Have you ever won anything?


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Sep 28, 2004
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Contests? Lotteries? Gambling?

Won like $12 once in a scratch off.
won the art subject prize 3 years in a row at my high school

damn i sucked worse then than i do now
couple hundred dollars in Vegas, some books/tapes at a comic book store, won some money for a drawing I did and some comic books.
I just won a free 3 day 2 night trip to Vegas at the new resort Soleil and tickets to Viva Las Vegas at the Stratosphere
Biggest I've ever won was when my old band won 10,000 bucks to record an album.

And you know what SUCKS?
We painstakingly laid down all the music tracks...but the band started fighting so much that we broke up....RIGHT AS THE VOCALIST WAS GOING TO START RECORDING THE VOCALS.

So I've got a really expensive karaoke cd of my old band now.

Won 3rd place in a writing contest and got $250

Won $600 and met Stan Lee on Oblivious
$800.00 wet tshirt contest
500.00 in swimsuit contest
and some small bets on sports games/contests(10.00 to 40.00 dollars range)
Bratgirl said:
$800.00 wet tshirt contest
500.00 in swimsuit contest
and some small bets on sports games/contests(10.00 to 40.00 dollars range)

Hahahahaha ur a girl LOL show me ur boobs!
Bratgirl said:
$800.00 wet tshirt contest
500.00 in swimsuit contest
and some small bets on sports games/contests(10.00 to 40.00 dollars range)
I just recently recieved the National English Merit Award from the USAA(United States Achievement Academy).
dmcnx said:
Hahahahaha ur a girl LOL show me ur boobs!

I was wondering how long it would take for someone to respond to her post. 9 minutes. I thought it would be shorter of time.
Dew k. Mosi said:
Ladies and Gentlemen, i implore you...

hahahaha your a girl show me ur boobies LOL pleez i hav cam ill cam as soon as u do LOl hahahaha jeez,I need drugs:(
Bratgirl said:
show me your penis and I might

I can't,Its doing its job blocking the sun right now,call back in 10 hours:o

And don't say anything about how its sunny wherever you are,cuz then its not fun for me:(
I won a Digital Camera in school. It's crappy, but better than those goddamn commie-teachers! :(
JcDc said:
This thread is useless without pics

Wow shows where my mind was. I thought it was a "splatter" sound effect.
Won $250 on a lottery scratcher
$100 in a poetry contest back in high school
And won some academic awards (no money except for a $1,500 scholarship to a college I didn't go to).
dmcnx said:
I can't,Its doing its job blocking the sun right now,call back in 10 hours:o

And don't say anything about how its sunny wherever you are,cuz then its not fun for me:(

actually it's cloudy and snowing right now. I'm tired of the snow :(

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