American Splendor


Feb 17, 2007
Reaction score
American Splendor : Considering it's 94% rating on RT, I was outrageously disappointed with this steaming pile of crap movie.
It's basically some biography about a loser guy, with loser friends, and a loser life, who wrote a comic for loser people, and ended up being a loser movie.

Harvey Pekar is a miserable excuse for a human being, his daily observations are no more witty then Yogi Berra quotes.

And please, I'm not just into mindless movies filled with sex and violence, but if it isn't going to be entertaining, can there be a point to it?

Has anyone had the misfortune of seeing it? Anyone care to defend it and make me understand why I'm such a philistine for not grasping its post-modernist dept?
I started reading the movie description but stopped once it said that Pekar meets Crumb. That Crumb guy is a weirdo and his comics suck. Judging from the screen caps it looks like his style/world. Depressed, bland and thanks.
The worse thing is... I saw this movie without having any knowledge about it whatsoever... My girlfriend heard it was good, told me to pick it up, I figured I was in for a romance or something... That I could have handled.
The worse thing is... I saw this movie without having any knowledge about it whatsoever... My girlfriend heard it was good, told me to pick it up, I figured I was in for a romance or something... That I could have handled.

American Splendor : Considering it's 94% rating on RT, I was outrageously disappointed with this steaming pile of crap movie.
It's basically some biography about a loser guy, with loser friends, and a loser life, who wrote a comic for loser people, and ended up being a loser movie.

Harvey Pekar is a miserable excuse for a human being, his daily observations are no more witty then Yogi Berra quotes.

And please, I'm not just into mindless movies filled with sex and violence, but if it isn't going to be entertaining, can there be a point to it?

Has anyone had the misfortune of seeing it? Anyone care to defend it and make me understand why I'm such a philistine for not grasping its post-modernist dept?

It doesnt have depth. Its just about a blue collar guy looking for passion and meaning in his life. I enjoyed it, very well performed, innovative story-telling being half-doumentary
No doubt the acting was great. It was actually excellent.
I guess the simplicity of the story, and the reflection of how petty life can be are too strikingly depressing for me.
I just don't understand why cinema needs this, I know there are a lot of sad depressing people, living sad depressing lives, and I'm doing all I can to avoid that reality... But I realize it exist and I don't see why I should further explore it.
As for people living such an excruciating life, isn't this movie enough to push them to suicide.
Really not a fun time movie.
What does cinema need?

You wont be able to answer that cause you'll only answer with what YOU want out of cinema. You just have to live with the fact that you're not gonna like every movie,and that you're not the end-all, be-all opinion maker.

This is the plural "you." Not aimed at anybody specifically cause its ok to dislike movies and be critical. I just want to be clear about my intentions
Fair enough.
The movie was a drag, and it perplexes me how I am so at odds with apparently more enlightened movie goers.
I know that I can't like every movie, and I realize my opinion is no more important then the next persons, yet I feel like I'm looking at one of these magic eye pictures, everyone else sees it, but I don't.
Fair enough.
The movie was a drag, and it perplexes me how I am so at odds with apparently more enlightened movie goers.
I know that I can't like every movie, and I realize my opinion is no more important then the next persons, yet I feel like I'm looking at one of these magic eye pictures, everyone else sees it, but I don't.

The movies not special, and its not horrible. Its just their.You either like it or you dont. Just one of those movies. You cant defend it or flame it, it just IS.
I remember watching bits and pieces of this on HBO a while back. I couldn't stand Paul Giamatti's raspy voice in it, but that's about all I remember about it.
The movies not special, and its not horrible. Its just their.You either like it or you dont. Just one of those movies. You cant defend it or flame it, it just IS.

Same thing happened to me with his other movie Sideways, didn't get it, didn't want too, was pretty upset... And that I saw at the theatre :csad:!

I remember watching bits and pieces of this on HBO a while back. I couldn't stand Paul Giamatti's raspy voice in it, but that's about all I remember about it.

The Pekar guy screamed too much during his life... That was definitely grating... Giamatti is a brilliant actor though.
one of my friends tried to show me Sideways once...I watched the first 15 minutes, and was like "what the f**k is this??? why am I watching it???" and left.
I liked the movie, it was neither a masterpiece nor crap.

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