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Fan Scripts And Teasers


Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
Written or created any of your own scenes or created any of your own teasers?
heres a corkey thing i made before we ever even knew who the villians were, although there was some evidence of sandman we didnt know anything about venom or gwen stacey. I wrote this in like ocober 2005, it was the first topic in the non spoilers section (great honor to me)

This dosent have any spoilers or anything in it. This is just what i think would be cool, and in no way is this going to be in the movie. If any of this was in the movie i would be very surprised. I made all of this up.

The movie starts out showing harry looking in a mirror. All of a sudden you hear a huge sound of evil laughs. Then the camera pans to the green goblin mask laying next to the mirror on the wall. The mirror appears to quickly dissapear into the air. Then suddenly the mirror re-appears and shatters. Harry looks around, as the evil laugh continues. The laugh gets louder, and louder. Then harry relises that it is his father laughing. Harry then remembers back to the end of spider-man 2.

Harry: NOOO!!! Not you! Not again!
Norman/GG: Come son. Come back into the lair.
Harry then pauses for a second.
Harry in an evil GG like voice: Yesss. Yeesss. Let uss Ffinniish what we started!

Fades to black. Then a big 3 appears on the screen in green with spiderman behind it in black. Opening credits roll.

Peter gets woke up by his alarm. He looks at it and it reads "2:00 pm". He mumbles then gets out of bed. Then it cuts to John Jameson.

Jameson: I told that punk to be here by 10:00! 10:00!!! Its 2:30 in the afternoon and that parker kid still isn't here! What do i pay him for, sleeping?!
News Reporter: Give the kid a break mabey he's taking some pictures of spiderman.
Jameson: We don't need pictures of spiderman,nobody cares about that menace!! Give me a picture of parker eating a sandwich and i care more about it than...
Peter Parker then runs into the room.
Peter: Sorry i was late i was stopped by a mugger.
Jameson: I don't care if you were stopped by a mugger or your dead, YOUR LATE!
Peter: Sorry sir I...
Then all of a sudden a huge mountain of sand comes pouring through the window.
Unknown voice: Get me the guy who takes the pictures of Spiderman!
Jameson: Hes all yours!
Then Jameson runs away and out of the building.
A huge sand like figure came up and looked around as if it were human.
Sand like figure: Which of of you is "Peter Parker"?
By this time Peter was out in the bathroom changing into his spidey uniform.
Sand like figure: If nobody steps foward I will Flood this city with sand!!!
Then Spiderman Flys through from nowhere!
Spiderman: hey mr. sandman how about you pick on someone your own size!
Sandman: GRA!!!!!
Then Spiderman attempted to kick through Sandman but went right through him emmiting sand everywhere. Then Spiderman fell down the skyscrapper but shot a web to a random window. Sandman jumped down after him and they have a huge fight on the side of the building. Then finally Sandman dissapears into the air and spiderman goes away.

Im gonna cut all of the middle stuff because i don't feal like writing it so im gonna skip to the end.

Spiderman has found Sandman's evil lair. It was in the Statue of Liberty's secret opening in the left leg. Spiderman was on his way there, when he heard a familiar laugh.

Next thing he knew, Spiderman was lauched into the statue. The only thing he saw was this green blade coming towards him when he took a crushing blow. Spiderman assumed it was the green goblin. But how could the green goblin be back? Peter watched him die!

