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dbz villain powerlevel

  • Thread starter Thread starter bunker
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there's part of my powerlevel list:

android 13: 300,000,000
android 14: 250,000,000
android 15: 250,000,000
super 13: 1,300,000,000
android 17: 500,000,000
hell 17: 1 00,000,000,000
hell super 17: 2,200,000,000,000,000
android 18: 500,000,000
android 19: 350,000,000
android 20: 50,000,000
bajack form1: 1,500,000,000
bajack form2: 2,500,000,000
bebi: 1,000,000,000
bebi young: 2,000,000,000
bebi adult: 5,000,000,000
bebi vegeta: 820,000,000,000
bebi vegeta 2: 20,200,000,000,000
bebi vegeta 3: 90,000,000,000,000
bebi ape: 900,000,000,000,000
brolli: 500,000,000
ssj brolli: 25,000,000,000
ussj brolli: 75,000,000,000
ussj2 brolli: 225,000,000,000
bio brolli: 100,000,000,000
cell 600,000,000
imperfect cell: 2,500,000,000
perfect cell: 12,500,000,000
ultimate cell: 50,000,000,000
nappa: 4,000
dodoria: 21,000
zorbon: 20,000
zorbon 2: 27,000
recomme: 45,000
burter: 40,000
jeese: 50,000
quildo: 11,000
ginyu: 120,000
frieza form1: 200,000
frieza form2: 530,000
frieza form3: 710,000
frieza form4 1% 1,200,000
frieza form4 25% 30,000,000
frieza form4 50% 60,000,000
frieza form4 100% 120,000,000
frieza bot: 800,000
frieza bot power up: 12,000,000
koola form1: 180,000,000
koola form2: 510,000,000
metal koola: 900,000,000
sauza: 500,000
doore: 200,000
neeze: 200,000
king piccolo: 260
king cold: 1,000,000
kwi: 18,000
raddiz: 1,200
lord slugger: 50,000,000
lord slugger giant: 150,000,000(he’s stronger than frieza a little!!)
lagic: 2,000,000,000
lodd: 1,500,000,000
lodd full power: 10,000,000,000
janempa: 250,000,000,000
janemba: 900,000,000,000
hildegarn: 100,000,000,000
hildegarn 2: 500,000,000,000
majin vegeta: 50,000,000,000
dubura: 30,000,000,000
yagon: 1,200,000,000
pui: 100,000,000
good buu: 30,000,000,000
fat buu: 100,000,000,000
evil buu: 110,000,000,000
majin buu: 200,000,000,000
super buu: 400,000,000,000
super buu2: 1,000,000,000,000
super buu3: 2,000,000,000,000
kid buu: 800,000,000,000
general rildo: 5,000,000,000
mecha rildo: 40,000,000,000
metal rildo: 220,000,000,000(stronger than majin buu)
sigma force: 1,000,000,000
icy shenron 100,000,000,000,000,000
nova shenron: 230,000,000,000,000,000
omega shenron 20,000,000,000,000,000,000
syn shenron: 500,000,000,000,000,000
bunker said:
there's part of my powerlevel list:

android 13: 300,000,000
android 14: 250,000,000
android 15: 250,000,000
super 13: 1,300,000,000
android 17: 500,000,000
hell 17: 1 00,000,000,000
hell super 17: 2,200,000,000,000,000
android 18: 500,000,000
android 19: 350,000,000
android 20: 50,000,000
bajack form1: 1,500,000,000
bajack form2: 2,500,000,000
bebi: 1,000,000,000
bebi young: 2,000,000,000
bebi adult: 5,000,000,000
bebi vegeta: 820,000,000,000
bebi vegeta 2: 20,200,000,000,000
bebi vegeta 3: 90,000,000,000,000
bebi ape: 900,000,000,000,000
brolli: 500,000,000
ssj brolli: 25,000,000,000
ussj brolli: 75,000,000,000
ussj2 brolli: 225,000,000,000
bio brolli: 100,000,000,000
cell 600,000,000
imperfect cell: 2,500,000,000
perfect cell: 12,500,000,000
ultimate cell: 50,000,000,000
nappa: 4,000
dodoria: 21,000
zorbon: 20,000
zorbon 2: 27,000
recomme: 45,000
burter: 40,000
jeese: 50,000
quildo: 11,000
ginyu: 120,000
frieza form1: 200,000
frieza form2: 530,000
frieza form3: 710,000
frieza form4 1% 1,200,000
frieza form4 25% 30,000,000
frieza form4 50% 60,000,000
frieza form4 100% 120,000,000
frieza bot: 800,000
frieza bot power up: 12,000,000
koola form1: 180,000,000
koola form2: 530,000,000
metal koola: 900,000,000
sauza: 500,000
doore: 200,000
neeze: 200,000
king piccolo: 260
king cold: 1,000,000
kwi: 18,000
raddiz: 1,200
lord slugger: 50,000,000
lord slugger giant: 150,000,000(he’s stronger than frieza a little!!)
lagic: 2,000,000,000
lodd: 1,500,000,000
lodd full power: 10,000,000,000
janempa: 250,000,000,000
janemba: 900,000,000,000
hildegarn: 100,000,000,000
hildegarn 2: 500,000,000,000
majin vegeta: 50,000,000,000
dubura: 30,000,000,000
yagon: 1,200,000,000
pui: 100,000,000
good buu: 30,000,000,000
fat buu: 100,000,000,000
evil buu: 110,000,000,000
majin buu: 200,000,000,000
super buu: 400,000,000,000
super buu2: 1,000,000,000,000
super buu3: 2,000,000,000,000
kid buu: 800,000,000,000
general rildo: 5,000,000,000
mecha rildo: 40,000,000,000
metal rildo: 220,000,000,000(stronger than majin buu)
sigma force: 1,000,000,000
icy shenron 100,000,000,000,000,000
nova shenron: 230,000,000,000,000,000
omega shenron 20,000,000,000,000,000,000
syn shenron: 500,000,000,000,000,000
SSJ2 should be stronger than Burori (any form) Gohan was just SSJ in movie 10
Meta Rhildo was stated by Gokou to be stronger than Boo but Trunks later corrected him. He should be at chibi Boo at max.
Shin Boo should be at least ten times stronger than fat Boo.
And shin Boo should also be a lot stronger than Janemba.
Hillegarn should be weaker than Janemba.
When Pikkoro used that tecnique which made him bigger it incressed his power with 5 times. Big Slug should be weaker than Fruiza.
Giji (false) SSJ Gokou kicked his ass.
The power difference is begining to wield off in the end.
Gokou's power from the begining to Fruiza saga til the end of Fruiza saga had incressed with 1,666.67 times. It should aprox be the same for Gohan in Seru saga. and Gokou in Boo saga.

Can find a few more error's though.

Shin Boo >> Goku SSJ3 >= chibi Boo
SSJ4_Mikael said:
SSJ2 should be stronger than Burori (any form) Gohan was just SSJ in movie 10
Meta Rhildo was stated by Gokou to be stronger than Boo but Trunks later corrected him. He should be at chibi Boo at max.
Shin Boo should be at least ten times stronger than fat Boo.
And shin Boo should also be a lot stronger than Janemba.
Hillegarn should be weaker than Janemba.
When Pikkoro used that tecnique which made him bigger it incressed his power with 5 times. Big Slug should be weaker than Fruiza.
Giji (false) SSJ Gokou kicked his ass.
The power difference is begining to wield off in the end.
Gokou's power from the begining to Fruiza saga til the end of Fruiza saga had incressed with 1,666.67 times. It should aprox be the same for Gohan in Seru saga. and Gokou in Boo saga.

Can find a few more error's though.

