Italian scientists crack genetic code of Pinot Noir

Genetically altered wine is the way of the future! Clone grapes will create the nectar of the gods!
As a Pinot Noir fan, I'm not sure I like the idea of them mucking with the genetics of these grapes.

As a Pinot Noir fan, I'm not sure I like the idea of them mucking with the genetics of these grapes.


I agree with you. There is an art to fine wine making and fooling around in a lab just takes that away.
Doubtful that this will catch on. I can see some niche producers using it to try and make a name for themselves but otherwise, I think we're quite a ways away from seeing this make any sort of significant impact.
Nah. If anything, I think it'll probably be popular with the larger, cheaper vintners who are more apt to take a hit in quality for the sake of a sturdier, better traveling wine.
Mmmm... Sci-fi wine.... Goes great with cheese from cloned cows.
I should make a batch.
I've got the bottles, I just need to clean out my jugs......shut it. :mad:
And in other news, Yahoo Serious has succeeded in splitting the beer atom.

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