Then green goblin 2 and spiderman had a huge fight. When all of a sudden; sandman appeared again.
Spiderman: Oh no not again.
Sandman: oh yes spiderman. And i have help this time!
All of a sudden VENOM AND CARNAGE magicly appeared out of nowhere.
Spiderman didnt know what to say. He has the gren goblin 2, Sandman, Venom AND Carnage all trying to take him out! They had a huge fight, with alot of blood. Half of spiderman's mask was torn off and half of the part showing was covered in blood. Harry (GG2) had his mask on fire and jumped into the ocean. Peter knew he just saw harry die.
Then, a man with a bubble around his face came out of the wall. Peter assumed he did this so nobody could see who he was. This mysterious guy wore a green cape and a black suit. (i know i made it different for my version)
Mysterious guy: You can call me Mysterio. Everyone you just fought was an illusion. Sandman was an illusion. (in a darth vader-like voice)
Spiderman: Even the green goblin??
Mysterio: No. I don't know who he was, but Carnage took care of him. Now that i have you, my invention can be complete.
Spiderman: What invention??
Mysterio: I plan to force a huge ilusion on the entire world. Tommorow when the world wakes up they will all see you. You will sufficate them with your webs.
Spideman: Thats crazy i would never do that.
Mysterio: I will kill you and take your image to make that illusion a reality. Those foes you have just defeated were mere images in your brain. Your mind makes it real.
Spiderman: I have enough strength left to defeat you, Bubble man!
So then they fought, and spiderman was completely done. Mysterio's bubble broke and fell down and claimed he could not fight. Then, GG2 flew in!!
Spiderman: I thought you were dead!
GG2: You thought alot of things, PETER PARKER!!
Peter: Norman, please, don't kill me! I didn't tell Harry!
Peter then pauses in freight.
Then GG2/harry picks peter up by the throat and dangles him above the ocean.
Peter: Someone... once told me......
Harry then kicked peter in the stomach and blood flew out onto GG2's wet suit.
Peter: With great power............... comes great responsibility!
Harry let peter go and set him down.
Peter: I never ment to kill your father.
Harry: And i never ment to kill you!
GG2 then kicks spiderman off and out of the Statue of Liberty.
Harry: YOU SON OF A *******
then harry picks up mysterio by the throat and slams him against the wall and throws him into the ocean. Then sees Peter dangling holding onto the ledge with one hand.
Peter: I know there is some good in you!!! Help me!
Harry then goes to reach out his hand, and his glider blows up as if it had a bomb in it that was timed to blow up. Peter then shot a web to the city and got away as the statue of liberty had a huge hole in it
Yea...Webhead and myself made a thread for this very own thing...it died though. It was a contest to create your own battle.
I made these a while back, (3-4 mouths along), I posted them around some back when i first made them, but I figured they kinda fit in with your topic, for anyone who didn't see them before, I haven't even watched them myself in like forever I don't remember how good the quality is but whatever, if you wanna take a look go for it. excuse the typos, grammar and some of the corny dialogue
page1, page2, page3, page4, (new)page5, (last)page6. (full length) pages 1-6

Yep, chaseter's right.

Here is chaseter's.

Spider-Man responds to Sandman’s threat that he will kill Gwen Stacey unless Spider-Man meets him at a construction site to finish their fight, little does Spidey know what actually awaits him.

It is late in the day. Spider-Man swings into the construction site and lands on a metal beam. Construction workers scatter, realizing what is about to happen. Spider-Man hears a scream and looks up. Venom is holding Gwen atop a beam over 100 feet above the ground. Venom smiles and taunts Spidey. Gwen yells “It’s a trap!” Spider-Man yells “Let her go Eddie.” To which Venom replies “Eddie is no more, we are now Venom.” Spider-Man lunges forward. Venom sadistically smiles again and drops Gwen, forcing Spidey to save her. We see Gwen falling past metal beams as the sand at the bottom of the site begins to form into Sandman. Spider-Man sees his second tormenter emerge from the dust and swoops down, trying his best to save Gwen. Spider-Man avoids an oncoming sand hammer. We see Venom begin leaping downward from atop his high perch. Gwen screams and holds her hands out to Spider-Man, thinking she is about to die, Sandman waiting below. Spider-Man shoots a web and swings by grabbing Gwen, barely avoiding another Sandman punch. Gwen is relieved in his arms and smiles saying “Thank you Spider-Man.” All of a sudden and out of nowhere Venom sideswipes Spider-Man and he looses Gwen as she tumbles to the near ground, alive but unconscious. As Spider-Man tumbles, a sand hammer punches him into a steel beam. As he falls Venom again nose dives into Spidey, bashing him to the ground. Spider-Man quickly recovers and his agility allows him to land a few punches on an angry Venom while his spider-sense allows him to dodge constant Sandman attacks.

