Jedi Masters artwork

Jedi Master

Aug 28, 2005
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hey guys , this is wut ive been workin on in the past fee weeks ..MORE is to come..





Sweet Spidey. How much of that is your design? (just wondering. I don't really follow any of 2099 titles.)
umm i found the spiderman pic somewere in this forum all colored..and i wanted to draw one not takin any credit for coming up wit the idea cuz its someone else's idea...i jus redrew it for myself only cuz i love spiderman...not more than gambit :)
i love your style....and how you have your own style at that. very awesome superman vs batman and robin vs nightwing

*seal of approval*!
I love it all!
it has a certain rough yet fluid illusion of motion!
I seem to say this alot and it makes people think I'm trying to be a dick, but you really should credit the artist you are copying a pic from. The superman/batman standing one is turner, the one of them fighting is Jim Lee and the nightwing/robin one is whoever drew graduation day. I like that you don't directly copy them though, each has a definite personal spin.
umm yea i couldnt find the artist who drew the spiderman 2099 if i did i would of gave him credit no doubt
well its reallly kingdom come superman vs. batman..
Jedi Master said:
umm yea i couldnt find the artist who drew the spiderman 2099 if i did i would of gave him credit no doubt

Could the artist that you are talking about be Ronnie Thunderbolt?
I know that you changed the pics a little, but it is pretty clear that they were "inspired" by other peoples work. The kingdom come pic is from a Jim Lee pic. I'm really not trying to attack you or belittle your work, I just don't like it when people don't credit the art they copy from.
Superman \S/ said:
Could the artist that you are talking about be Ronnie Thunderbolt?

Is he the guy who made all those marvel characters in Steve Gordon's style? Spidey 2099 was either by him or Duker Jay.
ampersand said:
Is he the guy who made all those marvel characters in Steve Gordon's style? Spidey 2099 was either by him or Duker Jay.

Yes, that's who i mean i realized once Jedi-Master said he would credit the artist that the drawing looked similar to his.
The Spidey is awesome. All good stuff. The first Superman's face looks like Zoolander! Blue Steel... Le Tigre.... Ferari... MAGNUM.

But seriously, cool stuff.
lol i dont like that face i trying to learn micheal turners style
I feel a Michael Turner rant coming on...must....resist...
Neat stuff.I like your Harley/Gambit the best :) :up:
oh shoot, i left out alot of pics...i have 12 pics ive drawn, but i havent had time to post them..most of them consist of gambit n superman
can't wait to see them. gambit is one of my fave characters and supes is always classic.

btw, that csi one is really good.

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