Tron Bonne; Finally got it on the last set of questions. First it gave me Xion from Kingdom Hearts (not even close) and Miku from Fatal Frame (Even further off), but eventually got it
Angel Love: Stumped it. First Mary Jane-Watson, then Pepper Potts, then Wendy (from the Wendy's logo). I figured that one would be way too obscure. I even had to manually add the character to the database.
Alan Moore: Got it on the first set of questions. Asked if he had a beard on the third question and from there on it's good.
Geoffrey Chaucer: Stumped it again. First it gave me Percy Shelley, then William Shakespeare, which isn't far off, so I assumed it get it next time, but threw a total out of nowhere choice with Samuel Johnson.
Grant Morrison: Got in on the very last set of questions. First got Terry Pratchett and then Martin Amis before. I was kind of surprised, but the last question asked if he's bald and I guess that was the tip off
Tomorrow Woman: Stumped again. First gave me Starfire (kind of close), then Silhouette (totally off in just about everyway), and finally asked if it was just my own character. Another I had to add.
Sadie from Young Liars: Stumped another time. First was Fox from Wanted, then Channon Yarrow from Transmetropolitan, and finally Tulip O'Hare from Preacher. Kind of close on all accounts
Agent Elgala from Excel Saga: Kind of thought of this based on one of Manic's. First gave me Cammy from Street Fighter, and then Mai Valentine from Yu-Gi-Oh. Then it actually got it on the last one. Kind of surprised me there.
Tom Strong: First gave me Captain Marvel, then Wonder Man, but got it on the last set of questions.
Telsa Strong: I stumped it on the follow up. First Silk Spectre II from Watchman (pretty far off), then Sheeva from RE5, and finally Carrie Hack from Hack/Slash.
Sailor Moon: I figured it get this on the first shot, and it did, pretty easy one.
Utena Tenjou: Wow, got this one on the first shot. Surprising.
Neat little thing, kind of cool to see it get some of those, since they're pretty removed from mainstream stuff