Dr. Mid-nite Comic Idea


Feb 26, 2004
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I'm surprised DC hasn't thought of this yet, but why not make an ongoing series centering around Dr. Mid-nite? Think about it, with all the success of medical shows like ER, House, Grey's Anatomy and even Scrubs, you'd think that DC would try to cash in on that trend and put out their own version with Dr Mid-nite. He's a great and very under-utilized character and they could tell some really great stories and even have a few cameos with people like Mr. Terrific, Sand, Stargirl and others. It'd be the equivalent of what Gotham Central was to the police procedural mystery/drama genre. What do you guys think?
Interesting. Here's how I see it:

Have it center around Pieter's private practice. He runs a free clinic, and is a sort of well known figure in the crime related sub culture. He's known to take in cops, vigilantes, and even gang members without asking any questions. He's a well known figure in the comunity, and is a champion for the rights of the handycapped. He, also, delves into the investigation of the local criminal element. It'd be cool to have Mr. Terrific be a regular cast member.
The Question said:
Interesting. Here's how I see it:

Have it center around Pieter's private practice. He runs a free clinic, and is a sort of well known figure in the crime related sub culture. He's known to take in cops, vigilantes, and even gang members without asking any questions. He's a well known figure in the comunity, and is a champion for the rights of the handycapped. He, also, delves into the investigation of the local criminal element. It'd be cool to have Mr. Terrific be a regular cast member.

that's exactly how i pictured it! :up:
And deal with all sorts of wacky alien plagues, etc. Can you imagine trying to do a surgery on Metamorpho or something like that? He he.
You should write it as a proposal, and run it by some comic writers. It's a good idea.
HuyLantern said:
You should write it as a proposal, and run it by some comic writers. It's a good idea.

thanks! maybe i will....
Id probably read it. Seems like an interesting concept.
......:) Thanks you for this thread.

I think a series could work well, especially after his appearence in the Manhunter series. Rags Morales has to do the artwork.
Dr. Mid-Nite said:
......:) Thanks you for this thread.

I think a series could work well, especially after his appearence in the Manhunter series. Rags Morales has to do the artwork.

you're very welcome. :) that's an excellent idea. i'd love to see either ed brubaker, greg rucka or warren ellis write the series with rags drawing it. :up:
Doc Midnite is the shizz-nibble!

By which, I mean this is quite a good idea.

Also, I like cheese flavored crackers but then who doesn't?

For those who don't know (or care) Sinewave just turned the big THREE-OH and narrowly escaped his traditional spanking. Some acknowledgement, I believe, is in order.

LanternFan said:
Doc Midnite is the shizz-nibble!

By which, I mean this is quite a good idea.

Also, I like cheese flavored crackers but then who doesn't?

For those who don't know (or care) Sinewave just turned the big THREE-OH and narrowly escaped his traditional spanking. Some acknowledgement, I believe, is in order.


hey, there'll be none of that, you yutz! :mad:
personally I would read the Dr Mid-Nite book because it'll be so different from any other DC books.And appperances from other JSA members would be sweet seeing Mr. Terrific,Sand,and Hourman
great idea, BatDude. :up:

Personally, I want a Mr. Terrific on going of course. Especially since he's in both the JSA and Checkmate.

Anyway, Mr. Terrific and Dr. Mid-Nite.


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