Bombs away... the 2012 edition


Dec 6, 2005
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We know Taylor Kitsch hasn't had a great year, movie-wise. John Carter and Battleship ended being franchise non-starters with $72M and $69M domestic respectively.

And it looks like people are getting tired of the found-footage genre with Chernobyl Diaries and Silent House petering out at the box office. And Universal stopped tracking Seeking a Friend for the End of the World only after two weeks of opening... with a meager $7M cume.

And some chick-friendly films like The Five Year Engagement and One for the Money came out and sunk from sight. And let's not discount the terrible year Sam Worthington too (regardless of his acting ability or lack thereof) -- Man on a Ledge eked out a pitiful $18M and Wrath of the Titans made 50% less than its predecessor.

Any other films in the offing?
Adam Sandler's recent crap entree called That's My Boy. It had a production budget of $70 million without marketing and it has racked in a comparatively pathetic $38 million world wide...thus being a bomb. Sandler is on the decline and I think, I hope, that the general audience has finally wised up to the crap that this man puts out.
Another recent bomb, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter in 3D and rated R for ridiculous.
I totally forgot about those two. Goes to show crap sinks from mind...
dark shadows 150mill budget 75mill gross domestic
Total Recall is going to be on this list very soon.
mclay18 said:
I totally forgot about those two. Goes to show crap sinks from mind...
Not exactly otherwise how do you explain a Smurfs 2 being in production?

Shifty said:
Another recent bomb, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter in 3D and rated R for ridiculous.
And I was so looking forward to Benjamin Franklin: Chupacabra Slayer.
Not exactly otherwise how do you explain a Smurfs 2 being in production?

And I was so looking forward to Benjamin Franklin: Chupacabra Slayer.
Not exactly otherwise how do you explain a Smurfs 2 being in production?

Well, the first one made serious dough -- that's the only reason why. And I can't blame Neil Patrick Harris for doing them for his kids.
Some other flops... a few of these movies might make back their budgets through DVD/Blu-Ray or the international markets, but they didn't via the U.S. box office:

Pirates! Band of Misfits
Rock of Ages (shame, I really liked this movie)
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
The Dictator
This Means War
The Raven

Upcoming movies I think might flop:

Red Lights
The Watch
The Odd Life of Timothy Green
Premium Rush

I also wish to God that Ice Age: Continental Drift would flop, but I know it won't. Seriously, how many times are parents going to take their kids to see a squirrel chase a f**king acorn? I only want one more film in this series: ICE AGE: EXTINCTION.
Well, the first one made serious dough -- that's the only reason why. And I can't blame Neil Patrick Harris for doing them for his kids.

Plus it was surprisingly not terrible
Yeah, I had heard so much bad stuff about the Smurfs movie but when I finally watched it, I thought it was pretty decent. Not great, but not as bad as some people were making it out to be.
I think the watch may join this list but then again Ive been fooled by a stiller movie before. The 3 times I saw a preview of it before a movie in sold out theaters not alot of laughs for it otside of hills line to his meema.
That's insane, how could a comedy cost that much?

Production design.
Supposedly Tim Burton really went all out building sets etc.
Well that and of course the paycheck(s)

It's the same problem that's currently happening with Lone Ranger.
Total Recall is going to be on this list very soon.
Oh yes it will. The marketing is terrible. I see posters saying "WHAT IS REKALL?" with just the website. Everyone who knows what rekall is doesn't give a **** about the remake and everyone who doesn't won't be bothered to go to the site. I feel like TDKR will still top the box office that weekend anyway. Another movie that will get destroyed by TDKR (and probably Ice Age also) is The Watch. In fact, the only movies coming out in August that I feel WON'T flop are The Bourne Legacy and The Expendables 2. The Campaign might do okay too. They showed the trailer before Ted and the audience seemed to dig it.

That's insane, how could a comedy cost that much?
The Depp.
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I hope Lone Ranger flops. Unless the trailer is really, really convincing, I can't see Depp as Tonto or Hammer as the Ranger.
I feel like it has a better chance than John Carter or Prince of Persia did for Disney. But on the other hand, Depp's star power has been fading lately.
Do you think Johnny Depp will be using a Wisconsin accent or an English accent when he plays Tonto?
I will be quite sad if Paranorman goes belly up.
The Watch and Total Recall are gonna bomb with TDKR around. That's a given, but I wonder how The Bourne Legacy and The Expendables 2 will preform with TDKR in their face.
Do you think Johnny Depp will be using a Wisconsin accent or an English accent when he plays Tonto?

only in hollywood can an american born in kentucky and lives full time in italy and thinks he's italian can play a native american.

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