ETM told you, First it was Smokes, now it's Caffeine.


The Triumvirate
Jul 9, 2005
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Cheeky mother....I told you all on this board, first it was smokes, then it be caffeine. Granted this isn't the first time the FDA looked into caffeine usage and what not.

FDA will look into any and all products with added caffeine, like Mountain Dew.

FDA officials claim they were spurred to take action after the recent introduction of one product, Alert Energy Gum, a new caffeinated gum made by Wrigley.

The agency argues that such a novel product necessitates a longer look at all foods and beverages that contain added caffeine.

While the FDA’s interest in caffeine is hardly new, neither is caffeinated gum. The idea has been around at least since 1980.
With an agency history in the area of caffeine that is as fascinating as it is idiotic, contradictory, enraging, and aimless, there’s good reason to fear for the future of everything from caffeinated gum to energy drinks, and from caffeinated beef jerky to Mountain Dew (which is not a “cola-type beverage” and so could be in jeopardy under the strict interpretation of FDA rules the agency wields at its whim).

No Govt oversight into caffeine usage and products. Let consumers vote with their wallets. Am I gonna be allowed to only buy 6oz cans of mtn dew now? Hmmm? :cmad: stop holding my freaking hand Big Govt!!!!!!!!
I think it's clear to everyone, that ETM needs to cut back on caffeine.
I think it's clear to everyone, that ETM needs to cut back on caffeine.

While that is true, I actually do, that is not the point. I don't want Big Govt by way of FDA rules telling me what I can put into my body. I mean it already does, but would this mean sodas and coffees would have less caffeine in them? Would some things be out right banned? This is like what Mayor Bloomberg tried to do in NYC (No soda larger than 16oz) but now on a national scale.
Here's the thing: energy drinks and stimulants are all the rage in the overworked under rested american populace. These manufacturers know this and release these unnecessary potentially dangerous over caffeinated beverages to take advantage of that and people just eat it right up. When one company releases one then the next puts more caffeine in their own product and it just keeps escalating back and forth. So yeah if there is the potential that a minor could buy energy gum or an energy drink and have a heart attack or stroke because it has way too much caffeine in it then I want some over sight. Kids don't know or in most cases don't care what that caffeine does to their system and their parents are too dumb or irresponsible to make sure they don't get too much. Putting four cups of coffee's worth of caffeine in a 16 ounce drink and making it available to kids without discrection is neglectful.

Minors shouldn't even have access to energy drinks or energy supplements of any kind. They have no need for them. No minor should be pushed to the point where they have to rely on a stimulant like that. If they are then their parents need to reevaluate their schedule and life style.
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Here's the thing: energy drinks and stimulants are all the rage in the overworked under rested american populace. These manufacturers know this and release these unnecessary potentially dangerous over caffeinated beverages to take advantage of that and people just eat it right up. When one company releases one then the next puts more caffeine in their own product and it just keeps escalating back and forth. So yeah if there is the potential that a minor could buy energy gum or an energy drink and have a heart attack or stroke because it has way too much caffeine in it then I want some over sight. Kids don't know or in most cases don't care what that caffeine does to their system and their parents are too dumb or irresponsible to make sure they don't get too much. Putting four cups of coffee's worth of caffeine in a 16 ounce drink and making it available to kids without discrection is neglectful.

Minors shouldn't even have access to energy drinks or energy supplements of any kind. They have no need for them. No minor should be pushed to the point where they have to rely on a stimulant like that. If they are then their parents need to reevaluate their schedule and life style.

In high school, we had this Future Businessman of America type ******** club. Anyway, we started selling snacks before school and in between classes. We were selling Red Bull and making crazy profits just selling that stuff. Parents started complaining though and the principal told us we couldn't sell it anymore. Cut into our profits.:cmad:
In high school, we had this Future Businessman of America type ******** club. Anyway, we started selling snacks before school and in between classes. We were selling Red Bull and making crazy profits just selling that stuff. Parents started complaining though and the principal told us we couldn't sell it anymore. Cut into our profits.:cmad:

Haha I sympathize. When I was a kid in school I would have RAGED over that, but looking back and seeing the dumb **** kids do (snorting condoms) there needs to be oversight where they are concerned.
So what, soda has 0 nutritional value anyway. Get rid of soda and maybe these fat little rolly polly kids will lose a few lbs :D
So what, soda has 0 nutritional value anyway. Get rid of soda and maybe these fat little rolly polly kids will lose a few lbs :D

I concur. :highfive:

Snorting condoms?!!

Its a new trend. The kids snort it up their nose, and pull it out of their mouth. Why, you ask? Cause its "cooool" apparently. Kids are also diping tampons in alcohol and inserting it up their hoohas and stankholes.

And I thought snorting pop rocks and Warheads was harcore.:o
Remember when everyone had the friend who would snort Pixie Sticks lol
Here's the thing: energy drinks and stimulants are all the rage in the overworked under rested american populace. These manufacturers know this and release these unnecessary potentially dangerous over caffeinated beverages to take advantage of that and people just eat it right up. When one company releases one then the next puts more caffeine in their own product and it just keeps escalating back and forth. So yeah if there is the potential that a minor could buy energy gum or an energy drink and have a heart attack or stroke because it has way too much caffeine in it then I want some over sight. Kids don't know or in most cases don't care what that caffeine does to their system and their parents are too dumb or irresponsible to make sure they don't get too much. Putting four cups of coffee's worth of caffeine in a 16 ounce drink and making it available to kids without discrection is neglectful.

