Heroclix: Buyer Beware!


Never tell me the odds!
Feb 12, 2003
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I searched through for a "buyer beware" thread which helps people avoid retailers that cause problems for them. As consumers, we should help each other out with such things.

My story: I ordered a case from Popular Collections in November. They specifically e-mailed me saying that there would be no problem shipping in and recieving it by Christmas. My kids were excited and so was I. Popular Collections guaranteed shipment by Christmas.

What they actually did was wait until the Friday before Christmas to e-mail me and let me know that wouldn't be happening. Since I work weekends, I couldn't travel the 75 miles one way to the nearest HC retailer. I'm certain that Popular collections waited until Friday (they'd have known Tuesday) to tell me this, hoping I'd take the path of least resistence like the other suckers and not cancel my order, but just wait for it. That sucked and my kids didn't get a couple of their Christmas presents, but these things occur and no big deal... at that time.

Now however, they refuse to respond to my reqests for information about when my already paid for merchandise will be shipped. Two addidional weeks have gone by without any indication of when I'll be recieving it. To say that this is frustrating is an understatement. To my embarassment, this is the second time they have done this exact thing. Last time was a couple years ago for my daughter's birthday which is in August and not a big shipping time like now. Their attitude then, as now, was, "Oh.. we screwed up and then we lied to you, so now we're not even going to communicate with you and you can just guess when you'll recieve what we've already accepted payment for." I guess this is what I get for giving them a second chance.

I'm posting this in the hope of saving others from making the same mistake.
I searched through for a "buyer beware" thread which helps people avoid retailers that cause problems for them. As consumers, we should help each other out with such things.

My story: I ordered a case from Popular Collections in November. They specifically e-mailed me saying that there would be no problem shipping in and recieving it by Christmas. My kids were excited and so was I. Popular Collections guaranteed shipment by Christmas.

What they actually did was wait until the Friday before Christmas to e-mail me and let me know that wouldn't be happening. Since I work weekends, I couldn't travel the 75 miles one way to the nearest HC retailer. I'm certain that Popular collections waited until Friday (they'd have known Tuesday) to tell me this, hoping I'd take the path of least resistence like the other suckers and not cancel my order, but just wait for it. That sucked and my kids didn't get a couple of their Christmas presents, but these things occur and no big deal... at that time.

Now however, they refuse to respond to my reqests for information about when my already paid for merchandise will be shipped. Two addidional weeks have gone by without any indication of when I'll be recieving it. To say that this is frustrating is an understatement. To my embarassment, this is the second time they have done this exact thing. Last time was a couple years ago for my daughter's birthday which is in August and not a big shipping time like now. Their attitude then, as now, was, "Oh.. we screwed up and then we lied to you, so now we're not even going to communicate with you and you can just guess when you'll recieve what we've already accepted payment for." I guess this is what I get for giving them a second chance.

I'm posting this in the hope of saving others from making the same mistake.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
a misc. board/card game, not a misc. video game.
This is the Misc games of the Games section. Nothing specifying video games.
Nope this is a "Buyer Beware" thread. Belongs in community or the Batman forums. When all else fails, just put all the unwanted **** in the Batman forums.
Nope this is a "Buyer Beware" thread. Belongs in community or the Batman forums. When all else fails, just put all the unwanted **** in the Batman forums.

Well as long as it pertains to games and other misc gaming items, then that'll fly. We need a thread like that.
This thread will gather dust almost as fast as your copy of Assassin's Creed.
This thread will gather dust almost as fast as your copy of Assassin's Creed.

Unless your a genius, and then Assassins Creed will remain in your system for sheer respect over its gaming prowess.

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