If you pause it when the thing looks at the camera, it's mouth really looks like an aquatic creature or something.
If you pause it when the thing looks at the camera, it's mouth really looks like an aquatic creature or something.
Creature from the Black lagoon?... which backs up our statement that it's definately not an angel.
Creature from the Black lagoon?
Well, I think they're remaking that movie for a theatrical release in the next year or so.now that would be cool.
An alien is another possibility.Nah, fallen angels are demons, though some hold them to be fairies you silly ganders. This looks like an alien or something. Still its a kind of creepy vid.
Hahahahahahat:It's Abe Sapien. He's out doing promotion for Hellboy II.
C'mon, someone was gonna have to post it eventually.