Minors shouldn't even have access to energy drinks or energy supplements of any kind. They have no need for them. No minor should be pushed to the point where they have to rely on a stimulant like that. If they are then their parents need to reevaluate their schedule and life style.

We don't need oversight like that. This is the land of the free. Kids should know better...Parents should know how to raise a kid. We don't need the Big Govt growing more big and telling what people can put into their body or not.

I it gonna get to the point where citizens are gonna have ''records'' because they got caught with a 16 oz of Mtn Dew? Because if we make sodas a 18+ drug or a 21+ drug like with Alcohol and Tobacco...we gonna have lots of kids and teens getting fines and arrested. Because we make it a ''thrill drug''. And caffeine is a drug, it's a stimulant. It can be dangerous, it's addictive...but it doesn't need regulation on that scale. Let consumers and the companies figure it out. At worst or best, let the damn states set rules then.

I can't even believe caffeine is even a issue. We have debt problems and mental health problems in this country.

But who knows...maybe I am just overreacting. I mean, I just had a medium Peacan Pie Coffee with cream and sugar sooooo...
We don't need oversight like that. This is the land of the free. Kids should know better...Parents should know how to raise a kid. We don't need the Big Govt growing more big and telling what people can put into their body or not.

I it gonna get to the point where citizens are gonna have ''records'' because they got caught with a 16 oz of Mtn Dew? Because if we make sodas a 18+ drug or a 21+ drug like with Alcohol and Tobacco...we gonna have lots of kids and teens getting fines and arrested. Because we make it a ''thrill drug''. And caffeine is a drug, it's a stimulant. It can be dangerous, it's addictive...but it doesn't need regulation on that scale. Let consumers and the companies figure it out. At worst or best, let the damn states set rules then.

I can't even believe caffeine is even a issue. We have debt problems and mental health problems in this country.

But who knows...maybe I am just overreacting. I mean, I just had a medium Peacan Pie Coffee with cream and sugar sooooo...

You are being hyperbolic. No one is saying the goverment is going to take your mountain dew. Just that companies can't put ridiculous unecessarry amounts of caffeine in their drinks and market it to children to beat the competition and make a profit.

And sadly we do need oversight like this, because too many parents are lazy and don't watch their kids. They stick em in front of a video game system or a tv and let it babysit them. Little Johnny has no business nor need with a red bull or monster or rockstar. If the parents want to buy it for them fine. If Johnny wants to drink one when he is an adult fine. But while a person is legally considered a minor they shouldn't be able to buy just every little thing their underdeveloped frontal lobe tells them to buy. This is what NO BIG GOVERMENT people don't think about. Your frontal lobe (the part of your brain responsible for making you think about consequences and danger) doesn't fully develop untiul you are 25. So if the parents aren't watching the kids properly the kid can not be relied upon to make the smart or informed decision about that 3rd or 4th redbull. Teenagers brains are a slush of chemicals pouring from an underdeveloped brain hence why they do dumb ****. They need someone making sure they are taken care of and not hurting themselves, and if manufacturers and parents won't be responsible then the government has to be.

Big Government is the result of an irresponsible public. So all this "let us do whatever we want consequences be damned" while quaint and a fun idea is leading to a fractured irresponsible society of man childs. If the public wants the government to back off then they need to grow the **** up and ask themselves "Just because I can do it does that mean I should do it?" Until then get used to Big Brother looking after us.
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Its a new trend. The kids snort it up their nose, and pull it out of their mouth. Why, you ask? Cause its "cooool" apparently. Kids are also diping tampons in alcohol and inserting it up their hoohas and stankholes.


For a second I'm thinking...I somehow wandered into the weird part of the internet...again...
I can't even believe caffeine is even a issue. We have debt problems and mental health problems in this country.

I hate when people say stuff like this in their arguments. "Another public survey saying that more people prefer the color green to blue? Why are these statisticians wasting their time with this when we still don't have a cure for cancer?!" There's a division in the government specifically dedicated to dealing with all food and drugs. It's called the FDA. And they're not about to ignore an issue involving food (whether they decide to actually do anything about it isn't what I'm talking about, here) just because other sections of the government have things to do.

That'd be like ignoring your diabetes just because you're trying to mend a broken leg; the two problems have nothing to do with one another, and your leg being in a cast doesn't mean it's okay to eat a whole cake in one sitting.
I hate when people say stuff like this in their arguments. "Another public survey saying that more people prefer the color green to blue? Why are these statisticians wasting their time with this when we still don't have a cure for cancer?!" There's a division in the government specifically dedicated to dealing with all food and drugs. It's called the FDA. And they're not about to ignore an issue involving food (whether they decide to actually do anything about it isn't what I'm talking about, here) just because other sections of the government have things to do.

That'd be like ignoring your diabetes just because you're trying to mend a broken leg; the two problems have nothing to do with one another, and your leg being in a cast doesn't mean it's okay to eat a whole cake in one sitting.

So I'm just being over-sensitive and worrying too much? it.
Its a new trend. The kids snort it up their nose, and pull it out of their mouth. Why, you ask? Cause its "cooool" apparently. Kids are also diping tampons in alcohol and inserting it up their hoohas and stankholes.


I'm sure you're a nice person, but I hate you for introducing this idea to me. I hope they get stuck in their nose forever, have fun explaining THAT to mommy and daddy.

On topic, I'm sick of the power grabs governments are always taking. I'm cool with researching more, but if they start pulling a Bloomberg so help me...

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