Batman Cowls and Masks



Hi there.

I know there's a variety of official and custom-made cowls and masks available through a variety of sources. And then there's the DIY-cowl messageboard Brotherhood Of The Bat where people give tips on making there own costumes, props, cowls and such.

I have two questions:

- Does anyone know of any other DIY cowl/costuming sites besides BOTB?

- Does anyone have any recommendations on turning a bicycle/motorcycle helmet into a custom Batman style mask/helmet?

Any recommendations, tips, links, etc. are much appreciated.
i don't think you could turn a bike or motorcycle helmet into a batman mask or helmet. it would be too bulky. BOTB would be your best bet. and of course, as you know, that means sculpting, molding, casting, etc. and it's expensive and difficult. but that's your best bet.
You could do something like Robin's helmet in the animated series... not sure what you could do as a mask.

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