+ on the list. Because of incorrect phone numbers, only 33 interviews were completed.
·Phone interviews determined that 27, of the 33 voters reached had been "slammed" -- their party affiliation was improperly changed.
·The advice of the California Democratic Party was sought, and Bob Mulholland was designated to assist us.
·Carol Robb, Patrick Kahler, Sam Clauder, and Phil Robb (Carol's husband, retired Deputy DA) met with Kari Verjil and her key staff on Friday, September 12. The Registrar was given all information, including copies of our 33 telephone interview forms.
·Carol Robb also filed an on-line complaint with the DA's Public Integrity Unit.
·Carol and Sam kept in close contact with Bob Mulholland, who constantly urged us to "go public."
·When our calls to the DA's office were unreturned Monday and again Tuesday morning, Mulholland took matters into his own hands, and sent out a press release from the state party linking San Bernardino's situation to State Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner's repeated press releases, about his personal funding of Republican voter registration bounty programs.
·In the meantime, the Registrar's office has handed over all information to both the District Attorney and the Secretary of State, with her request for immediate investigation.
·Congressman Baca was asked to call DA Mike Ramos to urge immediate action.
·Supervisor Josie Gonzalez has pledged to contact the DA's office and urge immediate action.
·A copy of our press release and other information has been shared with a representative of Assembly Speaker Karen Bass. Karen Bass will be meeting with both Secretary of State Debra Bowen and Attorney General Jerry Brown in the next day or so, and will share our information directly with them.
SBD Republicans are trying to cast this as Democratic sour grapes but it's clear that there is something worth investigating here. Democrats are holding a press conference at 11 AM today to explain the matter to local media and demand an investigation and accountability.
It's worth keeping in mind that this isn't just about the 2008 cycle - but that the involvement of Steve Poizner, a leading candidate for the GOP gubernatorial nomination in 2010, suggests this could be a long-term strategy for Republicans in California. Certainly the track record of YPM, the Republican firm at the center of the scandal and with many years of voter registration fraud dating back to at least 2004, suggests this to be the case.