Dark Knights - Blazing Logos


My other Avi is Gaucho Mickey
Nov 12, 2009
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When a dark Knight leaves a blazing logo.
It's become a common and recognizable trope in movies, but I'm wondering how common, looking for any examples?

(1939) - Zorro leaves his mark in- Zorro's Fighting Legion
Lighting up a hill side with a giant "Z' as warning to his enemies he's coming after them, and as a sort of signal for Zorro and the "Legion" to assemble.
(A proto Bat-Signal? Which first appeared in Detective#60 (1942 )

(1994) - Used to great effect in the Crow.

(1998) -The Mask of Zorro. This scene is a straight homage to the (1939) Zorro's Fighting Legion.

A reminder, "you will never be rid of me."

Also used in the (1998) opening credits. And again extensively through Legend of Zorro (2005) promos



(2003) - The Devil leaves his mark.

(2004) - The Punisher, rather elaborate setup, when and how he took the time?

(2005) - FF. Not really dark avengers, but definitely follows the same trope. (Although well established in the comics first, anyone know when it first appeared?)

(2005) - V for Vendetta, - Opening credits a flaming V logo is used.

In the scene where he introduces himself to Evey, he slashes a "V" into a street poster, homage to Zorro's classic "Z" mark. - http://gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs5/2633939_o.gif
Then in the fireworks create a giant blazing "V"

(2008) - In The Dark Knight they somewhat used the idea for the ad campaign and poster.

(2012) - And finally the last to follow the trend, it physically appears full blown in Dark Knight Rises...

Any others ?
Was it in X-Men did Phoenix ever make a flaming symbol? Ghost Rider? Hellboy?
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Geez, I always thought it was really cool...now that you've pointed out how often it happens I kind of feel the next time someone does it will be an eye-rolling moment.
Geez, I always thought it was really cool...now that you've pointed out how often it happens I kind of feel the next time someone does it will be an eye-rolling moment.
Yeah it was pretty eye-rolley when it finally did show up in Dark Knight Rises, heck it was already played out when Punisher and DD did it after just seeing it in The Crow & Zorro, I was surprised to see Nolan go to it.
Still it's an awesome visual, and the trope persists, there's probably even more I'm missing.
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At least with the FF and Zorro it doesn't seem to take that long. Johnny Storm can zoom around in a few seconds and make a giant flaming 4, Zorro could probably have whipped a big ol' flaming Z up in about a minute. I guess DareDevil's one wouldn't have taken terribly long either. Others though, like Batman's and Punisher's, those probably took what? Half an hour at the very least, maybe an hour if not more. Surely those guys have better things to do.

"Hey Batman it's Gordon...so the whole city is under the control of a mad terrorist and everyone's freaking out and dying and oh the drama, think you can get on down here real quick?"

"No problem Jim, just gimmie like...another twenty minutes to finish the left wing here."
Isn't the Fantastic Four one actually Johnny's symbol to let the other three know to come to that place, (sort of like the Bat signal) and not a "calling card?" I know that's how it was used in the comics, don't remember exactly regarding the movies.
Batman's and Punisher's, those probably took what? Half an hour at the very least, maybe an hour if not more. Surely those guys have better things to do.

"Hey Batman it's Gordon...so the whole city is under the control of a mad terrorist and everyone's freaking out and dying and oh the drama, think you can get on down here real quick?"

"No problem Jim, just gimmie like...another twenty minutes to finish the left wing here."
:funny: The set up necessary for those is pretty outrageous. When did they find the time?

Isn't the Fantastic Four one actually Johnny's symbol to let the other three know to come to that place, (sort of like the Bat signal) and not a "calling card?" I know that's how it was used in the comics, don't remember exactly regarding the movies.

Sure, that's why I wrote "...as warning to his enemies he's coming after them, and as a sort of signal for Zorro and the Legion to assemble."
The original Zorro signal served both ends;
To call his Legion to a spot when he needed them to assemble, and simultaneously as symbol to his enemies to let them know that he's out there, but also to the people he protects.
Everyone can see it - allies, villains, and also the general populace, hence the impact.
It seems to often serve several ends in these films.

Here is yet another instance- Not suprisingly, when when Clark gets into his grim dark mood too?
(2009) - From Smallville

LOL is that a reverse "Z"?
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Some awesome gif versions out there...








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Yes, I really very enjoy to watch this great Movie. The Story of this movie is too interesting and enjoyable.
Yes, I really very enjoy to watch this great Movie. The Story of this movie is too interesting and enjoyable.

Yeah me too! ...wait, which story, what movie? There is like 7-8 listed here? :huh::yay:
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The flaming 4 first appears in Fantastic 4 #1.
Oddly enough though, it wasn't created by johnny, but a special flare gun reed created.
The flaming 4 first appears in Fantastic 4 #1.
Oddly enough though, it wasn't created by johnny, but a special flare gun reed created.


That's awesome thanks for the reference.
(1961) - FF#1 the "4" flare-gun would certainly have been the modern equivalent of it.
Looks like the flare gun is used for several issues in, Johnny is first depicted lighting up the "4" himself is a pin-up in issue 3 or 4.

As far as comics, this just comes out today.