Spider-Man tries his best to battle the two but it is looking like he will not win. Sandman and Venom stand over an injured Spider-Man. Sandman says “Lets finish him.” Venom looks down smiling and says “Parker, get up spoiled sport.” Venom grabs a sharp pole and is about to deliver the fatal blow. They begin to hear a loud buzz and then an explosion high above them. Suddenly, the wrecking ball on a crane falls down and blasts into Sandman, sending him into a dust storm. Green Goblin 2 swoops by and pumpkin blasts Venom, sending him flying into a steel beam. GG2 circles around the site and fends Sandman and Venom off for a little while with a barrage of missiles and bombs. With GG2’s attention now on Sandman, Venom leaps by and knocks Harry off of his glider. The glider zooms past a smiling Sandman growing in size from all the sand. The out of control glider hits a cement truck and explodes behind Sandman. Tons of concrete blasts out, covering Sandman. Sandman yells a last cry of defeat as the concrete covers him. Spider-Man regains consciousness and watches as Venom pounds the crap out of Harry. Harry and Venom fist fight but GG2 is soon overpowered. Venom rips off the goblin mask and throws Harry onto bare steel re-bar behind, impaling him. Spider-Man rushes to his friend’s side and watches as Harry dies…Harry apologizes and tells Peter “I know you didn’t kill my father and I am sorry for what I have done. Please Peter, don’t tell Mary Jane.” and he dies. Peter is enraged and begins to fight Venom. Venom is too powerful and Spider-Man realizes this as darkness falls and a rain begins on the construction site. Spider-Man leads Venom to the nearby church where he realizes he first lost the symbiote and unknowingly where Brock gained his powers. The battle will end exactly where it had begun that dark rainy night weeks ago. Spider-Man is knocked back when Venom bounds forward. Venom bares his ugly smile and says “You were always weak Parker.” The clock’s hands reach 8 and the church bells ring. Venom yells in pain as he grabs his head. The suit melts off of Brock and he is surprised and angered yelling “NOOOO!” Spider-Man webs up Eddie and hands him over to the police.

Spider-Man returns to Gwen at the construction site as she awakens from the rain hitting her face. The cops pull up and Mary Jane and Captain Stacey step out of vehicles. Gwen smiles and tries to thank Spider-Man with a kiss, which he refuses. Mary Jane looks away to see GG2 dead, the mask now over his face. Spider-Man looks at MJ and grabs Harry’s body and zips away.

ZOOM past Harry's funeral and other scenes...

**CLIFF HANGER AT THE END**Eddie sits in jail, fists clenched in anger. Another man quietly sets in the corner. Lightning flashes and rain pours as the symbiote oozes in from the wet window.

And this is mine.

Green Goblin II and Sandman have both been defeated in the past and

decided to team up and take down Spider-Man. Harry has seen Peter and

Gwen hanging out lately and knew she was important to him. He knew

kidnapping her would make him come. He didn’t want to kidnap Mary Jane

because he still liked her.

Peter has just gotten rid of the Symbiote in the church where Eddie

Brock was and the Symbiote went to Eddie. Happy of getting rid of the alien

substance, Peter returns to his Apartment taking off his Spider-Man mask and

notices 2 messages on his machine. He checks the earliest one and it’s Gwen

asking if they could go on a date sometime that week. (Peter had broken up

with Mary Jane) Peter smiles and checks the next one before calling her back

with a “yes“. The next message we hear Gwen in the back round screaming

and yelling “Help!” as Green Goblin II says “You’ve taken my father’s life and

it’s time you’ve realized the pain! His voice gets deeper and more sinister.

“Meet me here at her apartment by 7:29 because her life ends a minute

after…” Goblin chuckles and then the phone clicks. Peter’s smile died when he

had heard the message. He wasn’t going to let somebody else die. The clock

read 7:22. He quickly puts his mask back on. We see the outside sky. Dark,

the sun is setting and there’s a pinkish purple color in the sky along with some

red. Spider-Man swings out the window and swings very fast to her


Inside Gwen’s apartment there’s a balcony with two open doors. The

wind is blowing the curtains. We see a close up of Green Goblin’s face looking

down at Gwen who we can see reflecting in his eyes. Gwen is tied up in a

chair with a few bruises and scratch marks on her from trying to get away

from the Goblin. She had fallen into a few things while running earlier. Gwen

asks with a scared deep voice, “Why are you doing this to me?” “Revenge.

It‘s all revenge.” Harry replied. The clock read 7:28 and then Harry slowly

pulled out a sword from his belt. Gwen looks terrified.

Spider-Man came through the open balcony windows and landed on the

floor. “Let her go! You don‘t understand what happened!” (About his father)

he yelled. As Spider-Man said that there was sand pouring through a vent

onto the floor. Spider-Man’s Spider Sense went off but he didn’t move in time

to dodge Sandman’s enlarged arm smacking him out the window through a

skylight of another building. Spider-Man lands on top of a desk crushing it. It

looks like an office building. Sandman pours through the broken sky light and

piles up on the floor making himself. Spider-Man gets up and hits him. His fist

went through Sandman not doing any harm. Sandman fell on top of him as

sand and then his face formed in it. (Like the cover when he first appeared in

a comic) He was weighing Spider-Man down, then Spider-Man rolled out of it

and rolled into a water dispenser. The big jug on top of it hit the floor hard

and exploded. Water went everywhere. Sandman screamed and shielded his

eyes as if he was afraid of it. Spider-Man saw that he didn’t like water.

