Sci-Fi Dune

Hunter Rider

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Oct 24, 2004
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Source: MTV
December 21, 2007

Director Peter Berg has confirmed to MTV the rumor that he will direct a new adaptation of the Frank Herbert classic, "Dune."

He says that if it wasn't for the writers strike, that's what he would be working on now. While there is no script yet, Berg added that David Lynch's previous movie "left the door wide open for a remake."

Berg is likely to direct Tom Cruise in Edwin A. Salt first.

For more information on "Dune," click here!
Peter Berg is really making his way to the top of Hollywood. The Kingdom, Hancock, now Dune.
This should be pretty interesting. I'm definitely looking forward to what he brings to it.
I loved David Lynch's movie. How could you not love Sting, the spice, big worms and shooting projectiles using your voice as power...classic. I've never gotten into the books but I hope it will follow suit to Lynch's movie.
Sounds cool. Dune's one of those properties that I think worked better as a mini series though, since there was so much material to cover and even in that there was stuff left out.

Lynch's movies was cool for what it was and I'll glady check this new one out.
Great. There's things to like in Lynch's version, but overall it's not really Dune and not really that watchable of a normal film.

The miniseries has some great effects, a few good performances, nails the story, and has surprisingly cool music. But at the same time, it suffers from some real pacing issues, some piss poor performances, and script that could use some work.

A nice, epic, well acted and paced almost 3 hour film would be most welcome.
Huh...I love this book, I don't know how this new movie is going to turn out. Hancock looks sort of stupid but I did love the Rundown. We'll have to wait and see.
Eh, I am fine with the Lynch version. I would much rather see a film version of Dune Messiah, but I guess if this is a success, then it will eventually happen.
whatever Peter Berg makes i will watch. i never really got into Dune, but since Berg is attached i think i will now.
I loved the old Dune movie. A new one would be sweet.
Hope this and Hancock will stop Berg from having box office failures all the time.
Eh, I am fine with the Lynch version. I would much rather see a film version of Dune Messiah, but I guess if this is a success, then it will eventually happen.

You know they made one already, right? It was a followup to the Dune miniseries, and with the exception of Susan Sarandon and some effects in the last 2 hours or so, it was quite a step up from the already decent first miniseries.
movies are going into 3rd generation now.
Hollywood has officially hit rock bottom.
Personally, I much preferred the version on the Sci-Fi channel.
Peter Berg is a great director. Love the stuff he's done with The Kingdom and Friday Night Lights (Movie and TV). Dude borrows heavily from his mentor Michael Mann but I think he'll deliver with this one
Who owns the property rights to Dune? As long as it's not 20th century Fox I will look forward to future Dune movies.
I remember reading a little bit of Dune when I was a sophmore in High School and really liking the material. As for the version with Sting in it? Only watched a little bit of it and didn't really get into it to be honest.

Hopefully Berg makes it good and interesting. :up: :up:
You know they made one already, right? It was a followup to the Dune miniseries, and with the exception of Susan Sarandon and some effects in the last 2 hours or so, it was quite a step up from the already decent first miniseries.

I know...but I would rather see a theatrical movie done out of Dune Messiah than another Dune movie.

But like I said, if this is successful, Dune Messiah will follow. I hope it is good.
Sorry if its already been posted, its a little old:

Published by Josh Horowitz on Friday, December 21, 2007 at 4:59 pm.


Ladies and gentlemen, the next huge sci-fi franchise has a director. During an interview with “The Kingdom” director Peter Berg, he confirmed the rumor that “Dune” is coming and that he’s the one that will helm it. Calling the plans for him to direct “a done deal,” Berg told me that “if it weren’t for the writer’s strike, we’d be in it right now.”
Berg says that while there’s no script yet, they have a list of writers they plan to go out to once the strike settles. The helmer called himself “a huge fan of the book” and when asked about the scale of the film, he simply replied, “big big big.”
As any fan of the Frank Herbert classic knows, “Dune” received the big screen treatment once before in a divisive David Lynch film. Berg said that while he’s “a big fan of Lynch,” he believes “that interpretation has left the door wide open for a remake.”
Meanwhile, Berg also confirmed that even before “Dune,” he’s likely to direct Tom Cruise in his next film. Berg called the script about a CIA agent on the run after being accused of being a spy “great” and “a great role for Tom.”
Berg described the story as an “action thriller” and that “the audience is trying to figure out whether this character is good or bad. He’s claiming one thing and we’re not sure up until the very end.”
When asked if he’s met with Cruise himself yet, Berg said “we’ve been talking.”

Peter Berg Lines Up Tom Cruise and 'Dune'

Posted Dec 22nd 2007 5:32PM by Scott Weinberg
Filed under: Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Thrillers, Remakes and Sequels
No, Tom Cruise won't be starring in the new version of Frank Herbert's Dune, but it sure does look like Peter Berg is going to be one busy director over the next few years. According to an informative report over at the MTV Movies Blog, we now know that Berg's next projects are:

1. A spy thriller with Tom Cruise that has a "great" script (aka Edwin A. Salt, which we reported on the other day).

2. A "big, big, big" big-screen rendition of Dune, which was made into a feature film by David Lynch back in 1984, as well as a collection of well-received cable mini-series.

When asked about "remaking" a film made by the illustrious David Lynch, the director was more than diplomatic: "Berg said that while he's "a big fan of Lynch," he believes "that interpretation has left the door wide open for a remake."

So that's good news for Berg, obviously. Tom Cruise and a massive sci-fi epic back-to-back. Not too shabby for the kid who once starred in Wes Craven's goofy Shocker. And while Berg's resumé as a character actor might be a little choppy, there's little denying that he's a solid director: His films include Very Bad Things, The Rundown, Friday Night Lights and The Kingdom. That's what we call 4-for-4. Well, I do.

What do you think? Who would you cast? Discuss!
So.. Hmm. Here are some of my pics:

Ron Perlman for Duke Atreides.
lena Headey for Lady Jessica.
Bob Hoskins for Vladimir Harkonnen
So.. Hmm. Here are some of my pics:

Ron Perlman for Duke Atreides.
lena Headey for Lady Jessica.
Bob Hoskins for Vladimir Harkonnen

I like your picks for the Baron and Jessica but Id go with Liam Neeson as the Duke.

Oh and Christian Bale for Duncan.:wow:
hmmmm The Duke is a very "Liam Neesony" role,..Id like to see Scott Glenn play that part myself.

Bale as Idaho is pretty damn good.
Who knows who they could cast as Paul,..I always liked Kyle MacLachlan but he was way too old.

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