Colorodo Theater Gunman to Officially Plea Insanity Today


Extra Terrestrial
Aug 6, 2009
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Is it just me, or is it completely ridiculous and a judicial loop hole to plea insanity to a jury. I can not stand that this is legal. This man should get the death penalty or rot in a cell for the rest of his days. I don't care what his lawyers are telling him to do.

I hope they see through the defendants BS and make him rot in a prison cell for the rest of his days.
This is brand new news! Unless you just posted an identical thread as well today regarding the insanity plea of this man than Darth shouldn't have a dang problem with me :D
No Luis did post about the insanity plea already. Just check the previous thread.
Well then, I await Darths arrival here, to destroy me.
I should make a "Seriously Hype?....Seriously!?" thread......just in case
Is it just me, or is it completely ridiculous and a judicial loop hole to plea insanity to a jury. I can not stand that this is legal. This man should get the death penalty or rot in a cell for the rest of his days. I don't care what his lawyers are telling him to do.

I hope they see through the defendants BS and make him rot in a prison cell for the rest of his days.
The guy booby-trapped his apartment with bombs and then walked into a movie theater and killed dozens of people. He is insane. But the question is whether his insanity allowed for any control over his actions. He was obviously fully in control and knew what he was doing - booby-trapping his apartment in case he was caught proves this.

It is highly unlikely he will be found not guilty by reason of insanity.
The guy booby-trapped his apartment with bombs and then walked into a movie theater and killed dozens of people. He is insane. But the question is whether his insanity allowed for any control over his actions. He was obviously fully in control and knew what he was doing - booby-trapping his apartment in case he was caught proves this.

It is highly unlikely he will be found not guilty by reason of insanity.

Yes. The precedent, in U.S. law, at least, would be that this amount of premeditation on his part would mean he is not insane, at least the type of insanity that gets you out of jail time/death penalty.
Actually if he gets shipped off to an Asylum, it's more likely that he's locked up and never heard from again.
Son of Sam is still alive and locked up...

So don't thing getting this plea will set him free in any way.

He won't get it anyway.
I like that the American justice system gives the accused rights and I like the notion of innocent until proven guilty, but sometimes it really pisses me off. Everyone knows this guy is guilty, yet we'll have to wait a year before we can get this over with and lock him up.
The thing about death is that it's so quick and in this case, rather unsatisfying. And there is a certain dignity to it.

I'd much rather see him spend the rest of his life (which could be another sixty years) locked up in a cell.

He wants insanity? Give him insanity.
Or go old school and give him a nice icepick lobotomy.
I like that the American justice system gives the accused rights and I like the notion of innocent until proven guilty, but sometimes it really pisses me off. Everyone knows this guy is guilty, yet we'll have to wait a year before we can get this over with and lock him up.

Yeah, I hated when he was referred to as the "Colorodo Massacre suspect" or "alleged mass-murderer". We ****ing know he did it. He got caught red-handed. There is literally not a single doubt, yet he is presumed innocent and tangled up in legal crap for years.

I understand our justice system and definitely respect it, but instances like this make it hard.
The Executioner.....he is here.....everyone run!
And for the record JJ, my issue with big Lou over there was the fact he posted like 5 threads in the span of 4 minutes that night.
A lot of people don't understand what "insane" means. It's a legal term and not a medical one. It's doesn't mean "crazy" which this guy clearly is. It's a judgement on if someone is capable of understanding the consequences of their actions.

With all the pre-planning and booby trapping, this guy is NOT insane, and should be put down.
He saw at least 3 different psychiatrists before dropping out of school? He sent one a journal that she never received because it was just sitting in the school mailroom? No prior criminal record?

Is it possible that someone could have stopped him or flagged him, but failed to do so? That there were ample warning signs for someone to say or do something to identify this man as a potential powder keg? That he was actively seeking help from mental health professionals? Now they're trying to cover their asses to avoid being implicated?

What he did was horrible. But this whole thing deserves a deep and thorough investigation before this man gets condemned to lethal injection or life imprisonment.

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