Before he could do anything else Sandman made his hand into a hammer and

hit Spider-Man out a window and into a construction site.

Spider-Man got up struggling as if something was pushing on his back.

He was just knocked out of a tall building. The ground was dirt and there was

some construction equipment around along with a metal frame building.

Sandman came down from building in sand and blended in with the dirt there.

Green Goblin also arrived on his glider with a cackle. He threw a bomb and it

exploded weakening the steel building frame on the building that was being

built. Spider-Man stood up and shot a web at the frame building taking himself

to it. Then got to the very top by using jumps and webs. He perched at the

top as Green Goblin pulled out a small sword from his belt heading towards

Spider-Man. Spider-Man lunged himself at him in the air and landed with him

on top of his glider. Spider-Man punched Goblin in the face once then Goblin

cut his leg stunning Spider-Man for a second then pushed him off. Spider-Man

shot a web and prevented a very painful fall while hitting the ground. Goblin,

meanwhile, didn’t notice the frame building ahead of him. He tried moving out

of the way but the left end of his glider hit it showering sparks everywhere.

The glider landed hardly on the ground making Goblin fall off onto the ground.

Spider-Man got up and sand started swirling around him. In a annoyed voice

Spider-Man said “Oh crap.” then Sandman hit him to the floor. Sandman was

towering above Spider-Man who was leaning against a pile of dirt. Spider-Man

remembered the water dispenser inside the building and how the water

frightened Sandman. Spider-Man saw a wheel against a wall in the

construction site and looked behind Sandman where he saw a pipe dripping

with water. He knew this was perfect. He shot a web at the wheel then

pulled. Water shot out from the pipe hitting Sandman. Spider-Man got up,

punched Sandman a few times and noticed it was harming him because

Sandman’s expressions looked like he was being hurt. The water shut off

because it was out and needed to be pumped again. Spider-Man’s vision was

a little blurry from the water spraying on his lenses. He did see Sandman

looking almost normal again though, but not enough to fight. Spider-Man was

hit by an unknown figure into a pile of bricks. A black blur lands on the ground

in front of Sandman making a little dust come around it’s feet. We see a close

up of sharp teeth with a tongue come at the screen very fast. Then we see

Venom’s mouth take a big chunk out of Sandman. Sandman looks frightened

at its looks and what it did. He melts to the floor in sand and goes down a

drain. We see who it was. Venom. He looks like the comic version and is

about the same size as Spider-Man but his arms are a little bigger. He has the

evil white eyes and sharp teeth with a long tongue. He looks scary. He saw

Harry over there lying on the floor but didn’t think he would get up. Venom looks

ticked and excited as we hear some bricks hitting the ground. He turns

around to the big pile of bricks where he hit Spider-Man and smiles.

Spider-Man comes up in a hurry making dust fly everywhere. His mask is

ripped off and his head is visible, his costume has some tears in it. He couldn’t

see two feet ahead of him. All of a sudden Venom lunges through the dust

towards the camera with his arms reached out and his teeth and tongue

showing. He tackles Spider-Man and they slide in the ground. Venom is on top

of Spider-Man showing his teeth smiling. He says “Remember us?!” then uses

his claws to dig in to Spider-Man’s stomach. Spider-Man gives a terrifying

scream and we see a painful look on his face. Saliva is dripping on Spider-Man

from Venom’s mouth. Venom is still smiling as he pulls his hand out of his

stomach with blood on it. Spider-Man looks at the face in horror. Venom’s

face pulls back to show Eddie’s. “Eddie?!” Spider-Man asked in surprise. “NO!”

Venom yelled while making the Symbiote come back over his face. He throws

Spider-Man to the ground near the frame building. Venom screamed at him as

he walked towards him. “You ruined my life, took my girlfriend, (Gwen) got me

fired from my job, and took my home away from me!” Venom picks up

Spider-Man with both hands around his neck as he says “But now you’re

gonna’ pay! From now on we are poison to you!” He throws Spider-Man

against the frame building as he says “We are VENOM!”

Venom comes up to Spider-Man who is getting up. He grabs him by the

neck with his left hand and pins him against the wall. He leans his head in six

inches away from Spider-Man’s face. His tongue is close to his face too.

