Batman Republican or Democrat


Sep 10, 2004
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In this world of partisan-ship I would put out is Batman a Republican or Democrat. (or Independent)

Here are a few officially stated political affiliations

Captain America (though he really identifies with whoever is in power)
Superman (also same as Cap kinda)

Senator Kelly (at least late in his career)
I personally would go with option C...has major problems with both because he never seems to be on good terms with the Government
Bruce Wayne: Republican because he is a rich snob

Batman: Democrat because he cares about the well being of the people.

Please dont take what i type seriously!
Batman has always been apolitical to me. However, were I to examine the issue, I would suggest Batman is very much not a Republican, nor Democrat. His very nature as a grass-roots vigilante really removes him from either party by ideology. However, let's examine the views Batman has expressed over the years (in-continuity) against political affiliations:

Gun Rights: Batman has been depicted for numerous years as being a staunch anti-gun individual. In short, Batman hates guns and thinks they should be eliminated from the equation of our culture. Definitely a Democrat viewpoint.

Government interference: Batman has been shown infiltrating and expressing disdain for government operations, mostly in connection with law enforcement (FBI, etc.). Also, Batman's whole ideology represents a citizen's right to defend himself and pro-actively thwart crime. Very much a classical Republican viewpoint (recent Republican stances seem to go against this view)

Economy: Bruce Wayne has shown a remarkable philantropic attitude, giving to charities and welfare organizations over the years, as well as calling for government help in the rebuilding of Gotham after Cataclysm. Definitely a Democratic viewpoint.

Defense: Batman is definitely a supporter of the armed forces and enforcement of the protection of America. I would assume he would support a large spending of the budget on military protection. Republican.

There's more, but I have work to do ;)
Batman/Bruce Wayne is a Democrat.

He cares for all, he knows the pain. The least he would want for America would be equal rights to all.

He's a democrat.
Oh, and Bruce Banner/The Hulk, Nightcrawler, and Hal Jordon/Green Lantern are democrats.
One analysis that I saw went like this:

Spider-man: Independent
Batman: Conservative
Superman: Liberal
Detective Flass said:
Batman/Bruce Wayne is a Democrat.

He cares for all, he knows the pain. The least he would want for America would be equal rights to all.

He's a democrat.
Those aren't only Democatic principles anymore. :o

Anyway, I think he'd be Libertarian...ish.
MatchesMalone said:
Batman has always been apolitical to me. However, were I to examine the issue, I would suggest Batman is very much not a Republican, nor Democrat. His very nature as a grass-roots vigilante really removes him from either party by ideology. However, let's examine the views Batman has expressed over the years (in-continuity) against political affiliations:

Gun Rights: Batman has been depicted for numerous years as being a staunch anti-gun individual. In short, Batman hates guns and thinks they should be eliminated from the equation of our culture. Definitely a Democrat viewpoint.

Government interference: Batman has been shown infiltrating and expressing disdain for government operations, mostly in connection with law enforcement (FBI, etc.). Also, Batman's whole ideology represents a citizen's right to defend himself and pro-actively thwart crime. Very much a classical Republican viewpoint (recent Republican stances seem to go against this view)

Economy: Bruce Wayne has shown a remarkable philantropic attitude, giving to charities and welfare organizations over the years, as well as calling for government help in the rebuilding of Gotham after Cataclysm. Definitely a Democratic viewpoint.

Defense: Batman is definitely a supporter of the armed forces and enforcement of the protection of America. I would assume he would support a large spending of the budget on military protection. Republican.

There's more, but I have work to do ;)

He is also Anti-death penalty. I say this because every mass murder he has caught or apprehended himself he has sent to Arkham for rehabilitation
Detective Flass said:
Batman/Bruce Wayne is a Democrat.

He cares for all, he knows the pain. The least he would want for America would be equal rights to all.

He's a democrat.

Bill Clinton: I feel your pain:up:
ShadowBoxing said:
He is also Anti-death penalty. I say this because every mass murder he has caught or apprehended himself he has sent to Arkham for rehabilitation
Isn't the sentencing of criminals the responsibility of the courts, not Batman?
Not that it is in-continuity, but Bruce in Kingdom Come talked to Clark about Blackgate Prison being destroyed, and he said something along the line of, "Don't tell me it didn't give you a little tingle to hear that they'd all been killed..."

That is the only reference to anything close to the death penalty I have heard him say in the comics...
CConn said:
Isn't the sentencing of criminals the responsibility of the courts, not Batman?

true true...but keep in mind its a comic book, so the ideals of the character are going to reflect somewhat in the surroundings. The only way we would know for sure whether Batman really agrees with the death penalty would be if Gotham started executing its prisoners (Like Joker and others). Would he then still be so helped to the GPD, we don't know. However I think he himself does not kill therefore he must in someway believe that killing doesn't accomplish anything. As opposed to say the Punisher who is on a similar crusade with more perminent solutions.
Plus comic books in general tend to be pretty liberal. DC and Marvel both in their history were groundbreaking in tackling issues like Race, Drugs, and Religion (I am refering to an issue of Thor where he fought the Crusader, I find its message somewhat contraversial)
I'm not sure I want to know. I'm afraid one day I'll pick up a comic and Batman will call Poison Ivy a "tree-hugging liberal Commi!"

I'll be crestfallen.
I'm sad to say I think he's a Democrat for his stance on guns and that whole Robin in very short shorts thing.
Well the definitive Republican/Democrat separation is small government or big government. Republicans tend to like hands off government and Democrats tend to be hands on. This is a spectrum, on one end is pull yourself up by your boot straps, and the other is welfare state (these are extremes). Batman seems to dislike government stepping in on his territory (Gotham)...even when it comes in the form of Superman. However, he seems in support of welfare programs that aid in helping the families of the areas he protects. True, he supports strong homeland security, but this is NOT a Republican ideal as some would have us believe. The truth is the party in power is traditionally in support of War, the party that is not is not. World War II is a good example of a time when Democrats got tough on defense. Republicans were in support of Vietnam, when Democrats were not. It goes on like this. My opinion is still Batman is apolitical, however he definitely stands up for slums in Gotham and often opposes development projects in those places in favor of providing aid to the residents. For this I would say he is a Democrat, at least at a local level
Batman and Bruce Wayne both hate guns so much that there is absolutely no way they vote Republican. The way to fight guns goes through the democrats and Bruce knows that. As far as I know Bruce is also interested in protecting the environment which is certainly not an important Republican issue.

And wow wow, I refuse to believe Superman is Republican? Where did you read that?
lets see, he fights criminals without *****ing and moaning about their "rights".
he supports the police (both as bruce and batman).
and he's smart

(although i voted for problems with both because he doesn't strike me as a partisan yes monkey)
I like to think Bruce Wayne is an Independent voter. When you look at Batman's views on crime, money, big business, life, death, ect. He just seems like someone who has a common interest with each political party. He's a complex guy, you know.
I think and many of may agree with me on these but I don't think he is any of those Bruce Wayne doesn't seem like a voter type.
Till_the_End said:
Batman and Bruce Wayne both hate guns so much that there is absolutely no way they vote Republican. The way to fight guns goes through the democrats and Bruce knows that. As far as I know Bruce is also interested in protecting the environment which is certainly not an important Republican issue.

And wow wow, I refuse to believe Superman is Republican? Where did you read that?

Well I said he really identifies with whoever is in power, but he is pretty republican in DKR

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