There's probably many more in the comics, I seem to remember Green Lantern Alan Scott using it, although I'm not finding the image.
I liked how his tended to be depicted as burning mystic flames rather than hard light like those in the Corps, not sure if they still do that?

Of course before it was in the movie...
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Some more extended gifs references.

- The (1939) Zorro fighting Legion blazing "Z" on the hillside possible precursor to the Bat-signal-

1957 Disney

And the (1998) referenced again - https://i.imgflip.com/42dcil.gif

And again for Legend used extensively through the (2005) Legend promos...

Daredevil (2003)

Punisher (2004)

Explosion and fireworks from "V" (2005)

Fantastic Four (2005

Smallville (2009)

Clark Kent leaves a scorching S
Again Clark Kent is hardly the "Dark Avenger" type, though the season where they apparently explore his darker side and dress him in flowing black, is when the familiar trope ominously appears.
They seem to go hand in hand.

And finally Dark Knight Rises (2012) -

Any more!?
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(2014) - and it's back Arkham Knight game...



I thought it was actually used to great effect here, attributed to Azrael pretty much a more extreme darker-Batman if that's possible, as a way to find him, throughout the side mission.

Any others..?
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Showed up again, Supergirl latest episodes:
New character "Reign" a Kryptonian dark-avenger, somewhat the anti-Supergirl, leaves her scorched emblem (kryptonian death symbol?) to announce her arrival.



And so in reply Kara leaves her own "mark" ...
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The single most stupid moment in the whole of The Dark Knight Rises.


The single most stupid moment in the whole of The Dark Knight Rises.
LOL but you get to imagine all the prep-time he must have taken, making it look so perfect, it doesn't take you out of the story at all! ! :oldrazz:

"Light it up!..."

I think the poster ^ for the Dark Knight, really put the idea out there again, and was such a popular visual, they wanted it in the next movie.
With the bat-signal out of commission, it's still a moment they wanted to homage and came up with the bridge scene.
Story-wise It lets Bane, and all of Gotham know he's still there.
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They haven't reached that point yet.......

I thought this was a thread hoping to see this group of artholes assemble on film

@Mondragon you are a hope shattering monster.

I salute you.
@Mondragon you are a hope shattering monster.

I salute you.
LOL I had no Idea something called "Dark Avengers" even existed (although I'm not surprised it does), let alone that people were anticipating a movie for it? Sorry!

I could have just as easily called this thread the Dark Knights and Blazing Logos thread.
Same idea, as per the collection of images here, the Grimm Dark theme, and the Blazing Logo trope, always seem to go together, just having fun collecting them in one place.

EDIT: Apparently there is an Edit Title feature (so I did)

If there is an actual "Dark Avengers" image firing up a Logo, I'd love to see it posted here. :yay:
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LOL I had no Idea something called "Dark Avengers" even existed (although I'm not surprised it does), let alone that people were anticipating a movie for it? Sorry!

I could have just as easily called this thread the Dark Knights and Blazing Logos thread.
Same idea, as per the collection of images here, the Grimm Dark theme, and the Blazing Logo trope, always seem to go together, just having fun collecting them in one place.

If there is an actual "Dark Avengers" image firing up a Logo, I'd love to see it posted here. :yay:
Must muster energy to make fan film that requires a lot of people, working hours, and creative work just to fulfill your simple request.

*Lying on a hammock with a can of soda in one hand*

I think I'll try discussing some philosophical issues with myself, like "are toys an aggression to wallets?"
Must muster energy to make fan film that requires a lot of people, working hours, and creative work just to fulfill your simple request.
LOL! Yes get on it! :D
Another often recurring trope is The Dark Avenging Knight dramatically posed and silhouetted by Lightning-Strike!

Famously revisited by Miller, when Wayne recalls the night he lost his parents, yet channels the character who gave him the means to similarly re-invent himself, into ....a Dark Avenging Knight.


And again by Dini, and Timm

...paid back by Miller,

And a quick search I found your Dark Avengers pals, channeling the same.....
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I agree the Dark Knight Rises is the worst one. Not just the size and intricacy of the image, but also the placement - entirely vertical and high up- the amount of effort you'd have to go to to keep the image from running makes everything even worse. At least the Punisher's version was flat on the ground.

I always wondered about the Daredevil one, though. He goes to the trouble of putting it there but then *doesn't* light it. Just leaves it sitting there in the expectation that the police will light it for him? Kind of goes against the point of the trope, especially considering the police didn't even notice it until Urich showed up.
I always wondered about the Daredevil one, though. He goes to the trouble of putting it there but then *doesn't* light it. Just leaves it sitting there in the expectation that the police will light it for him? Kind of goes against the point of the trope, especially considering the police didn't even notice it until Urich showed up.
That logo is all kinds of awkward:
Daredevil killed Quesada without having any kind of oil of flammable gel with him, then he went out of the subway to get some, and then none of the cops on scene moved it or slipped on it while they walk all around the place.
That logo is all kinds of awkward:
Daredevil killed Quesada without having any kind of oil of flammable gel with him, then he went out of the subway to get some, and then none of the cops on scene moved it or slipped on it while they walk all around the place.
Robot Chicken did a bit on that.

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