Venom puts his tongue in and snarls. In a really low menacing voice he says

“I wanna’ eat your brains…” Venom punches Spider-Man twice in the face

with his right hand really hard. The blows sound painful. He then shoves his

knee into Spider-Man’s stomach. Venom throws Spider-Man to one of the

lower frames and jumps up on it next to Spider-Man. He kicks Spider-Man’s

face knocking it into the air and punches it while it‘s in the air. A long thin

tentacle comes out of his hand. Venom swings his arm smacking Spider-Man

with it. We see Harry look at the fight and sees that Venom is doing this to

his best friend. Harry realizes that he himself has been wrong doing this the

whole time. Harry decides to help his friend. Spider-Man tries to hit Venom

but Venom catches his fist then twists it making a cracking noise. Spider-Man

screams. His wrist is hurt, not broken. Venom holds his fist in the air about

to do the finishing blow, he snarls then says, “Burn in Hell.” Venom’s fist flies

towards Spider-Man’s gut but Harry comes between Spider-Man and Venom

taking the blow. Venom’s arm goes through Harry’s chest and we see a spray

of blood. Spider-Man is shocked. Harry falls to the frame and lies there barely

alive. Venom smiles. Spider-Man is ticked and remembers the bell at the

church. He jumps to the floor and Venom follows him. Spider-Man grabs a

metal bar as Venom is coming towards him and hits the frame making a

clanging sound. Venom holds his ears and screams. “What’s happening?!” he

yells. Spider-Man does it three more times and sees the Symbiote going wild

on Venom then it slides off revealing Brock. Spider-Man catches him as he

falls. He puts him on the floor and webs him there. The Symbiote slides

through a crack in a building escaping.

Spider-Man quickly jumps to where Harry is and sees that he’s barely

alive. He asks Harry, “Can you hear me?!” and tears are coming to Peter’s

eyes. Harry makes a smile and says, “Pete, I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. I

was wrong *coughs up a little blood* to blame my father’s death on you. I’m

so sorry” “Harry?!” Peter cries out. “No! Somebody help!” Harry smiles “Bye

Pete.” and closes his eyes leaving nothing but a empty body. Peter holds

Harry close to him and cries.

The End.
Then we just see the end of the movie, what happens with Gwen, some other stuff and after that the credits.
Spider-Fan83 said:
I made these a while back, (3-4 mouths along), I posted them around some back when i first made them, but I figured they kinda fit in with your topic, for anyone who didn't see them before, I haven't even watched them myself in like forever I don't remember how good the quality is but whatever, if you wanna take a look go for it. excuse the typos, grammar and some of the corny dialogue
page1, page2, page3, page4, (new)page5, (last)page6. (full length) pages 1-6
Wow. Those are amazing!
I like these fan scripts. Who says you shouldn't hire a fan to do a movie....Anyone have anymore? I'm interested to read them.
Carnotaur3 said:

Screenplay I wrote almost two years ago. I could write it better now. This was before Sandman and Venom and all that villian confirmation. I put Lizard as the main baddie, with Rhino as a early cameo.
It's really long! Good so far. But why would Felicia need to do free lance? She's rich. I like Lizard as a main villain though. I've always wanted Lizard and Felicia in the same film. I think those are the two villains who have the biggest emotional connection with Peter. Now....I'm going to continue reading....
I made up a Teaser before the Teaser came out:

A Space Shuttle is flying towards earth. You see Jameson in the pilot seat. Then you hear a scream from another room. Jameson turns around to see black ooze comming out of the cracks of the door. The you see the Space shuttle make a crash landing. Spiderman is there to attempt some sort of rescue. He prys open the Shuttle door.
Spiderman: What?
The screen goes pitch black. Then on the black screen it says three like in the real teaser except for having the black webbing, it has the comic Symbiote chest Spider behind the three.
fangrl06 said:
I like these fan scripts. Who says you shouldn't hire a fan to do a movie....Anyone have anymore? I'm interested to read them.
That would be cool. Give the fans some of what they want in the movie. Plus they would be a lot cheaper...
fangrl06 said:
Wow. Those are amazing!

spiderine said:

the story line i made up is kinda weak, now that I'v seen more about the movie, and have more set pics and stuff, I should make some updated versions.
webhead731 said:

Yep, chaseter's right.

Here is chaseter's.

Spider-Man responds to Sandman’s threat that he will kill Gwen Stacey unless Spider-Man meets him at a construction site to finish their fight, little does Spidey know what actually awaits him.

