World Dana Reeve passes away


Aug 18, 2005
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SHORT HILLS, N.J. - Dana Reeve, who fought for better treatments and possible cures for paralysis through the Christopher Reeve Foundation, named for her late actor-husband, has died, the foundation said. She was 44.
Reeve died late Monday of lung cancer, said Kathy Lewis, President and CEO of the foundation.
"On behalf of the entire Board of Directors and staff of the Christopher Reeve Foundation, we are extremely saddened by the death of Dana Reeve, whose grace and courage under the most difficult of circumstances was a source of comfort and inspiration to all of us," Lewis said in a statement.
Dana Reeve the wife of the late great Christopher Reeve has lost her battle with lung cancer aged 44.

She fought for better treatments and possible cures for paralysis through the Christopher Reeve Foundation.

She is now with Chris in a better place.
Dana Reeve has lost her fight against Lung Cancer. My thoughts are with her kids - losing two parents within 2 years.
Sad news....CNN is reporting that Dana Reeve has died. Apparently it is from the lung cancer that she was reported to be suffering from earlier in the year.

Condolences to her family.
How awful. And she was so young :(.

RIP Mrs. Superman.
Man, that's tough - my thoughts and prayers are with their kids and family. I know what it's like to lose a parent early in life, and it's a struggle.

Like Muscles said, at least they're together now............
I posted this in Super World... terrible news. Scary news, as well, since I smoke. RIP Dana
They're together now in Heaven and are no longer suffering. I don't want to sound like a prick or anything, but I was thinking that the Superman Returns movie is going to be that much more special, you know?

We know it's going to be in their memory and I just feel it's going to be a very powerful event come June 30th.

RIP Dana and Chris.
UGH! Man this one just stings. I just heard the news and my heart just dropped...

I have to go pray! :(
I think that when all read stuff like this, it really puts life in perspective, and how when we argue about SR, Suits, Casting etc, that none of that and the same for this movie is not as important as life.

Btw. I wonder if Dana Reeve will have her name along with Christopher's on the opening credits of SR.
aw, man that sucks...

well, like muscles said... at least they're back together
Just read the news. . . I was both shocked and saddened. May she rest in peace. May both Chris and Dana join together again forever.
I feel bad for her child. Losing two parents is a hard thing.

RIP Dana

Condolences to her son.
Sad news condolences to her family and friends.
R.I.P. Dana :(
This is a horrible turn of events. I do hope she's resting in peace in a better place with Chris, but their kids... losing both parents over the span of two years, that bites.

I'm starting to think there really is a curse on Superman actors, or at least a curse on the Reeve family.
May she rest in peace. Her and Chris did a lot of good in their lives and inspired a lot of people, myself included. At least now they're together again.
Wow this really came out of nowhere I just heard Howard Stern announce it. How terrible. So many talented and helpful people to this world dying so young. RIP Dana Reeve. You and Chris will live in my memories forever.
I can't help but think about what Reese Witherspoon said in her acceptance speech on Sunday about just trying to matter in life. Chris and Dana were two people who couldn't have mattered more to so many people, and each other, for so many reasons. Come June, they'll have the best seats in the best theater, side by side.

Wow that just punched me hard in the chest. Rest in peace, Mrs. Reeve. You're reunited with your Superman now, and he's reunited with his true Lois Lane.

Any news about the children?

And man, she was young. She was far too young. :(
They both left this world a better place than when they found it.

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