The Dark Knight Arkham Asylum


Arkham Asylum Inmate
Nov 23, 2007
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So I realized no one has mention anything about the Elizabeth Arkham Asylum site yet (Or at least I haven't seen any talk about it. Sorry if it has.). It's currently parked at godaddy. What do you guys think?

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Domains by Proxy, Inc.
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Could be legit. It was registered around the same time as the other viral sites.
You might have something here. But I wonder why it's Elizabeth Arkham? Is a reference to the comics?
The asylum is named for Elizabeth Arkham who is the mother of Amadeus Arkham the founder
if it is referencing to the comics, then something might happen on April 1st on that site.
Good find, thanks for posting! :up: It looks legit. How'd you find it?
Good find, thanks for posting! :up: It looks legit. How'd you find it?

Thanks and no problem.

I had looked up 'Arkham Asylum' on wikipedia after typing several failed possibilities into the address bar and I noticed they call it 'Elizabeth Arkham Asylum' on there. I was going to brush it off and look for other clues when I remembered an article in The Gotham Times that mentions a mental hospital called Beth Isreal. The name had struck me as odd and bothered me a bit so I took it as a hint and tried it out. And TaDa! I found this possible site.

Me and my luck, eh?

I'm hoping, that if this site isn't up for the new years viral, it should be up for April 1st. What a better reference to the comic, eh? :woot:
Interesting. I really hope to see where this is going. :up:
Awesome find! I am surprised that no one caught this, it would be nice to see something done there.
And here I was trying all kinds of different URLs for Arkham Asylum, and didn't come up with that one. :oldrazz:

Good find! Now we'll just have to wait and see...
Dammit, I still don't believe it's all done. Even with the Joker phones expiring.... Anyone putting their hopes, like me, on this spot being the place for a last final hoorah!

(and for those of you who wet yourselves thinking something new was going on I apoligize.)
Sorry to poop on your parade, but they might have just registered it so that someone else wouldn't... Plus Arkham wasn't mentioned even once in the movie, an only in references to the aftermath of BB in the viral, as far as I can recall.
yeah. the virals are over. they more than likely just picked up the domain name so no one else could.

and it's odd..... for some strange reason, I've known about this for a while. but never mentioned it. guess I figured everyone else already knew about it.

yeah. the virals are over. they more than likely just picked up the domain name so no one else could.

and it's odd..... for some strange reason, I've known about this for a while. but never mentioned it. guess I figured everyone else already knew about it.


Umm, I think it has been listed on the wiki for about six months or more. At least. Along with others that are parked at GoDaddy.
They also may have had plans for it at some point but ended up not using it.
maybe when the DVD is released something will go live.
maybe when the DVD is released something will go live.

I am really hoping that something does. It seems strange that they would tie in a clue into the BB release and just leave us hanging for this one.
Maybe they'll start another viral!

leave my wishful thinking alone.
I know everyones gonna hate me for asking this but would anyone be willing to sell their viral phone to me? (I know dumb question) Dont Kill me!

*hides in corner*
I know everyones gonna hate me for asking this but would anyone be willing to sell their viral phone to me? (I know dumb question) Dont Kill me!

*hides in corner*

At least one person has already sold theirs. This is in the wrong thread though.

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