It is late in the day. Spider-Man swings into the construction site and lands on a metal beam. Construction workers scatter, realizing what is about to happen. Spider-Man hears a scream and looks up. Venom is holding Gwen atop a beam over 100 feet above the ground. Venom smiles and taunts Spidey. Gwen yells “It’s a trap!” Spider-Man yells “Let her go Eddie.” To which Venom replies “Eddie is no more, we are now Venom.” Spider-Man lunges forward. Venom sadistically smiles again and drops Gwen, forcing Spidey to save her. We see Gwen falling past metal beams as the sand at the bottom of the site begins to form into Sandman. Spider-Man sees his second tormenter emerge from the dust and swoops down, trying his best to save Gwen. Spider-Man avoids an oncoming sand hammer. We see Venom begin leaping downward from atop his high perch. Gwen screams and holds her hands out to Spider-Man, thinking she is about to die, Sandman waiting below. Spider-Man shoots a web and swings by grabbing Gwen, barely avoiding another Sandman punch. Gwen is relieved in his arms and smiles saying “Thank you Spider-Man.” All of a sudden and out of nowhere Venom sideswipes Spider-Man and he looses Gwen as she tumbles to the near ground, alive but unconscious. As Spider-Man tumbles, a sand hammer punches him into a steel beam. As he falls Venom again nose dives into Spidey, bashing him to the ground. Spider-Man quickly recovers and his agility allows him to land a few punches on an angry Venom while his spider-sense allows him to dodge constant Sandman attacks.

Spider-Man tries his best to battle the two but it is looking like he will not win. Sandman and Venom stand over an injured Spider-Man. Sandman says “Lets finish him.” Venom looks down smiling and says “Parker, get up spoiled sport.” Venom grabs a sharp pole and is about to deliver the fatal blow. They begin to hear a loud buzz and then an explosion high above them. Suddenly, the wrecking ball on a crane falls down and blasts into Sandman, sending him into a dust storm. Green Goblin 2 swoops by and pumpkin blasts Venom, sending him flying into a steel beam. GG2 circles around the site and fends Sandman and Venom off for a little while with a barrage of missiles and bombs. With GG2’s attention now on Sandman, Venom leaps by and knocks Harry off of his glider. The glider zooms past a smiling Sandman growing in size from all the sand. The out of control glider hits a cement truck and explodes behind Sandman. Tons of concrete blasts out, covering Sandman. Sandman yells a last cry of defeat as the concrete covers him. Spider-Man regains consciousness and watches as Venom pounds the crap out of Harry. Harry and Venom fist fight but GG2 is soon overpowered. Venom rips off the goblin mask and throws Harry onto bare steel re-bar behind, impaling him. Spider-Man rushes to his friend’s side and watches as Harry dies…Harry apologizes and tells Peter “I know you didn’t kill my father and I am sorry for what I have done. Please Peter, don’t tell Mary Jane.” and he dies. Peter is enraged and begins to fight Venom. Venom is too powerful and Spider-Man realizes this as darkness falls and a rain begins on the construction site. Spider-Man leads Venom to the nearby church where he realizes he first lost the symbiote and unknowingly where Brock gained his powers. The battle will end exactly where it had begun that dark rainy night weeks ago. Spider-Man is knocked back when Venom bounds forward. Venom bares his ugly smile and says “You were always weak Parker.” The clock’s hands reach 8 and the church bells ring. Venom yells in pain as he grabs his head. The suit melts off of Brock and he is surprised and angered yelling “NOOOO!” Spider-Man webs up Eddie and hands him over to the police.

Spider-Man returns to Gwen at the construction site as she awakens from the rain hitting her face. The cops pull up and Mary Jane and Captain Stacey step out of vehicles. Gwen smiles and tries to thank Spider-Man with a kiss, which he refuses. Mary Jane looks away to see GG2 dead, the mask now over his face. Spider-Man looks at MJ and grabs Harry’s body and zips away.

ZOOM past Harry's funeral and other scenes...

**CLIFF HANGER AT THE END**Eddie sits in jail, fists clenched in anger. Another man quietly sets in the corner. Lightning flashes and rain pours as the symbiote oozes in from the wet window.

And this is mine.

Green Goblin II and Sandman have both been defeated in the past and

decided to team up and take down Spider-Man. Harry has seen Peter and

Gwen hanging out lately and knew she was important to him. He knew

kidnapping her would make him come. He didn’t want to kidnap Mary Jane

because he still liked her.