Shin Boo >> Goku SSJ3 >= chibi Boo

first goku stated rildo was stronger than original big buu(majin buu)
second, janemba was stronger thatn super buu(piccolo), between super gotenks buu and super piccolo buu(super gotenks buu> janemba> super piccolo buu) all u try to prove is gohan buu....he's definitely 20 times stronger than fat buu..
hildegorn is MUCH weaker than janemba!!

so super gohan buu> super gotenks buu> janemba> super piccolo buu>metal rildo> majin super buu> hildegorn> janempa> evil buu> fat buu> mecha rildo> good buu> general rildo.

increase 1,666.67 times in goku's powerlevel? that would be least 300 million(he was 180,000 at the start....)

also watch movie4......king kai stated that slugger is stronger than frieza..(in his giant form..)
None of these PL's were in the manga or confirmed by AT. they're fake
Jplaya2023 said:
None of these PL's were in the manga or confirmed by AT. they're fake

i never say that's design by akira toriyama....that's what i design which it was assume from all manga of tv/flim seires.
When was Burori ever USSJ1 or 2? His form was NOT A REGULAR SSJ form. And to the person who said Gohan wasn't SSJ2 in movie #10... you best look again. Burori was fighting an SSJ2 Gohan.
Burori was LSSJ (Legendary Super Saiyajin) was in the power between a FpSSJ and a SSJ2
There wasent a single lighting bolt when he fought Burori, he couldent go SSJ2 before he trained with Goten before the big tournament. He was a bit rusty. Remember Burori was defeated by the power of the power of 2 FpSSJ, 2 USSJ and 1 Super Namekian.
That if far lower than the power of a SSJ2.
Burori wasn't inbetween a SSJ2 in power. No current SSJ2 was as powerful as him. What was Gohan's upper ki damage? SUPPOSED Solar System buster? What's Burori? Answer that and get back to me.

Just because he didn't have lightning in his form, doesn't mean he wasn't an SSJ2. This is a movie we're talking about. You know, the things that don't stay very true to the ACTUAL series. So the only thing we can go by is his hair... and his hair was SSJ2.

Burori was defeated by this

VeTaNaToR said:
and the only reason they even defeated brolly is cuz they had made an character that was waaay too powerfull for a movie... i mean cmon? share energy?! they ganged him and he didnt even try but still beat them easyly... i mean they should have made a brolly saga lotsa time to make a reasonable ending

Besides... have you ever seen Gohan get hit with a punch (all that power was in that ONE PUNCH) that had the COMBINED MIGHT of an 4 SSJ and a Super Namek? I bet the results would have been the same.
Keollyn said:
Burori wasn't inbetween a SSJ2 in power. No current SSJ2 was as powerful as him. What was Gohan's upper ki damage? SUPPOSED Solar System buster? What's Burori? Answer that and get back to me.

Just because he didn't have lightning in his form, doesn't mean he wasn't an SSJ2. This is a movie we're talking about. You know, the things that don't stay very true to the ACTUAL series. So the only thing we can go by is his hair... and his hair was SSJ2.

Burori was defeated by this

Besides... have you ever seen Gohan get hit with a punch (all that power was in that ONE PUNCH) that had the COMBINED MIGHT of an 4 SSJ and a Super Namek? I bet the results would have been the same.
Burori movie/Seru games, estimated levels.
Fp SSJ Gohan: 50,000,000,000
Fp SSJ Gokou: 47,500,000,000
USSJ Bejiita: 10,000,000,000
USSJ Torankusu: 8,000,000,000
Kamikkoro: 1,500,000,000
SSJ2 Gohan: 1,200,000,000,000

Kanzentaini Seru: 60,000,000,000
Furu pawa kanzentani Seru: 200,000,000,000
Buffed Seru: 500,000,000,000
SSJ2 Seru: 1,250,000,000,000

50,000,000,000 + 47,500,000,000 + 10,000,000,000 + 8,000,000,000 + 1,500,000,000 = 117,000,000,000 > Burori
LSSJ Burori: 100,000,000,000

