So, I have two initial reactions
1) The plot seems to be directly ripped from iRobot (though hopefully with far less ad placement). The idea of a society that is so reliant on technology, until technology supercede's humanity, has been done many many times in film (the Matrix, iRobot) and in book (e.g. Ray Bradbury, Asimov etc).
2) The robot design reminds me of those old radio shack robots from the 80s. The "Robie" series (in asia, they are called "Omnibot"). I had one when I was a child. I loved it. It could carry things and cart around via remote control and voice command. When I watched the trailer, all of those friendly associations were slowly eroded as I came to reimagine a scenario where my favorite childhood toy was in fact some nefarious device that would bring about some unpleasant denouement.
The film looks interesting. Yes, the plot is rehashed, but there are only so many stories to tell. We effectively keep retelling them. I look forward to this retelling.