This update's going to fix a few things I was hoping for, and a lot of things I didn't even realized I wanted.
Even the little things, like being able to go straight to my dashboard when I start up my system with a game inside, instead of waiting for it to load the game...and then tell it to go to the dashboard. Very simple...very nice.
Downloaiding ONE thing in the background while I play a movie or game would've been cool enough. But 6 at a time? Flippin' fantastic!
Being able to fast-forward and rewind trailers is something I've always been curious about why it was missing. Great to have it put in now.
Btw, I wish that I could use the bumpers and triggers on my controller to FF, RW, and skip chapters while watching my DVD, rather than having to press START and click on the corresponding icons to do it. One simple button press would be nice.
And one more option I'd like to see someday would be the ability to "hide" any Marketplace items I don't want to see on the list anymore. For exsample, I know I'm never going to want to download the Condemned demo...I've got the game already. So it'd be nice if I could select that, and tell my system to not list that as an available download anymore. If I could do this to every available download that I either won't ever want or won't ever need, it'd make things much easier to navigate through. Less clutter.
That, and if, say, Kameo has a "NEW!" download, and I click it to see what's new, then I would like to see the "NEW!" icon disappear until something else new is available. Yes yes, the new download may still be new, I've looked at it already. It's not new to me anymore. This just gets my hopes up everytime I check for new downloads, only to find that all the "NEW!" downloads are not new to me.