It was stated that Seru was many times stronger than Gokou, but he held back in the beginning (he powered up before fighting Gohan SSJ2 though.
SSJ2 Seru:
SSJ4_Mikael said:
Burori movie/Seru games, estimated levels.
Fp SSJ Gohan: 50,000,000,000
Fp SSJ Gokou: 47,500,000,000
USSJ Bejiita: 10,000,000,000
USSJ Torankusu: 8,000,000,000
Kamikkoro: 1,500,000,000
SSJ2 Gohan: 1,200,000,000,000

Kanzentaini Seru: 60,000,000,000
Furu pawa kanzentani Seru: 200,000,000,000
Buffed Seru: 500,000,000,000
SSJ2 Seru: 1,250,000,000,000

50,000,000,000 + 47,500,000,000 + 10,000,000,000 + 8,000,000,000 + 1,500,000,000 = 117,000,000,000 > Burori
LSSJ Burori: 100,000,000,000

It was stated that Seru was many times stronger than Gokou, but he held back in the beginning (he powered up before fighting Gohan SSJ2 though.
SSJ2 Seru:

Edit: My mistake.

This didn't answer my question. What was SSJ2's upper? What was Burori's upper? And please, don't give me those numbers.... PIS and Plot No Jutsu are device often used in DBZ... especially in the movies.
You people are out of your minds.

Metal Koola - Nine Hundred Million!?

Vegeta was probably only 35 Million (and that's probably way over estimated) when he fought Metal Koola. He and Goku when punching through them quite easily.
Keollyn said:
Burori wasn't inbetween a SSJ2 in power. No current SSJ2 was as powerful as him. What was Gohan's upper ki damage? SUPPOSED Solar System buster? What's Burori? Answer that and get back to me.

Just because he didn't have lightning in his form, doesn't mean he wasn't an SSJ2. This is a movie we're talking about. You know, the things that don't stay very true to the ACTUAL series. So the only thing we can go by is his hair... and his hair was SSJ2.

Burori was defeated by this

Besides... have you ever seen Gohan get hit with a punch (all that power was in that ONE PUNCH) that had the COMBINED MIGHT of an 4 SSJ and a Super Namek? I bet the results would have been the same.

movies are not canon

brolly is a ssj1

ssj2 >> ssj1 thats how it goes

ssj2 gohan >>> ssj1 brolly
Jplaya2023 said:
movies are not canon

brolly is a ssj1

ssj2 >> ssj1 thats how it goes

ssj2 gohan >>> ssj1 brolly

No... really? [/sarcasm]

Burori was SSJ1? So a SSJ1 is without pupils and irises, has exasperated muscle mass, grows ki as the battle wages and shoots green ki? I'm glad I've followed the ACTUAL series if the aforementioned was the case... I'd have missed something otherwise.

Yeah SSJ2 is > SSJ1....

....To bad SSJ2 Gohan isn't greater than Burori.
Keollyn said:
No... really? [/sarcasm]

Burori was SSJ1? So a SSJ1 is without pupils and irises, has exasperated muscle mass, grows ki as the battle wages and shoots green ki? I'm glad I've followed the ACTUAL series if the aforementioned was the case... I'd have missed something otherwise.

Yeah SSJ2 is > SSJ1....

....To bad SSJ2 Gohan isn't greater than Burori.

brolly = ssj1

gohan was not ssj2 in movie 10, TOEI corp is ******ed they messed him up

ssj2 kid gohan in the cell games >> ssj 1 brolly in non canon movie

fpssj goku >>> ssj 1 brolly in non canon movie

acended saiyans vegeta and trunks >> ssj 1 brolly in non canon movie
Jplaya2023 said:
brolly = ssj1

gohan was not ssj2 in movie 10, TOEI corp is ******ed they messed him up

ssj2 kid gohan in the cell games >> ssj 1 brolly in non canon movie

fpssj goku >>> ssj 1 brolly in non canon movie

acended saiyans vegeta and trunks >> ssj 1 brolly in non canon movie

Then you better go brush up on your knowledge of what an SSJ1 is if you believe Burori to be one.

Gohan was SSJ2 in that movie.

SSJ2 Gohan has less ki than Burori. Less ki in DBZ = weaker.

