DBella - Always classy, thank you for the thread.
farmerfran - No matter how much of an ******* I am to you, I still consider you a buddy.
CConn - You love me too much...
NewYorkSpider - I don't think I've ever spoken to you directly but thanks man.
MrSparkle - You make a good point, thanks.
X-Chick - Thanks dudette, let me know if you need some help training.
COMICBOY - Well said... thanks.
ComicChick04 - The Queen of the Funny Pics thread is talking to me?!! Thanks...
sporaz_tm - Gracias sporaz_tmnt...
Spidermanluvr28 - Always perky... ahh to be young, thanks.
Halcohol - Talk to Sparkle, he'll set you right. Thanks anyhow...
redmarvel - You and my GF need to meet... and confer... thanks.
TEDDY - Wha... Thanks... now go away.
Erzengel - Cake + Boobies = Yes... I thank you sir...
Kaleb - Man of the week? Um, thanks?
Mee - Thanks former cheif...
Wilhelm-Scream - Well said as usual sir I graciously accept your birthday wishes... you *****ebag.
Dorian Gray - I shall pit you cake against Erz's and then consume the victor, thanks.
Spider-Gamer - The creator of the old MySpace Group steps from the shadows... thanks man.
Immortalfire - A MODtastic Birthday wish?!?!?!??!!!!!??!... I need to change my pants...
jaguarr - I also have teh secks!
Thanks man...
AndThePickles - AndThankyouPickles