Cities that deserve Superheros



I was walking Dublin, Ireland the other day, and thinking of how there are plans to put in 35-storey tall buildings on the waterfront, how different and cosmopolitan it would look. And I wondered, would a superhero story in this setting work? I imagined chases down cliffside rail lines, water vessels being chased from a riverside railway station out to open water. Dublin sits in a roughly semi-circular bay, with mountains to the south and a big pair of chimney stacks right at the rivermouth. Rich spots, poor spots, old stuff, new stuff, overall, there's enough to work with here for a good storyline.

Just a thought. I was wondering what cities you guys know that would deserve a visit from a storyline, brilliant locations for battles royale or uncanny sleuthing.
DC, 'cause then the govt. can get involved. Nothing like black SUV's and jets to get the adrenaline pumping.
I was walking Dublin, Ireland the other day, and thinking of how there are plans to put in 35-storey tall buildings on the waterfront, how different and cosmopolitan it would look. And I wondered, would a superhero story in this setting work? I imagined chases down cliffside rail lines, water vessels being chased from a riverside railway station out to open water. Dublin sits in a roughly semi-circular bay, with mountains to the south and a big pair of chimney stacks right at the rivermouth. Rich spots, poor spots, old stuff, new stuff, overall, there's enough to work with here for a good storyline.

Just a thought. I was wondering what cities you guys know that would deserve a visit from a storyline, brilliant locations for battles royale or uncanny sleuthing.

It's the fourth best city in the Europe area, after, Prague, Barcelona and Amsterdam.
Boston's Big Dig would have been a good location for a Spidey battle. I used to take a bus through it, and thought it would be cool to film an action movie amongst all the machinery and construction.
Personally, I'd like to see a hero vs villain battle down at the Underground Mall in Atlanta, GA. Or a battle at the Mall of America :D

But to me a city that deserves a super hero would be Tucson/Phoenix, AZ. A lot of bad things happening around there, robberies, car jackings, gang violence at schools. Its prime for a caped crusader.
I'd like to see Superheroes in Hollywood. All the tourists would think they were filming a movie until they were taking out by a supervillain death beam.
Definitely wish Marvel hadn't concentrated the best superhero's all in New York, and that they'd of invested some creative talent in having cool international superheros.
Detroit needs more than one. The entire state of Michigan needs a lot. Flint alone would need something like the Justice League.

Unfortunately, any of those cities would be heavily ethnic storylines or incredibly racist.
Every major city needs a hero.

The real challenge would be connecting a DC city with a real city, and placing said hero there.

For example - which city best depicts Star City.

Haha have one set in Amsterdam, it could be a comical spoof movie.

Every major city needs a hero.

The real challenge would be connecting a DC city with a real city, and placing said hero there.

For example - which city best depicts Star City.


Metropolis= Dallas (It has to be Texas because Smallville is far but not that far. Lois has gone there by car. And the various details of both small ville and metropolis seem like the mid south west area thing)

Gotham= 1930's Philadelphia. There's a waterfront, various colleges, it is a very dark and gothic city. There are hills and mountains on the outskirts. Even farmlands and mansions. Gotham seems to have history like philly. And it's one of the rare places where rich have to come into the inner city to see a play. Or go through some back alley to get to their limo.

New York= New York, yep they've mentioned NYC by name in the comics at least once or twice...I'm sorry I can't remember what issues.

Teen Titans city= San Fransisco...The hills and trolleys and bridges are a dead give away

That's all I know about DC..
LA needs one, for the criminals AND the police.
Gotham= 1930's Philadelphia. There's a waterfront, various colleges, it is a very dark and gothic city. There are hills and mountains on the outskirts. Even farmlands and mansions. Gotham seems to have history like philly. And it's one of the rare places where rich have to come into the inner city to see a play. Or go through some back alley to get to their limo.

Gotham is based on Newark and New York.
Miami. Oh wait:

orlando florida could use a super-hero or two nearby tiusvile could be its equivilent to smalville:hyper::ninja:
Pretty much the entire midwest needs some heroes.
Detroit definitely needs superheroes.

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