Ascended saiya-jin? You mean USSJ? Stop ****ting me fanchild.
Keollyn said:
Then you better go brush up on your knowledge of what an SSJ1 is if you believe Burori to be one.

Gohan was SSJ2 in that movie.

SSJ2 Gohan has less ki than Burori. Less ki in DBZ = weaker.

Ascended saiya-jin? You mean USSJ? Stop ****ting me fanchild.

chars of a ssj2
electricity sparks around the body - something brolly doesnt have
longer more pointed hair - something brolly dont got
brolly not = ssj2

that movie he was ssj1, they fugged up the animation it doesnt count

ussj = buff saiyan

besides their fan made names
He's not in SSJ2 form, but he sure as hell isn't a SSJ1. He has NO CHARACTERISTIC of a SSJ1. Go read up on what classifies as a SSJ1, since you seem to have forgotten.

WHo messed up the animation? The original creator? Why would they? It was written and sceenplayed as Burori being in that KIND OF FORM... the animator cannot mess up anything without Toriyama or Koyama knowing. If it obviously went into production, that is HOW he was suppose to look. And it's been clear for a while... Burori is a form ALL HIS OWN. He has the SSJ1 form, but anything further is unneeded because of his special form. That's why he's classified as a new breed, or a monster (because, even outside of canon, that's new to the Saiya-jin race)

I know what USSJ is and where it derives... mind telling me what the hell was that comment about Vegeta and Trunks being stronger than Burori?
Keollyn said:
He's not in SSJ2 form, but he sure as hell isn't a SSJ1. He has NO CHARACTERISTIC of a SSJ1. Go read up on what classifies as a SSJ1, since you seem to have forgotten.

WHo messed up the animation? The original creator? Why would they? It was written and sceenplayed as Burori being in that KIND OF FORM... the animator cannot mess up anything without Toriyama or Koyama knowing. If it obviously went into production, that is HOW he was suppose to look. And it's been clear for a while... Burori is a form ALL HIS OWN. He has the SSJ1 form, but anything further is unneeded because of his special form. That's why he's classified as a new breed, or a monster (because, even outside of canon, that's new to the Saiya-jin race)

I know what USSJ is and where it derives... mind telling me what the hell was that comment about Vegeta and Trunks being stronger than Burori?

Those "movies" arent created by Toriyama thats the point their not in canon nor can they be used in debates
Oh really? [/sarcasm]

I think that's why they're considered non-canon. And you do know what copyright is, right? I don't think TOEI can just start working on copyrighted material without the knowledge and backing of the ORIGINAL CREATOR. It's like DBGT... not canon by AT, but acknowledged by him... thus making it canon in its OWN rights.
bunker said:
frieza form1: 200,000
frieza form2: 530,000
frieza form3: 710,000
frieza form4 1% 1,200,000
frieza form4 25% 30,000,000
frieza form4 50% 60,000,000
frieza form4 100% 120,000,000

Dude Freeza form 1 has a power level of 530,000,Freeza form two has a power level over 1,000,000.
Jplaya2023 said:
TOEI does movies but its his anime.
Nope, it is he's manga, Toei just bought the copyright, so they could make the anime, Akira don't have anything to do with it, he even states in a interview i found in a Shonen jump magazine that he's dissapointed at the anime, since they got many things wrong.
buutenks said:
Dude Freeza form 1 has a power level of 530,000,Freeza form two has a power level over 1,000,000.
Fruiza: 530,000
1st transformation: 1,060,000
2nd transformation: 2,120,000
final transformation: 4,240,000

Final fruiza (=) Gokou base after zenkai
50% Fruiza (=) 20x KaiOken Gokou
100% Fruiza < SSJ Gokou
SSJ4_Mikael said:
Fruiza: 530,000
1st transformation: 1,060,000
2nd transformation: 2,120,000
final transformation: 4,240,000

Final fruiza (=) Gokou base after zenkai
50% Fruiza (=) 20x KaiOken Gokou
100% Fruiza < SSJ Gokou


furiza at full power = 12 million

ssj goku = 15 million

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