Battle of the Breakfast: Round 1

U.S War Machine

Hail to the king
Mar 27, 2005
Reaction score
Round 1:pancakes Vs. Waffles
Who would win this syrup battle!? :eek:

Upcoming Battles
Round 2:Bacon Vs. Sausage
Round 3 Donuts Vs. Muffins
Round 4:Biscuits Vs. Toast
Round 5:Cereal Vs. Oatmeal
Round 6:Sausage Mc. Muffin Vs. Egg Mc. Muffin
Round 7:Omlet Vs. Breakfast Pizza
Round 8:Apples Vs. Oranges
Round 9:French Toast Vs. Eggs
More battles will be updated sometime later...
I love this!

I'm going to go with Pancakes, but waffles are pretty good as well.

Where's the Poll, though?
this comp is just going to make me insanely hungry all the time, :(
yeah sorry i forgot to put this as a poll. But if any Mod could change it to a poll that would be great thanks.
U.S War Machine said:
yeah sorry i forgot to put this as a poll. But if any Mod could change it to a poll that would be great thanks.

Just go to thread tools and select "add poll"
Oh... I would say pancakes, but I only like certain kinds of pancakes, I like all kinds of waffles... oh... pancakes, I guess...
Pancakes, or rather PAMcakes, are being protected by Hellboy, so waffles loose, crushed by the Right Hand of Doom. ;)
First one to pick something that isn't an option is an ass.

I pick cornflakes.
I... cant... choose. :(

**** it. Pancakes.

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