Boston Marathon Terror Attack

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Whoa. Watching ABC News' live coverage and it looks bad.
Oh my god, that's horrible! :wow:
seeing the major event that the Marathon is with the amount of people involved, I really hope to god that this wasn't some sinister s**t that was planned...
This is very disturbing & horrible news.
I've seen images with detached limbs and blood everywhere. Horrifying.

My thoughts to those effected.
seeing the major event that the Marathon is with the amount of people involved, I really hope to god that this wasn't some sinister s**t that was planned...
One can only hope it isnt the case. The day people cant even run a marathon safely will be a very sad one.

My thoughts and prayers are with those affected by this :(
One can only hope it isnt the case. The day people cant even run a marathon safely will be a very sad one.

My thoughts and prayers are with those affected by this :(
Moreso the day people can't do anything out in public will be a sad one.
One can only hope it isnt the case. The day people cant even run a marathon safely will be a very sad one.

My thoughts and prayers are with those affected by this :(

I hope that I'm wrong, but the timing of all this just seems HIGHLY suspect...
This is bad....and likely by design.
Just WHAT do people have against a MARATHON?! Jesus Christ. :csad:
Being reported 2 bags exploded on a sidewalk against a building
Just WHAT do people have against a MARATHON?! Jesus Christ. :csad:

it's not that someone has something against a marathon, it's the fact of large crowds that are a potential target for some insane individual or individuals, if such is the case...
Now CBS News is reporting there's been a 3rd explosion. No word if it was another unexpected one or possibly the police detonating another device.
New York is on high alert right now.
This seems planned but I'm just hoping its an isolated incident. The last thing this country (or any) is a chain of roadside bombings.
Horrible news- I haven't seen them say anyone has died from the incident yet but I've heard people lost limbs and bleeding out like that, you dont have much time to resolve. I hope they pull through
Being confirmed now that police intentionally detonated suspected device near some bleachers.
The only thing i hope to hear next is that it wasn't a bombing but it was an isolated incident
2 explosions placed at the finish line at the Boston Marathon on what they call Patriots' Day in Massachusetts, sounds pretty suspect to me.
now I'm starting to definitely believe that some evil s**t of a sort is the case, but nothing actually confirmed as of YET...
Terrible but people shouldn't jump to conclusions right now.
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