Great idea for a thread
(and thank god PyroChamber used the proper term "trades" and not "graphic novel".....dumba**es.)
I buy both but if I absolutley had to pick, hands down it's issues.
It is so much better to buy issues over trades for a number of reasons and here is mine..
First, its so great to just be able to hold a single issue in your hands and take it in. While yes, you might be reading the same thing in the trade, it's just a little different to have that single issue in your hands. Maybe some of you know what I mean, but back to this in a second....
With buying the single issues your supporting a book and if you love it,that can be a good thing. As others have said, low sales means cancelation and sometimes it's the real gem of a book that gets the chopping block. If you REALLY love a book and it's under the radar then please show your love. Write to the companys, post on their messege board, buy copies for friends, tell them about it. Basically, get the word out. For some odd reason comic companys still don't understand that not every book sells Spider-Man or Batman numbers and that just because those characters issues sell big, dosent mean those stories are actually any good. In fact it's safe to say that the reason Superman, X-Men, Batman and Spider-Man sell so big is only based on the recognition factor.
With a new issue it's great to read and your up to date. You can now go on to discuss the issue and storyline etc with your friends and other fans in person or online at places like the hype. Your up to date with the current goings on in the title and therefore nothing has been spoiled for you by the time you get the trade which would only hinder your reaction to the events because its already in your mind.
Now back to that first point of it being great to hold that single issue in your hands in your hands. Anyone whos been here will automatically know what I mean...
If it is a back issue, something you have sought out andspent your hard earned money on, then nothing is more gratifying then being able to sit back and read that single issue that has eluded you. Call it the thrill of the hunt if you want. And if it's a book of particuler historcal merit, then god man thats livin'.
Example: My education went like a kid I was always reading comic books. Always. I also spent a lot of time at my uncles house and he kept all the comic books from when my dad and his brothers were growing up so I would go there and read something like Amazing Spider-Man # 2, then go home and read my own copy of his current book done by Salicrup, McFarlane etc. To me, as a kid (and today, as I got the collection when he passed) there was something so awe inspiring to actually hold a copy of Amazing Spider-Man #2 in my hands. How many people get to do that in their life and how much do they have to pay to get the book?
I buy trades if it's something I find interesting and either missed out on, am now missing the issues of, or it's been suggested to me. And I especially buy trades when they are cheap. Conventions are great for this.
The comics I buy in hardcover are things like the Absolute DC titles that I love or anniversarry stuff like Arkham Asylum or Year one that came out a few years ago. I hardly ever buy Marvel hardcovers because frankly, Marvel sucks at it. I think the only ones I own are the black and white editions if things like Sales stuff and Bianchis Wolverine run.
(Sorry DC kicks butt at putting out great trades that are worth the price tag)