Cell Phone Help

Dark Donnie

Kenny Powers is Back!
Apr 28, 2004
Reaction score
Im in need of a new phone and am having a difficult time picking which one to get so I figured I'd ask for some input.

My Options:
Blackberry Pearl

Palm Treo

Samsung SLM

Motorola Q Global


Any opinions or input would be appreciated.

I'm a big fan of the Mobira Senator myself. It's handy and can be used as a club or shield if necessary.


Haha! Sweet phone, funeman! :D

Donnie, I guess it's really dependent on what features you want in a phone, to be honest. All those phones you posted are pretty different from one another. Think about the features and size of phone you want first and then start whittling your list down.


Haha! Sweet phone, funeman! :D

Donnie, I guess it's really dependent on what features you want in a phone, to be honest. All those phones you posted are pretty different from one another. Think about the features and size of phone you want first and then start whittling your list down.


I like the Qwerty types, because I text alot, and get the occasional work email. The flip phones were there because I like the price and some of the features. I was leaning towards the Pearl but im not to sure.

The Pearl $100.00
Palm Treo $ 150.00
Motorola Q $ 200.00

The rest are around $40-50
I like the Qwerty types, because I text alot, and get the occasional work email. The flip phones were there because I like the price and some of the features. I was leaning towards the Pearl but im not to sure.

The Pearl $100.00
Palm Treo $ 150.00
Motorola Q $ 200.00

The rest are around $40-50
Treo is always good and reliable. My sister and mom both have Moto Qs and they love it. The Pearl is obviously smaller so that's also a plus. Me, personally, I just got a Palm Centro which is like a Treo but tiny.
I was really suprised how small the Pearl was...the buttons were tiny. I did like the overall size of the phone itself though. I've wanted a Treo for a while but the price was always to much, but they dropped a little. I really liked the new Q the most, but it's like $200 plus a $100 mail in, not sure i'll need everything that comes with that.
My only problem with the Q was how wide it was

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