Peter has just gotten rid of the Symbiote in the church where Eddie

Brock was and the Symbiote went to Eddie. Happy of getting rid of the alien

substance, Peter returns to his Apartment taking off his Spider-Man mask and

notices 2 messages on his machine. He checks the earliest one and it’s Gwen

asking if they could go on a date sometime that week. (Peter had broken up

with Mary Jane) Peter smiles and checks the next one before calling her back

with a “yes“. The next message we hear Gwen in the back round screaming

and yelling “Help!” as Green Goblin II says “You’ve taken my father’s life and

it’s time you’ve realized the pain! His voice gets deeper and more sinister.

“Meet me here at her apartment by 7:29 because her life ends a minute

after…” Goblin chuckles and then the phone clicks. Peter’s smile died when he

had heard the message. He wasn’t going to let somebody else die. The clock

read 7:22. He quickly puts his mask back on. We see the outside sky. Dark,

the sun is setting and there’s a pinkish purple color in the sky along with some

red. Spider-Man swings out the window and swings very fast to her


Inside Gwen’s apartment there’s a balcony with two open doors. The

wind is blowing the curtains. We see a close up of Green Goblin’s face looking

down at Gwen who we can see reflecting in his eyes. Gwen is tied up in a

chair with a few bruises and scratch marks on her from trying to get away

from the Goblin. She had fallen into a few things while running earlier. Gwen

asks with a scared deep voice, “Why are you doing this to me?” “Revenge.

It‘s all revenge.” Harry replied. The clock read 7:28 and then Harry slowly

pulled out a sword from his belt. Gwen looks terrified.

Spider-Man came through the open balcony windows and landed on the

floor. “Let her go! You don‘t understand what happened!” (About his father)

he yelled. As Spider-Man said that there was sand pouring through a vent

onto the floor. Spider-Man’s Spider Sense went off but he didn’t move in time

to dodge Sandman’s enlarged arm smacking him out the window through a

skylight of another building. Spider-Man lands on top of a desk crushing it. It

looks like an office building. Sandman pours through the broken sky light and

piles up on the floor making himself. Spider-Man gets up and hits him. His fist

went through Sandman not doing any harm. Sandman fell on top of him as

sand and then his face formed in it. (Like the cover when he first appeared in

a comic) He was weighing Spider-Man down, then Spider-Man rolled out of it

and rolled into a water dispenser. The big jug on top of it hit the floor hard

and exploded. Water went everywhere. Sandman screamed and shielded his

eyes as if he was afraid of it. Spider-Man saw that he didn’t like water.

Before he could do anything else Sandman made his hand into a hammer and

hit Spider-Man out a window and into a construction site.

Spider-Man got up struggling as if something was pushing on his back.

He was just knocked out of a tall building. The ground was dirt and there was

some construction equipment around along with a metal frame building.

Sandman came down from building in sand and blended in with the dirt there.

Green Goblin also arrived on his glider with a cackle. He threw a bomb and it

exploded weakening the steel building frame on the building that was being

built. Spider-Man stood up and shot a web at the frame building taking himself

to it. Then got to the very top by using jumps and webs. He perched at the

top as Green Goblin pulled out a small sword from his belt heading towards

Spider-Man. Spider-Man lunged himself at him in the air and landed with him

on top of his glider. Spider-Man punched Goblin in the face once then Goblin

cut his leg stunning Spider-Man for a second then pushed him off. Spider-Man

shot a web and prevented a very painful fall while hitting the ground. Goblin,

meanwhile, didn’t notice the frame building ahead of him. He tried moving out

of the way but the left end of his glider hit it showering sparks everywhere.

The glider landed hardly on the ground making Goblin fall off onto the ground.

Spider-Man got up and sand started swirling around him. In a annoyed voice

Spider-Man said “Oh crap.” then Sandman hit him to the floor. Sandman was

towering above Spider-Man who was leaning against a pile of dirt. Spider-Man

remembered the water dispenser inside the building and how the water

frightened Sandman. Spider-Man saw a wheel against a wall in the

construction site and looked behind Sandman where he saw a pipe dripping

with water. He knew this was perfect. He shot a web at the wheel then

pulled. Water shot out from the pipe hitting Sandman. Spider-Man got up,

punched Sandman a few times and noticed it was harming him because

Sandman’s expressions looked like he was being hurt. The water shut off

because it was out and needed to be pumped again. Spider-Man’s vision was

a little blurry from the water spraying on his lenses. He did see Sandman

looking almost normal again though, but not enough to fight. Spider-Man was

hit by an unknown figure into a pile of bricks. A black blur lands on the ground

in front of Sandman making a little dust come around it’s feet. We see a close

up of sharp teeth with a tongue come at the screen very fast. Then we see

Venom’s mouth take a big chunk out of Sandman. Sandman looks frightened

at its looks and what it did. He melts to the floor in sand and goes down a

drain. We see who it was. Venom. He looks like the comic version and is

about the same size as Spider-Man but his arms are a little bigger. He has the

evil white eyes and sharp teeth with a long tongue. He looks scary. He saw

Harry over there lying on the floor but didn’t think he would get up. Venom looks

ticked and excited as we hear some bricks hitting the ground. He turns

around to the big pile of bricks where he hit Spider-Man and smiles.

