Help a fellow nerd/dork/sexy man out!


May 24, 2006
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Alrighty, some of you may know about this competition, and may even be in it, but my buddy and I entered this contest on myspace called The Storyteller Challenge. Long story short, you make a 5-7 minute pilot of a show, people vote, if you win, you get $25,000 and the chance to actually create and produce your show on FOX. Swank, I know.

So here's where you come in, my dear sweet friends. If you have a myspace, log in, then go here:
and vote for us by clicking the little "booyah" button under the video. I don't know if you mods will get upset by me propositioning people like this, and please shut this mother down if you do, but I figured it's worth a shot. So please, help me help you watch better TV by voting.
myspace kills 14 year olds dead...

scary place.
Indeed. By for $25,000 and my own TV show? I would beat up my grandma for 5 bucks and a hilarious t-shirt.

Let me guess what the t-shirt would say. "I just beat up my grandma for 5 bucks, & this lousy t-shirt."
BOOYAH!!! That was cool. I liked the sound effects and music. Also agree with what someone posted about a modern Dicky Tracy (not that your's is a copy of that) just that it would be nice to see this on tv than all the crap "reality" shows.
BOOYAH!!! That was cool. I liked the sound effects and music. Also agree with what someone posted about a modern Dicky Tracy (not that your's is a copy of that) just that it would be nice to see this on tv than all the crap "reality" shows.

Thanks. My buddy wrote all the music for it in about 2 days; crazy. And yeah, those are my thoughts exactly about getting all this crap off TV and bringing back some old school noir, you know?
I couldn't even finish it, but if you somehow win you'll be cancelled in no time. Its fox.
I couldn't even finish it, but if you somehow win you'll be cancelled in no time. Its fox.

Couldn't finish it because... it was so awful you had to turn it off? Because if that's the case, well... you just made me one sad panda.:csad:
Couldn't finish it because... it was so awful you had to turn it off? Because if that's the case, well... you just made me one sad panda.:csad:
Hey its really hard for me to watch no budget stuff. Not your fault you didn't have millions.
Hey its really hard for me to watch no budget stuff. Not your fault you didn't have millions.

Hey, fair enough. To be honest, I haven't watched any of the other submissions for that same reason. I wish ours could've been a little less amateurish, but we didn't even find out about the contest until 5 days before the deadline, so it was pretty rushed.
I'm gonna resurrect this thread just for a few hours more. The contest ends tomorrow, and I'm looking to pick up those last votes that might push us into the top 12 finalists. So if you have a myspace and about 20 seconds to spare, go here:
And click the BOOYAH button. Thanks again to you guys that were able to help out.

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