A lot of the failures of George Bush from 2007-2009 fall on the Democratic Congress. That didn't stop Obama from blaming Bush, did it?
I'm not saying that Obama is entirely to blame, but he does hold his fair share. And this is the job that he asked for. Remember, "The buck stops here?" Truman kept a sign with that slogan on his desk. Obama should get a sign that says, "Passing the buck since 2008."
Seriously, I've never seen a president so unwilling to take responsibility for his actions. Everything is always someone elses' fault. If it isn't George Bush's fault, it is Congress' fault. If it isn't Congress' fault, its the Supreme Court's fault. If it isn't SCOTUS' fault, it is the fault of the state government, if it's not their fault, it is the fault of the corporate sector. If it isn't the corporate sector's fault, it is the Tea Party's fault or Fox News' fault or the American people's fault for unrealistic expectations (running a messianic campaign couldn't have had anything to do with that, could it?). Obama is completely unwilling to ever take responsibility. The buck stops with him. That is the job that he asked for. I am so sick of hearing both him and his supporters constantly pass the buck.