Enough of the madness!


Apr 10, 2006
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Why are we spoiling ourselves? this is getting crazy!
I love everything I have seen so Far...Love it!
i do too, but what if we just anticipate a movie like before the internet. when all we knew about a movie was a trailer? i spoiled myself too many times.
In Helen Lovejoy mode: "Won't someone please think of the children!!!"
i am a little concerned that these pre screens have ruined the movie. besides wasnt the people invited to those not supposed to talk about it.
ronster said:
i am a little concerned that these pre screens have ruined the movie. besides wasnt the people invited to those not supposed to talk about it.
Nope, we were not told we couldnt talk about it! Infact there were critics there making reviews for magazines etc.. so of course they were gonna talk about it!
oh my bad, i just thought you couldnt really go into details.
It is called a spoiler forum, it is amazing how many people do not understand that concept.
oh i understand, i just didn't think it would all come out like this. the last week has been crazy with tv spots, pics and reviews
It is going to get worst if we keep hearing the same thing.
i hope there is a different twist than the one being shown. but i doubt it.
oh yeah, i saw it. this is gunna kick ass. i dont care bout these spoilers. watching it will be good
I've purposely avoided all character threads, and the obvious spoiler threads. Of course some spoilers will pop outside those threads, but for the most part, I'm still clueless. I can't give up this forum, so I'll have to deal, lol :p
the a1ant said:
I've purposely avoided all character threads, and the obvious spoiler threads. Of course some spoilers will pop outside those threads, but for the most part, I'm still clueless. I can't give up this forum, so I'll have to deal, lol :p

You think you avoided all the big spoilers?

Well guess what..... SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE
How about enough of these pointless threads.
Oh god. I remember finding out Snape kills Dumbledore. One of my dumbass friends even started calling people on the phone and going ''Snape Kills Dumbledore -click-"

Yeah, he's sad.
It is called a spoiler forum, it is amazing how many people do not understand that concept.
True..however I wish people would still put the word SPOILER in the topic. When I was on the page where you choose spoiler or non-spoiler forum I happened to glance at where it shows the thread that has the last post...um I saw a thread titled "Cyclops fans we lost, my 2 cents". That totally effen blows because up to this point I didn't know that he dies. I do now though and I wasn't even in the spoiler forum. Thanks.

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