So the 3 minute teaser has Batman, Hawk and Dove trying to stop a space war between two alien races and making them make a peace pact. Guess how Batman stops the space ships? With his god alien nulifer beam ofcourse!
Hawk and Dove take care of the ground soldiers and peace ensures.... except for the Hawk and Dove. =p
So the main episode is about Batman working for this Global world safety union or something.. yeah its a wacky sci-fi episode but actually the one i like the most, 2nd being the one with Aquaman's victory speech. =) Basicly Omac is a weapon and not a soldier, he is like a Hulk but he turns "Hulk" aka Omac by a satelite beam and gets empowered.
Villain of the episode is Kafka... no not Kafka of Final Fantasy 6. ^^ But this warlord or somesort who turns into Shredder the robot! Also guess who is on the episode?!? While Equinox ofcourse! And he can alter the reality. =O He had the power to do anything he wished and whatnot.
There ive said enough, this episode was just AWESOME and another "in your face" haters for showing a SERIOUS episode full of AWESOMENESS!