Is your House/Area good for Solar Power?


Mar 26, 2001
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I have been pondering the idea of getting Solar Power added to the house (of course I dont think my Home Owners Association would allow all the mirrors or photo-voltaic sheets on my roof)

Is your area good for Solar Power?
Here is a great LINK

My Areas solar rating is:
Good (4.989 kWh/sq-m/day)

and the estimates to pay 50% of my electric bill would cost me about $162,000

That is a little steep, how about you?
Not really, summers probably but do get alot of cloudy days
Houston gets quite a bit of clouds also...hence its only in the GOOD range...
I spend time in vegas and didn't noticed alot of solar power panels which is odd consider it's pretty sunny there alot of time
I live in england so no but my grandmother lives in Jamacia and has sloar planels on her house.
mine is, and I have solar pannels on my roof in fact
Funny thing I heard is Amish are buying them, weird consider they suppose to shun things that are modern
Funny thing I heard is Amish are buying them, weird consider they suppose to shun things that are modern

Perhaps they call them something like God Ray Catchers to make it more Amish :cwink:
I spend time in vegas and didn't noticed alot of solar power panels which is odd consider it's pretty sunny there alot of time

Vegas has a huge solar farm, but its not visible from the main strip.

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