Liman 'Jumper'

They actually have a solo novel released on him. It's a nice companion to the film, especially because some of his rage toward not wanting to team up with David is explained.

And I think we'll see Griffin back for a sequel. I hope, at least.

Hmm I'll have to pick up the solo novel on him, sounds great. Also I liked a lot of the ideas in this thread the people had for a second film. And yah it would be nice if Giffin was in the sequal, he's awesome, my fav character. He needs to be given a big part, and should do the voice over for the next one that would be so cool :woot:
The solo novel is basically the novel version of the video game of Griffin's story
I couldn't imagine there being a sequel without Griffin , he definately needs to come back . I would like to see good jumpers vs. bad jumpers scenario next time with paladins trying to keep up .
I couldn't imagine there being a sequel without Griffin , he definately needs to come back . I would like to see good jumpers vs. bad jumpers scenario next time with paladins trying to keep up .

Good Jumpers VS Bad Jumpers forcing the good Jumpers to team up with the Paladins
Ooh another Griffin/David team up would be good, only if David behaved himself though this time. But to see them do it agianst other evil Jumpers would be a cool idea. I think it would really take a lot for Griffin to team up with those paladins. Maybe David/his mom with Griffin/and that old dude {Whats his characters name?} But yah Griffin def needs to be in the next one.

RedV.SBlue I've been looking every where for that, think you can post a link for me so I can see whats it like and go look for it?
I finally watched this movie and loved it...i`m gonna watch it again in a bit
Watched it the other night, thought it was alright, 7/10 for me, I'm betting there is a longer cut out there which is better though.
there is a deleted scene. i think he is again on the sphinx. yes i know that there is a promo shot and that its a manip. but i saw it in the trailer and i remember that i saw an article where they talked about this shot.
i think the shot was very expensive. but it looks epic. i dont know why this was deleted.

was this on the DVD? this was not in the theatrical cut. its a fantastic shot.
No that shot wasn't in the film. It does look great though.
weta was mad that they didnt show it so they posted it online. :)
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I liked Jumper alot but it was too damn short. 89 minutes I think.
yeah 89 was was 100% FOX
i think a big chunk of why it also almost bombed was partly due to its overboard marketing.. fox went crazy with product ads featuring jumper.

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