Cast the new DCU

Mulaney would be funny, but it’s gotta be Ben Schwartz IMO.

As for Hader…

That's a Nic Cage role if I ever saw one. :o
Yep looks like someone who ends up in a toxic relationship with a underage girl.
Nikolaj is also one of my picks for Slade Wilson/Deathstroke should you introduce Deathstroke under James Gunn in a Batman film
Deathstroke should just get his own thing or get introduced in a titans project. Deathstroke batman stories are not only uncommon but tend to be pretty forgetful, He's just not a batman villain imo. Not when we could get any number of fantastical version of classic villains.
I definitely seeing Gunn going for Deathstroke on the current Teen Titans project being worked on.
Deathstroke should just get his own thing or get introduced in a titans project. Deathstroke batman stories are not only uncommon but tend to be pretty forgetful, He's just not a batman villain imo. Not when we could get any number of fantastical version of classic villains.
I can see them ripping off the DCAMU and just have him try to take the League of Assassins for his own because Bruce won't do it and Damien is too young. Yadayadayada.
That's about the only angle that makes sense, and it's been done already. I think something fresh is what we'll get. Imo
Deathstroke should just get his own thing or get introduced in a titans project. Deathstroke batman stories are not only uncommon but tend to be pretty forgetful, He's just not a batman villain imo. Not when we could get any number of fantastical version of classic villains.
Thank you!

Deathstroke is not a Batman villain and should never be considered one. I will never understand why people think that he should be in a Batman movie as the villain. He’s much more a Dick Grayson villain than a Batman villain and in all reality he is a Titans villain foremost.

My hot take: the Dick Grayson/Slade fight in Lazarus Contract is the best comic book fight in history. Perez knocked it out of the park when he drew that.
It Tuesday again and...
The first name i'm gonna bring up, today, is - Aleyna Solaker. She was born on December 22nd 1996 in Turkey. She's 5'8 and She has been acting since 2013. And yes - she is also a model.

Aleyna Solaker 2.jpg Aleyna Solaker 4.jpg

The Second name is Cascina Caradonna. She's 5'8. Born in march 5th 1999 in the USA. Her first acting job was in 2019. In 2024 she portrayed Dina in "The Last of Us Part II Remastered". She's also a youtuber, and i believe most of her money is coming from youtube right now(over half a million subs) so... Google recognized her as youtuber, right now. Maybe it'll change, when she'll do more acting.
Cascina Caradonna 3.jpegCascina Caradonna 2.jpg

As opposed to The Last of Us Part II non remastered? :o
Actually she been in the original one, too(TLOU2), but i never played the game so i don't know if her "Screen Time" changed between the two. Sorry. I guess you'll need to find it out yourself.
Mads Mikkelsen as the voice of Darkseid, the Thanos of the DCU...with motion capture & CGI I can actually see him as Darkseid
Honestly? I wouldn’t mind seeing there being some sort of practical component to Darkseid, just to dissuade the Thanos comparisons.

We don’t need to be triggering Snyder flashbacks for anybody. :o
Evans been my top pick for Sinestro for some years now. He's spot on.
For Darkseid, I always thought Ed Harris woulda given off similar vibes to the JL Unlimited incarnation, but I sorta think that direction will be too similar to Brolin’s Thanos now.

What I like about Ironside’s portrayal is that there was some attitude there, and he feels like a character, not just like a generic demon or something (like JL War or ZSJL, though I admittedly thought the latter was at least executed well for that sort of direction).

So I kind of want someone who can bring some sass and smarminess, but with a different accent to Brolin/Ironside, like a Daniel Craig, Gerard Butler, or Denzel Washington.
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Ed Harris is a good call (there’s a certain Jack Palance vibe to his current state that leads us back to that original Darkseid inspiration), but he could easily be closing in on 80 by the time we actually meet Darkseid. I think he may have aged out.
Ed Harris is a good call (there’s a certain Jack Palance vibe to his current state that leads us back to that original Darkseid inspiration), but he could easily be closing in on 80 by the time we actually meet Darkseid. I think he may have aged out.
He will most likely have passed by then. 😞

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