Flavored milks.


You jack wagon!
May 11, 2004
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Anyone into flavored milk? Chocolate, strawberry, now they got vanilla and banana? What's your favorite?

I like Nesquick banana.


the problem I have is I can only find the low fat variety.
ive tried some(strawberry)...really disliked it...i like regular milk IMO (2%)

of course i love chocolate milk though...that stuff is Sexy.
Strawberry Milk 2 Go

Vanilla Nesquilk

I like milk.

Plain milk.

Usually Drink the Light Plain Soy Milk, but couldn't find a pic.
Tuve gusto realmente del chocolate de Nesquik, de la vainilla, y de la leche de la fresa. No he tenido últimamente.

i liked strawberry back in the day, but it was always really syrupy. :o
I can't do soy milk. I don't see how you can get milk from a bean
I like regular milk and i also like milk with this
To Me it does. Probably because I've been drinking it so long. I can't even swallow real milk anymore. Though I do enjoy milk shakes and ice cream. :up:
fast food that makes steak burgers and the best shakes around.
Rice Milk is where its @!

I think its common knowledge that people who drink Strawberry quick worship the devil.
The only flavoured milk i like is the kind that has been soaking my cornflakes for about 20 minutes...

I like chocolate milk...that stuff is...gooooood! :p
Anyone into flavored milk? Chocolate, strawberry, now they got vanilla and banana? What's your favorite?

I like Nesquick banana.


the problem I have is I can only find the low fat variety.

i thought they stoppep making that i cant find it anywhere also i lied nestles butterfinger milk choclate -peanut butter i wish i could find THAT too:indy:

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