Spider-Man comes up in a hurry making dust fly everywhere. His mask is

ripped off and his head is visible, his costume has some tears in it. He couldn’t

see two feet ahead of him. All of a sudden Venom lunges through the dust

towards the camera with his arms reached out and his teeth and tongue

showing. He tackles Spider-Man and they slide in the ground. Venom is on top

of Spider-Man showing his teeth smiling. He says “Remember us?!” then uses

his claws to dig in to Spider-Man’s stomach. Spider-Man gives a terrifying

scream and we see a painful look on his face. Saliva is dripping on Spider-Man

from Venom’s mouth. Venom is still smiling as he pulls his hand out of his

stomach with blood on it. Spider-Man looks at the face in horror. Venom’s

face pulls back to show Eddie’s. “Eddie?!” Spider-Man asked in surprise. “NO!”

Venom yelled while making the Symbiote come back over his face. He throws

Spider-Man to the ground near the frame building. Venom screamed at him as

he walked towards him. “You ruined my life, took my girlfriend, (Gwen) got me

fired from my job, and took my home away from me!” Venom picks up

Spider-Man with both hands around his neck as he says “But now you’re

gonna’ pay! From now on we are poison to you!” He throws Spider-Man

against the frame building as he says “We are VENOM!”

Venom comes up to Spider-Man who is getting up. He grabs him by the

neck with his left hand and pins him against the wall. He leans his head in six

inches away from Spider-Man’s face. His tongue is close to his face too.

Venom puts his tongue in and snarls. In a really low menacing voice he says

“I wanna’ eat your brains…” Venom punches Spider-Man twice in the face

with his right hand really hard. The blows sound painful. He then shoves his

knee into Spider-Man’s stomach. Venom throws Spider-Man to one of the

lower frames and jumps up on it next to Spider-Man. He kicks Spider-Man’s

face knocking it into the air and punches it while it‘s in the air. A long thin

tentacle comes out of his hand. Venom swings his arm smacking Spider-Man

with it. We see Harry look at the fight and sees that Venom is doing this to

his best friend. Harry realizes that he himself has been wrong doing this the

whole time. Harry decides to help his friend. Spider-Man tries to hit Venom

but Venom catches his fist then twists it making a cracking noise. Spider-Man

screams. His wrist is hurt, not broken. Venom holds his fist in the air about

to do the finishing blow, he snarls then says, “Burn in Hell.” Venom’s fist flies

towards Spider-Man’s gut but Harry comes between Spider-Man and Venom

taking the blow. Venom’s arm goes through Harry’s chest and we see a spray

of blood. Spider-Man is shocked. Harry falls to the frame and lies there barely

alive. Venom smiles. Spider-Man is ticked and remembers the bell at the

church. He jumps to the floor and Venom follows him. Spider-Man grabs a

metal bar as Venom is coming towards him and hits the frame making a

clanging sound. Venom holds his ears and screams. “What’s happening?!” he

yells. Spider-Man does it three more times and sees the Symbiote going wild

on Venom then it slides off revealing Brock. Spider-Man catches him as he

falls. He puts him on the floor and webs him there. The Symbiote slides

through a crack in a building escaping.

Spider-Man quickly jumps to where Harry is and sees that he’s barely

alive. He asks Harry, “Can you hear me?!” and tears are coming to Peter’s

eyes. Harry makes a smile and says, “Pete, I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. I

was wrong *coughs up a little blood* to blame my father’s death on you. I’m

so sorry” “Harry?!” Peter cries out. “No! Somebody help!” Harry smiles “Bye

Pete.” and closes his eyes leaving nothing but a empty body. Peter holds

Harry close to him and cries.

The End.
Then we just see the end of the movie, what happens with Gwen, some other stuff and after that the credits.
Wow lots of typing of words ,bet your hands are getting wobbly :) :up:
Took a couple hours to type mine. I didn't just re-type them now though. I copied and paste.
I started writing my own spider-man 3 a while ago. I posted a lot of it on here. People seemed to like it

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