Prostitutes are given "sensitivity training" for first-time clients, who the brothel operator said are not necessarily young but often 40 or older: "They need to be aware of how much courage it takes to go to a brothel the first time."
PLAS said:it's a quite interesting thing
but here's a question: how do you prove you're a virgin?
Why would you lie about thatPLAS said:it's a quite interesting thing
but here's a question: how do you prove you're a virgin?
PLAS said:exactly, so how would you prove it, then?
Strange said:I'm not sure but I heard in Mexico you can get a surgery that gives you back your virginity
inocence once lost, can never be regainedStrange said:I'm not sure but I heard in Mexico you can get a surgery that gives you back your virginity
Wilhelm-Scream said:I lost my virginity to a woman that I ended up living with for 4 years so I was very spoiled.
Anyway, I feel for the prostitutes, I doubt they'll make much money.
$10 for 45 seconds
$20 for 2 and a half minutes
$30 for 5 minutes.....I'm thinking.
Hell yes. It should be law. There should also be a t-shirt and a silly hat.Shuley said:you don't have to wear the virginity symbol thats stuck on your forehead.
Man it's stupid when people say this and think they're being all clever or profound. I have never paid for any of the wonderful, memorable, brain exploding sex I've had.Shuley said:Everyone pays for sex,some just pay for it directly.