When I first saw your name
I thought "this dude is cool"
He is a Dane Cook fan
So he must get beat up in school
But you were not Petunia
Meaning you were actually a female
But I still didn't really know you
I can't think of a word to rhyme with female
You were LSP Elite
But were still made a Hype Mod
How did you pull that off
Maybe because you had a hot bod
But then you wouldn't let them ban me
I decided to get to know yous
You really have surprised me
You're not just into purses and shoes
You have helped me very much
Your understanding of my problems and troubles
I thought all young women were selfish
You really burst my ignorant bubble
Spoons, yo, he's Spoons, yo
He's your man fo' life fo' sho
He'll kick it on your birthday
Like the Last Dragon, he's got the glow
To end this ramble of words
I just wanted to say
You are a true friend
And have a beautiful birthday