Specter313 said:
How else am I supposed to take that? You flat out said that I go after you and your choices. How am I not supposed to take that as an accusation of trying to screw you over and cheat? That HURT, especially coming from you, because I thought I did know you better than to accuse me of trying to screw you, YOU of all people who's like the mother of this board, over.
There's two different things going on here and our communications seem to have gotten garbled in our anger.
Firstly, there's a difference between coming after someone and cheating. I felt that there were occasions that you went after me right out of the gate, and I did dislike it enough to stop playing for a bit, but it is your right to go after whomever you chose. You never played out of turn or anything so that is not cheating and I never accused you of that then or even in this last game. You didn't do anything wrong or against the rules, I just didn't like it.
Secondly, in this game someone asked if there was cheating. If you look, I answered "no". But then I, foolishly it seems, dared to express an opinion that I disliked the fact that it appeared that you were trying to encourage other users to vote a particular way. I don't like that and I explained why. Again, encouraging or rallying other players to play a certain way is not cheating exactly, but it's tricky and can cause resentments. I suggested that we shouldn't be doing that sort of thing in open post. In your anger at my criticism, you seem to have confused someone's question about cheating as me saying you were cheating when in fact you had not nor did I say you did.
The truth is, you have to right to play the way you want and I have the right to dislike your methods. Perhaps I should have said nothing, but I thought that if I brought things up misunderstandings could be avoided. Clearly I was wrong and for that I do apologize.
These games are aggressive and lead to bad feelings far more than they should. They are certainly not worth losing a friendship over. I think that is reason enough for me to simply no longer play. So please set up the games for the others so we can all move on, I will trouble you no further.