April Fan Art WINNER!


Apr 28, 2000
Reaction score
OKAY, the votes are in... and it was another close vote...

The April Fan Art Winner is:
With his amazing pencil rendering of the Thundercats!

Number 2 & 3 runners up were:
A tie for second place - MadMaximus & eraser
Third place - christian_ward

Excelsior's Fem-Force-Five!

As always some very fine pieces - Congrats to ALL who entered!

You can see all the entries HERE
That's who I voted for, congrats imagine, and everybody else.
wow, I didn't expect to get that ranking, I didn't think my piece generated any heat.
Congrats imagine12, some of the best pencil work I've ever seen on the hype. :up:
MadMaximus said:
wow, I didn't expect to get that ranking, I didn't think my piece generated any heat.

Dude, it rocked. Robotech is awesome. good job.
Well done everyone and congratulations to imagine12 well done dude :)

:venom: Baggers :venom:
:D Congratulations everyone :up: You guys definitely deserve it :D
MadMaximus said:
wow, I didn't expect to get that ranking, I didn't think my piece generated any heat.
your link and those of eraser and cristian ward didn't work culd the three of you repost the artwork here?
Congrats man!your art was awesome,I wish it would be colored tho.NICE me and MadMaximus got a tie for second place,Im really happy about that since his entry was my favorite piece

3dman27-sorry about that,I will try to post it again soon
Awesome job imagine12! I do believe I voted for you.

Yay! I'm in the Fem-Force-Five! ...whatever that means... Are they like the top 5 that Excelsior liked but didn't win?
doommachine said:
Awesome job imagine12! I do believe I voted for you.

Yay! I'm in the Fem-Force-Five! ...whatever that means... Are they like the top 5 that Excelsior liked but didn't win?
yes but i think he forgot something the fem force were all female
Congrats everyone :)

probably the best top three ive seen in a while. :up::up:

definitely the best bottom four.

and second best middle six.

3dman27 said:
your link and those of eraser and cristian ward didn't work culd the three of you repost the artwork here?

Hmm. Did anyone else have these problems? I'll repost it no problem.


It's a slightly smaller version so it doesn't take up so much space.

Ah yeah, and I failed to mention earlier, lol, Congrats to Imagine12.
MadMaximus said:
Hmm. Did anyone else have these problems? I'll repost it no problem.


It's a slightly smaller version so it doesn't take up so much space.

Ah yeah, and I failed to mention earlier, lol, Congrats to Imagine12.

:D I voted for this. I almost forgot how frigging awesome the coloring is. :D :up:
congrats imagine12 and the others who placed. there were some really great entries this month
eraser said:
here you go 3dman27
now i've gotta talk to sting aboit stealing my catchphrase
I agree with all the winners... excuse me for my ignorance but, what is the Fem-Force-Five?
And my proposal for a future contest: baby heroes! like the x-babies... Mojo rules!
the femforce was an allfemale superteam published by ac comics

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