Fall Out Boy Teams with Dabel Brothers

No one smart does, and I will not enjoy.
i listen to fall out boy, i know i know flame me, but this does look really really dumb. :dry:
The style looks very similar to another style I have seen somewhere, just can't be sure though.
I read the drummer is also starting his own comic book company or just a comic, but they do zombie stories and horror because that is what he is into.

Don't know if I'd be into this comic, but thanks for posting.
The style looks very similar to another style I have seen somewhere, just can't be sure though.
I read the drummer is also starting his own comic book company or just a comic, but they do zombie stories and horror because that is what he is into.

Don't know if I'd be into this comic, but thanks for posting.
it wouldnt be the first time a musician turns out a decent comic book, so im not saying thats not possible, i just think based on the pictures that this'll probably just turn out to be another pete wentz vanity project.
So they don't plan on getting paid for this comic then?
Umberall academy worked mainly because it wasn't about thier ****ty band and because Gerad Way is somewhat a good comic writer.
Has a comic about a rock star or any musical performer been any good?
I'm really asking. I have noticed from time to time a story will feature a concert scene and it usually isn't that intersting to me.
I might just be thinking of really bad examples that I have passed by without reading.

Also, that is sort of what I was talking about before. I thought I heard that the drummer from Fallout Boy was starting some Horror Comics about zombies and stuff. Sort of seperate from his music career like Umbrella Academy.
The_Khan, how much does Dabel Brothers pay you for all this shameless promotion. Wait, allow me to rephrase:

How much are they supposed to pay you?
Thank you everyone for sharing your thoughts with me. I really appreciate it and I'll keep you posted on updated news as they are made public my friends :)

Darthphere my friend, lol, I'm Ernst, the oldest of the Dabel Brothers :) The reason I do this is because, I love to hear from fans, their thoughts, suggestions, and concerns. This way, I can go back to my brothers and my guys and make sure we give you what you want :)
Thank you everyone for sharing your thoughts with me. I really appreciate it and I'll keep you posted on updated news as they are made public my friends :)

Darthphere my friend, lol, I'm Ernst, the oldest of the Dabel Brothers :) The reason I do this is because, I love to hear from fans, their thoughts, suggestions, and concerns. This way, I can go back to my brothers and my guys and make sure we give you what you want :)

Well I respect the fact that you didn't hide your identity, so I'm going to go ahead and take back half of the not getting paid jokes, but only half.
LOL, not a problem at all my friend :) I try to remain incognito as much as I can so that everyone can give me their honest opinions. But these opinions will help my brothers and I to give you guys better products :)
LOL, not a problem at all my friend :) I try to remain incognito as much as I can so that everyone can give me their honest opinions. But these opinions will help my brothers and I to give you guys better products :)

Can I ask how you got involved with this project and why you think it's necessary to bring this story? I mean, we've seen what Gerard Way has done with Umbrella Academy and that makes the timing for this sort of title crucial. But in the past, comics starring actually celebrities have never been good, what is going to make this comic different than the 90's Billy Ray Cyrus comic for instance, and why should someone like me, who has never been into Fall Out Boy give this comic a chance?
Umberall academy worked mainly because it wasn't about thier ****ty band and because Gerad Way is somewhat a good comic writer.
and i think if this kid is actually going to follow that scheme then it might work. i really really dont think that a comic book should be made about the band though. but if he wants to write a story, then id be willing to at least check it out. :o
Well, one of my brothers is a big fan of Fall Out Boy and he was telling us how their last CD sold over 3 million copies and that he'd love to be able to do the comic so that he can read it too along with the fans and so we moved on it :)

The Fall Out Boy fans are REALLY excited about this and can't wait until it comes out :) I'll give you the same reason I gave to someone who never read our adaptation of George R.R. Martin's The Hedge Knight, which we did back in 2004, we have passion for what we do and we listen to the fans feedback so that we can improve on what we do. We're also known for having excellent quality as well ;)

AlteredEgo my friend, one of the stories will be about the band, but the other story will be a different story that is not about the band ;)
Well, one of my brothers is a big fan of Fall Out Boy and he was telling us how their last CD sold over 3 million copies and that he'd love to be able to do the comic so that he can read it too along with the fans and so we moved on it :)

The Fall Out Boy fans are REALLY excited about this and can't wait until it comes out :) I'll give you the same reason I gave to someone who never read our adaptation of George R.R. Martin's The Hedge Knight, which we did back in 2004, we have passion for what we do and we listen to the fans feedback so that we can improve on what we do. We're also known for having excellent quality as well ;)

AlteredEgo my friend, one of the stories will be about the band, but the other story will be a different story that is not about the band ;)

The thing is, I can see a clear difference between Hedge Knight and this FOB comic. Hedge Knight has fantasy/sci-fi elements that are far more accessible to a comic fan than a comic about a band and it's adventures.

Ok, so I know Dan Fraga is working on this, but can you tell us about any other artists involved? Also, any chance of you guys adapting more Koontz novels? And exactly how many Dabel Bros are there?
Well, if even 7% of the people who bought Fallout Boy's last CD buy their comic, it doesn't really need to appeal to a broader audience, does it? It'd already have sold over 200,000 copies and almost assuredly be the best seller for the month it debuts in, since even the big 2's comics can barely break 130,000 these days.
if FOB kid can write a decent story im all for it. i just dont really wanna read about the adventures of pete wentz. i mean, i dig his lyrics and all, there's just something about him as a person that just seems a taaad attention ****e-ish. his videos for example. vampire theme? he's the vampire-human hybrid hunter. nerd theme? he's the leader of the nerds. and so on and so forth. :csad:
Well, if even 7% of the people who bought Fallout Boy's last CD buy their comic, it doesn't really need to appeal to a broader audience, does it? It'd already have sold over 200,000 copies and almost assuredly be the best seller for the month it debuts in, since even the big 2's comics can barely break 130,000 these days.

Do I even want to know WHY you knew so quickly how many cd's Fallout Boy sold?:oldrazz:
I'm psychic.

Well, one of my brothers is a big fan of Fall Out Boy and he was telling us how their last CD sold over 3 million copies and that he'd love to be able to do the comic so that he can read it too along with the fans and so we moved on it :)
Reading comprehension escapes me once again.
If I was a 13 year old girl I could see myself being into Fall Out Boy.
I like some Fall Out Boy...but really, this looks stupid as hell.
Hi again Darthphere my friend :) Good point, but what we're trying to do here is to bring everything together. For example when we first came out with The Hedge Knight, some comic book fans who only read about superheroes wondered about it, and I encouraged them to simply give it a try. Well, all of them enjoyed it very much. I think trying something out of the ordinary is sometimes weird, but can sometime be very rewarding. I used to hate reading books when I was little and then my brother Les got me a book "The Hobbit" by J.R.R. Tolkien for Christmas. You can imagine my frustration. He bugged me to read it and not wanting to hurt his feeling, I decided to "pretend" to read the book. Well, you can say that I got hooked and have fallen in love with reading fantasy/scifi ever since ;)

All other artists will be mentioned in future press releases, but I'll be sure to keep you posted. We always aim to please my friend ;) There are five brothers in all, but only four run the company, the fifth is too young, lol :)
im sick of these big name stars getting their comics just cause they are stars, when people actually have to start at the bottom and work hard as hell to get somewhere. it so cheapens everything, be a celebrity and suddenly your qualified to make a comic? bull****

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