Iron Man Iron Man Animated Series Promo Pic


Golden Avenger
Sep 8, 2003
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Ok everyone, wasn't sure where to put this, but found it on another site and wanted to share it with everyone. This promo pic is from a UK licensing Mag and its the first pic of the New Iron Man animated series.

I like it! Mix of comic and film armor.
I hope it is good, the Marvel Adventures shorts have set my standards high. :D
No..more nonsence like Spetacular Spider-Man. Why won't we get anything like Spider-Man or X-Men TAS like we had in the 90's.
No..more nonsence like Spetacular Spider-Man. Why won't we get anything like Spider-Man or X-Men TAS like we had in the 90's.

Yeah, they're really gunning for the ten and under crowd with that new Spider-Man. The new Wolverine and The X-Men looks a lot better, however.

I dont think the face plate looks very good. It makes Iron Man look very young and it seems to be smiling. But i will wait for more images before i pass my final judgement on his animated look.
Meh. Not terrible, nothing to be all that excited about either. I think Iron Man would be the right character for an all CGI show, due to his hi-tech tendencies. Or maybe something like the look of the MTV Spider-Man series - say what you want about that show, the animation was innovative and interesting - a mix of CG and 2-D.
No..more nonsence like Spetacular Spider-Man. Why won't we get anything like Spider-Man or X-Men TAS like we had in the 90's.
Take off your rose-tinted glasses. X-Men TAS was awful, and Spider-Man TAS was incredibly kiddy and the animation was very poor. Don't let nostalgia cloud your vision.
Take off your rose-tinted glasses. X-Men TAS was awful, and Spider-Man TAS was incredibly kiddy and the animation was very poor. Don't let nostalgia cloud your vision.

And censored as all get out.
i like the look lets see more of this than just one pic
Is it just me, or does it look like the armor is cel-shaded?
Take off your rose-tinted glasses. X-Men TAS was awful, and Spider-Man TAS was incredibly kiddy and the animation was very poor. Don't let nostalgia cloud your vision.

You know, even Batman The Animated Series, in all its greatness, had some pretty awful episodes. The first couple of Joker episodes were lame and it had some real stinkers like I got Batman in My Basement of Cry Of The Wolf. Spider-Man TAS was kinda cool in the first season, but later on it became more and more an excuse for multiple - and confusing - crossovers, the whole Madam Web as a mentor thing sucked and towards the end they were doing even a version of the clone saga and doing Secret Wars with Spidey as the leader, which didn´t make any sense.

Besides Spidey not punching anybody, Wolvie couldn´t cut through anything, except robots.
I don't think they were terrible shows at all. But some fans do have rose-tinted glasses with regards to the shows. The animation for both was very cheap at times with a lot of errors. And they were very neutered for content as well yes.

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