The premise sounds great.Yu is awesome,but I haven't read a thing of Gugg's.
MyPokerShirt said:With one-shots I tend to look at the page count compared to money asked and calculate value, but I could see myself picking this up. I havn't tried much Punisher. I have a reprint of ASM annual 15 where he shoots SM's web-shooters out and I've read his first appearances and Punisher: Born but would like to see more.
The Joker said:It's an interesting concept, but there's one giant hole in it. The reason we've never seen Frank Castle on trial, is because there's never any need for one. He always pleads guilty, why wouldnt he? When he goes to prison, it's usually because he wants to be there for some reason, and knows he can get out whenever he pleases. So while it'll probably be a good read, it doesnt really make any sense at all.
wolvie2020 said:No need to be that cynical, what we have here is a lawyer-by-training comic writer. Frank'll do what he does, but that's not the point of it. The point is to look at how the justice system treats someone like Frank, and what all the varying people's opinion are. Do people actullay LIKE the fact someone like him exists? It's an interesting thought.
It's entirely plausible that Frank would go to jail, he's a human with a mad temper. He doesn't have super powers, and he won't kill innocent people, so yea, very much CAN get caught, (and I'm not a fool for the prep time debate, thaey're a waste of time.)
And like you said, he actually likes going to jail as he can usually do some damage. Maybe this'll be one of the times he wants to go jail... Either way, it's gong to be cool to see a successful violent vigilante to go on trial, even if it's fictional